They are hopefully light and mildy humourous affairs.
I hope you enjoy.
Cum Girl xxx
Tea Bagging
“Dunkin Donuts” I do declare
“You want to put your scrotum there?”
“Oh please, dear dinkums, my sweetpea
If you would only suckle me;
Just as I enjoyed in far off days
When the Harrow ruggar team would haze
Smithers-Jones and Tom Eustace
Lowering ourselves atop a face
Enrapt to feel those swollen lips
Sobbing, cleansing my love pips
As I stroked my thick love shaft
And wondered whether; this might sound daft;
Such delicious delights made me gay …
But that’s a topic for another day …
So please and please, I’m begging thee
Do this one sweet thing for me.”
I stop him there, I’ve heard enough
And in a voice steel hard, not rough,
I explain quite carefully
That his balls unto a tree
Them I will be forced to tie
Most definitely a branch on high,
Leaving him to dangle there
A warning to those that dare
Suggest to me such degradation
By those who should really know their station.
Ear Sucking
Oh I have journeyed around the globe
In search of such a succulent lobe
An ear perfect for my tongue to probe
Flawless flesh to lash and strobe.
I really can’t believe my luck
To stumble on a handsome buck
Whose fleshy node I yearn to suck
Whose slender cock I deign to fuck.
Cock doth plunder; pussy ripple
Suckling lips about my nipple
Masticating mouth does drool and dribble
His blood filled lobe I roughly nibble.
Pretty petal lips glisten with dew
As his uninspiring cock I screw
Caring not for his thick male goo
Enraptured by the hot flesh I chew.
I pulse, absorbed by my own sweet kink
(Perhaps I ought consult a shrink)
Pussy and lips quivering in utter sync
As his mouth loved lobe turns awfully pink.
Gripping his cock with muscles tight
My pleasure spirals to a new height
Head exploding; brilliant white light
That abused flesh, sharp teeth did bite.
Poor boy! It was a pitiful scream
I’m sure it wasn’t like this in his dream
I coated his groin with my pussy cream
As his agonised ear my tongue did ream.
I cared not for his pathetic bleats
Trapped as he was beneath my sheets
The Lord provides such bountiful feasts
And my teeth can bare resist such treats.
So if you possess a pretty ear
Pray, don’t be scared; come snuggle here
There truly is naught for you to fear
I really am an absolute dear.
Wolfish Grin
“Yummy! Quite, quite, yummy!”
Licks Lips
Water Sex
Two droplets on a window pane
Casting glances at the other
Admiring each curvaceous form
Seeking a water lover.
A male and female we do have
Ask me not, how I know.
And as I sat engrossed, enrapt
They put on quite a show.
The first; the girl; did make a move
Came drifting down to him
Her pearlescent form rubbing against
His palpitating rim.
And reaching forth, her tender lips
Placed kisses on his skin
Pressing into his globular form
They lost themselves to sin.
Drenched and dripping was she now
Soaked; sodden with desire
Her transparent epidermis
Alive, aflame, afire
He entered her, and I did watch
The curious voyeur
As he did fuck her vehemently
Demonstrating grandeur
In every thrust of his dear self
Into her liquid flesh
Their Rubenesque forms
Proclaiming pleasure fresh.
And as they neared their climaxes,
I was quite overcome
By their rampant exhibition;
To lust I did succumb.
So rain did splatter on the glass
Droplets fucking everywhere
Whilst splayed, displayed and finger-full
I came without a care.
Come look into my glinting eyes
They promise you the truth.
Disregard that utter nonsense
Provided by yon sleuth.
Those accusations don’t believe
Don’t think those things of me.
My adoration still rings true
Please harken to my plea.
Those photographs; that sluttish whore,
To me are quite unknown.
It is not my pale quaking thighs
Straddling that stiff bone.
Cross my fingers and hope to die
Those moaning lips aren’t mine,
That gobbling mouth, those thrusting hips,
The arching of her spine.
The thrusting buttocks slapping down
Body consumed by bliss;
The mewling, groaning, so flushed face
Embracing that abyss.
Her soaking hair stuck to her skin,
Endlessly bouncing breasts;
Do you really, really believe
I’d fuck one of our guests?
That I would sneak from your warm grasp
Another cock to find?
That I would mount him in his sleep
His thick shaft to grind?
That sodden, pulsing, needy me
Would soak him with my lips,
Muscles spastic about his length
As into me he slips?
That I would milk that gorgeous dick
Desperate for his cum,
And scream in shameless ecstasy
‘Til body, mind are numb?
So look upon this innocent,
Believe in me I beg.
And please, oh please, oh please ignore
What’s seeping down my leg.
Smiles chastely
Wriggles about soaking thighs