It recall it being a friday, and I was playing with a red paper clip during a particulary boring physics lecture during university. In a attempt to pass the time I attached a elastic band to the paper clip, and accidently pinged it across the room hitting some boy in the head. I quicky looked at my notes hoping that he wont noitce, and he didnt so everything whent better than expected.
The lecture finished and I joined my friends outside, in the seating area. As we sat there joking and talking about the new release of goldeneye on n64. a girl who was sitting across us was writting some notes caught my eye. As I looked at her (bordering on staring) I was caught in a trance by the way the light caught her shoulder length brunette hair, suddenly she looked up at me, quickly made eye contact and in a heartbeat she looked back down at her notes, as she looked down she turned a shade of red brighter.
I was kinda upset that I didn’t see her again until the start of the next semester. As I sat on the first day of applied physics, I was sitting alone in the middle of class when that same girl came up and sat down next to me, with a quick smile. My brain had turned to slush and I couldn’t so the life of me come up witb something to say. Luckily I was saved by the lecturer who started talking.
During a 5 minute break the girl turned to me and said
” hi im Sarah, are your the person who was looking at me last semester?”
I said ” yeah that was me” I stopped mid sentence paused and said back ” I love your acent, are you from canada?”
she replied ” thanks yes i was born in canada and moved here to study”
We kept having small conversations during lectures then one week the lecturer said for the next coursework you need to get into groups of two. I suddenly thought of Sarah, but she was.sitting across the room. Not only I wanted to get to know her better she understood what was going on the lesson so I knew it would be a win win for me anyways.
I looked down across to where she was sitting luckily she was looking back and I mouthed out
“do you want to be in a group”
She nodded her head back At the end of the lecture I met sarah in the libary and she said
“hey, I want to start the project now but I cant right now because I have to help my friend kim”
I said “sure no problem” She said
“you can come to my house at 7pm and make a start on the project” I siad
“yeah ill be there at 7” and I left
I was in front of her house at 6:55pm and I said to myself, shit im a little too early im gonna look to eiger, I gotta play it cool So I had a smoke and knocked on the door As she opened the door the first thing I noticed was that she was wearing white cotton tights with blue trainers and on top she was wearing a pastle blue cardigan. She said “come on in” And motioned her hand for me to come in
As I tried to step forward I suddenly realised that I couldnt walk, all I could feel a lump inside my pocket As I moved my hand inside my pocket I noticed something really strange. My pocket was filled with spaghetti, spaghetti everywhere.
I was so embarised so I turned to run away but I tripped on some spaghetti, there was so much that I had to swim through it. As I reached the end of the garden I looked back and the spaghetti was gone, I was laying on the floor as sarah had a confused look.on her face.
At that moment I decided to run back home As I opened my front door I felt a sharp pain in my balls I opened up the zipper and I looked at my balls and they had a pair of eyes and mouth on them and they said
Yo listen up, here’s a story About a little guy that lives in a blue world
all day and all night And everything he sees Is just blue like him Inside and outside Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him And his self And everybody around ‘Cause he ain’t got nobody to listen…
I’m blue, da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die I have a blue house with a blue window Blue is the color of all that I wear Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue Blue are the people here that walk around Blue like my corvette, it’s standing outside Blue are the words I say and what I think Blue are the feelings that live inside me I’m blue, da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Inside and outside Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him
And his self And everybody around ‘Cause he ain’t got nobody to listen… I’m blue, da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die Da ba de, da ba die
Im blue and I need 5000 characters