Exposing my personal perforation
So you may sensually explore.
See how my pink luscious lips
Engorge with stimulated stature
And slowly leak my inner core.
My clit quietly quivers,
Pulsing desirable waves wildly
For what is in store.
Then your tongue slides slowly
Through my sensual slit
And opens the flood door.
I let out a whispering whimper
As you make tingling tremors
Form making me want more.
Tensing as you lusciously lick,
My moisture coyly collects
Upon your tongue as it pours.
My eyes close naturally now,
Taking in the minute movements
That you tenderly perform.
My moans exit in wavering wafts,
Feeling you taste my desirable division
So dripping wet and warm.
Spasms arise from perfected practice,
Making my body convincingly convulse
From feelings that start to swarm.
My breathing now rapidly rises,
Heaving my body upward upon
Your horizontal storm.
I feel the involuntary impulse
Deep inside me flow forth
As you begin to make me roar.
I can’t hold back the glazing gush;
It pours out in strong streams
Covering your perfect form.
Now relaxed, I lay there with passioned pride
Next to you tantalizingly tired
True to form.
I close my long legs
Hiding my virtue undyingly until
You explore it once again.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/love-poems/sensually-divided