In the quiet of the night, you waken me with your touch
Your very presence in my bed arouses me so much
You tease and twist my nipple with your fingers
Then your hand lingers…
As my body starts to move, you take what’s yours to own
And you make me writhe in ecstasy until I purr and moan
Your force my wetness open with your fingers
Then your hand lingers…
As you tease me in the dark, I beg, beseech, and plead
To let my throat accommodate and quell your growing need
You grasp my silky red hair with your fingers
Then your hand lingers…
As you move to enter me, you smile and drive into my heat
Your thrusts are hard and fast and have me gripping for the sheet
You pin my wrists down firmly with your fingers
Then your hand lingers…
As your need grows more intense, you demonstrate your lust
And penetrate my tightest place with impetus and thrust
You leave your mark upon me with your fingers
Then your hand lingers…