“Help yourself. I’m just going to do a little washing up, okay? Make yourself at home.”, she said, offering a kind smile as she turned away from him and moved to the sink.
While she busied herself with the dishes, she heard Chase rooting around in the fridge. A few seconds later she heard the scrape of chair-legs on tile, and knew he’d taken a seat on the opposite side of the table to her, giving him a perfect view of her snug-fitting pyjama bottoms, and what they hid.
“There’s snacks in the cupboard left and over the fridge, if you’d like something?”, she said, to which he replied with a slightly slurred, “N-no thanks, just a drink will be fine.”.
No doubt he was afraid to stand up again for fear she’d turn around, but she’d expected nothing less, – he’d finally seemed to start noticing when he got hard!
“So.. umm.. Ellen.. are you and your daughter living here alone?”, Chase suddenly asked, trying his best to sound casual but Ellen caught the underlying question of, ‘So, are you available?’.
Still, she answered the asked question. “Yes, have been for a while now. My ex was the last man to live here with us.”.
Chase was silent for a few moments after that, possibly thinking about what that meant, – or possibly just admiring her bubbly ass-cheeks.
“You said people around here were unsociable though.. you must get really bored, with nothing to do.”, Chase eventually said, his tone a little more confident than before.
Ellen frowned, turning her head a little to catch his eye over her shoulder, – he was quick to lift his eyes to hers.
“Well I have my daughter for company. And there are things you can do to relieve boredom anyway.”. Like tease young men, she thought to herself.
Chase seemed to be gaining some composure now though, which either meant he was so lusting that he didn’t care how he came across in his haste to make something happen, or that her teasing charms were wearing off.
“I’d be more concerned about yourself, dear. You’re still young, and in a new place, – you won’t know anyone, or have much to do. You’ll have to take up some kind of hobby.”, she continued, casually adding a little swirl of her hips, making that delicious booty pop for him.
Chase was silent for a minute after that, whether summoning his courage or just being uncertain she couldn’t tell. Eventually, however, when she was about to look over her shoulder to see if he’d disappeared, she was surprised to feel something thick, hard and throbbing press up between her firm ass-cheeks, held at bay solely, so it seemed, by the material of her shorts. A pair of powerful arms wrapped around her from behind, hands linking against her stomach. Hot breath blew against her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.
“C-chase, dear, what are you do-..?”, she began, but was cut short by a sudden thrust up against her. His dick was practically hotdogging her ass now, and she hadn’t made a move to stop it.
“I’m either going to regret this immensely, or enjoy it immensely. You were teasing me this whole time, weren’t you?”, Chase asked, lips inches from her ear.
She’d been caught, it seemed, and was now in a position of weakness because he’d figured it out.
“O-of course not dear, I’m much too old for you..”, she replied, trying to sound as if she was scolding him, but couldn’t keep the lust from her voice, – which he immediately picked up on.
“Heh, it’s like I thought then.. you have a thing for the young men, don’t you? And you certainly have the body to interest them.. and me.”, was his response, as one hand broke the link and slid down her tummy, toying with the waist of her shorts.
“Tell me to stop if it’s really what you want.. say nothing, and I’ll give you exactly what you want..”, he whispered, nipping her earlobe gently as his digits wriggled into her shorts, then under her black-lace thong.
Ellen didn’t even try to deny him. He’d got it in one, and she wanted every inch of his body for herself, now that it was well within reach.
“Good.”, Chase growled, as his fingers finally slipped between her legs. His index and thumb quickly found her clit and massaged it lightly for a moment, before stroking down over soft, pink lips to push a skilled digit into her moist pussy, pressing up against the tender walls inside. A second finger parted her lips a moment later, eliciting a moan from Ellen as pleasure washed through her. Chase was more skilled than she’d thought! Even while his fingers toyed and teased her pussy, his palm grinded lightly against her clit, making her push her hips back against his.
“Mmmm, you really must want it..”, Chase groaned, feeling her ass press up against his pulsing erection.
“S-so much..”, she gasped in reply, feeling every vein of that dick between plush cheeks.
Taking her reply as permission, he used his free hand to slip her shorts down slowly, enjoying the view as her bare ass came gradually into view. His cock was already free, and he didn’t hesitate to push it between her legs to rub back and forth against her honeyed slit, juices drooling onto his length as heavy, hot moans passed her lips from the ministrations.
“D-don’t tease..”, she cooed, turning her head back a little to look at him, knowing there was a pleading look in her eyes.
Sam’ had appeared at the doorway, eyes wide, looking from her to Chase and back again, over and over.
“What are you doing?? And who is he!?”, she cried, settling her gaze on Chase.
Chase, however, didn’t even seem to flinch. Instead, a grin was playing at his lips. He leaned in, kissed Ellen’s earlobe, and whispered so Sam’ wouldn’t hear, “How old is she?”.
Ellen frowned, too aroused to care for his reasons, and answered, “She’s 18. Why?”.
She didn’t get a response. Chase released her and turned to face Sam’, not bothering to hide his erection.
“My name’s Chase, – and we were about to have some fun. Care to join us?”.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/milf/welcome-to-the-neighborhood-part-two-sam