Now, having a better idea of the emotional risks involved, I was not so quick to agree.
I asked, “Entertain? For how long?”
“Yeah. She’s a good kid, if a bit shy. She just needs somebody to hang out with her. I’d do it myself, only my Lit finals are in six days, and I’ve got to cram my ass off.”
I said, “So, she’s not a pain in the ass? Or rebelling? Or weird?”
“Oh, hell no! I love my sister. Even though she’s only 17, she and I get along… well, fantastic. It’s just that she’s been here on campus for a week now, and I haven’t gotten even one hour of study in. You know?”
I said, “Okay, I get the picture. Six days is a long time to babysit, Morgan, but I’ll do it. Give me the twenty now.”
An hour later, I was introduced to Nancy. She was rather short and kind of plain in the face. Maybe ten pounds over her ideal weight. She had plain, straight brown hair and no makeup. And she dressed like a kid, her significant bosom modestly covered by a high-neck, frilly dress that went down to her knees. She wasn’t much for chatty conversation.
The first day with her was not memorable. I gave her the campus tour, a ride through the small nearby town, Starkville, dinner at the Union, supper at The Big Boy. Ho hum.
The next day I had to go to the library. She was obviously bored, and spent an hour at the index files while I tracked down a set of Heisenberg lectures. On the way to the front desk, she asked me if she could check out some books. Sure, why not.
She wouldn’t tell me what she was looking for until we got to the stacks she was looking for: human sexuality. She explained that her home town library didn’t have any books on sex. She blushed deep red when she asked me if I was still willing to check out some books for her. Okay, I guess.
I almost backed out when I saw the titles. Alternative Sexual Behavior, The Female Orgasm, Studies of Incest, Human Masturbation. Whoa! Pretty heady stuff. I knew the girl at the front desk, which made it all the more embarrassing. She was Ling, the daughter of my graduate advisor! Ling seemed to know intuitively that the books were not for me.
She turned to Nancy and said, “You really enjoy these, especially Incest and Masturbation! Very hot!” Ling leaned over the counter and whispered something to Nancy. Then she extracted another book from under the counter, and showed it to Nancy, who looked at it, turned cherry red, gulped, and nodded. Ling added it to the stack.
As we were walking toward the Union, I asked Nancy to stop a moment.
“Hey, it might be uncomfortable to have your books in the Union where everyone can see them. Perhaps we should put them in my car.”
She said, “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. And where can I read them? Are there reading rooms in the Union?”
“Yeah, but they tend to be busy during the day. How about… don’t take this the wrong way, but how about reading them at my apartment? I’ve got studying to do and groceries to buy, and you’d have privacy, and…”
She thought this over for a minute, and nodded. After just an hour in the Union, listening to Megan tell us the latest news about campus cops harassing the freaks, Nancy signaled me she was ready to go.
We got inside my apartment and Nancy immediately curled up on the bed with her books, while I picked up and straightened up. I was in the bathroom getting out of the shower, when I began to hear sounds. Very definite moans. Nancy could be crying. Or she could be…
I grabbed a towel, dried off hastily, put it around my waist and quietly stepped into the main room. Nancy wasn’t crying. The book on masturbation was open, her eyes were closed, and her hand was up under her dress. I watched with fascination as her arousal peaked in a series of deep grunts and spasms. She relaxed, and slowly opened her eyes. She looked silently at me with no expression.
I said, “Wow. That was awesome. Is that book on masturbation that good?”
She shook her head shyly. “It is very interesting, and it has a lot in it that I didn’t know, but… I was also reading this.”
She held up a paperback. It had a lurid painting on the cover, and the title was “Cheerleader Orgies”. I sat on the edge of the bed.
“Wow, porn. That would make me masturbate too. You didn’t get that from Ling, did you?”
She said, “No. It was in my purse. I brought it from home. I have a… a friend who sneaks dirty books to me. Tell me, how often do you masturbate? I mean, I’m not trying to hit on you, I just really want to know as much about sex as I can.”
I felt my penis swell up to full erection under the towel.
“Well, at least twice a day. Always when I go to bed, and when I wake up. Sometimes a lot more than that. Why?”
She was quiet for a moment. “I just wanted to know if I’m… normal, I guess. I masturbate at least six times a day. Do you think that’s normal? This book on masturbation says that it’s normal for some women older than me. But for a sixteen year-old, it’s a lot.”
I thought a moment, then said, “Well, if you could choose to masturbate more every day, or less, which would you choose?”
She grinned for the first time since I had met her. “Oh, I would choose to do it more. Lots more! I just don’t want to be, you know, weird or something.”
“Well, the summer after I graduated from high school, I decided to keep records. And I averaged over eight times a day. It didn’t feel weird. It felt really good. I think my record was twelve times in one day.”
She grinned again. “I got you beat by one.”
I was trying to ignore the throbbing erection I had under the towel.
“So, why did you get all these books? Just for general knowledge?”
“Well, really… I was curious about other ways of having sex. You know, so I could masturbate better. I want more intense orgasms. Like, in this chapter it discusses the use of things you can put in your vagina. They call them ‘dildos’. That made me wet, so I started reading my paperback. You… you wouldn’t have anything like that lying around, would you? A dildo?”
I drew a blank at first, then thought about the kitchen. I jumped up and soon returned with two cucumbers and a small bottle of corn oil. As I sat down on the bed, my towel fell off and my erect penis was fully displayed.
“Woops! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
She just said, “That’s okay.” And she casually reached down and grasped my six and a half inch cock and slowly fondled it.
I stammered, “I heard that oiled cucumbers make pretty good… dildos… uh… wow… you don’t have to do that, but… but it sure feels great…”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Uh… no. NO! Please don’t. Would you like me to…?” and I held up a cucumber.
“Yes! Please do.”
And she turned loose of me just long enough to raise her dress up around her waist and lower her panties. I carefully pressed the oiled veggie against her wispy fuzzy pussy and it slipped easily inside her vagina. She gasped and returned her hand to my cock. I drizzled some oil on it too. And we proceeded to masturbate each other.
The thermostat turned the air conditioner off, and it was dead quiet in the room, except for our breathing, the squishy sounds we made as we masturbated each other, and the few words we exchanged to maximize the intensity of our arousal.
She moaned, “a little deeper… twist it the other way…”
I moaned, “tighter… concentrate on the head…”
She came first, her pelvis humping, her face scrunched shut, a long demanding groan coming from deep in her throat. Her vagina clamped down, and it took all my strength to force the cuke into her pussy. Her head went all the way back and she held her breath for the longest time. As her head snapped back toward me, I climaxed and ejaculated profoundly and intensely. It was mind-blowing.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that my semen had landed squarely on her face. It was drooling down her nose and cheek. She was smiling. I busted out laughing.
As we cleaned up, she made sure I understood that she wasn’t in love with me or anything. She just wanted to learn all she could about sex, especially how to make it more intense. For herself and for her partners. I asked her how many partners had she had and she shyly said, “only one — well, two now”.
She said, “You don’t mind if I keep on reading, and masturbating, do you? You’re free to masturbate, too. In fact, I want to see how you do it.”
I said it was fine. And it was. Even though the whole situation struck me as odd.
The next three days went by in a blur. Nancy spent that night in the girls’ dorm, but after that she asked her roommate to cover for her, and spent the nights in bed with me. We continued to talk about sex and masturbate together, and masturbate each other, often using cucumbers.
Then she got to the book, Alternative Sexual Behavior, and she wanted to experiment with oral sex. I was definitely not adverse to this, and soon was helping her learn how to suck my cock. She was a fast learner, and very enthusiastic, especially after she got used to the taste of semen and learned to swallow. Our sex became very intense and frequent, about seven or eight times a day. I woke up in pitch darkness on several nights with her lips wetly sliding up and down my cock.
I pretended to be asleep, relishing the erotic thrill of being blown so slowly, thinking what would Morgan do if he knew his kid sister had my cock in her mouth, her tongue swirling all over my erection, making me harder and harder, until I… until I… And I was cumming like a firehose, filling her mouth with a river of thick salty semen!
It was inevitable that sooner or later, we would graduate to fucking. She showed me the other book that Ling had slipped to her, The Joy of Sex, which had just been published that year. She wanted to try every position and technique in it. And we did, with total abandon.
On about day five, I left her at my apartment while I did my laundry at the little laundromat down the street. When I returned, I noticed a rusty pickup truck parked in front of my apartment. It looked vaguely familiar.
As I approached my door, keys in hand, I heard my dilapidated bed squeaking. Quietly, I unlocked the door and slipped in. Nancy was being doggie fucked by another guy. They were both naked, and so into their energetic, noisy fucking that they didn’t hear me come in at first. The guy gave a loud groan and ejaculated furiously into Nancy, who was loudly grunting with her own orgasms.
They saw me at the same time.
The guy was Morgan, Nancy’s brother!
I stammered, “Hello… I guess I should have knocked… sorry…”
Morgan blushed bright red and threw his shirt over his damp cock. Nancy just moaned and rolled over on her back. It was all very uncomfortable for a moment — more so for me and Morgan. Nancy reached down and stuck two fingers in her pussy and finished herself off.
I said, “Wow, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Should I leave?”
Morgan said, “No, no, don’t leave. I just had to visit my sister. I knew she was staying with you. Please don’t whisper a word of this to anyone! Not anyone! Please? We could get in really big trouble.”
No shit, Sherlock! I didn’t know that much about sex, but I knew that a guy fucking his sister was wrong! And very arousing! Over the course of the next hour, it all came out. Morgan was the ‘friend’ who gave the porn paperbacks to Nancy, and who had been her lover for almost a year. He had caught her masturbating back home, and one thing had led to another, and they had begun fucking on a regular basis when their mother was at work. They had both been virgins, and he had never been with another girl. Nancy had never been with another guy until me.
I guess I was anticipating that they would get angry at me, that Morgan would start throwing punches when he discovered I had been fucking his sister. Morgan was afraid I would get weirded out and tell on them. Neither happened.
Nancy suggested an alternative.
I locked the door and took off my clothes and got onto the bed, with Nancy between me and her brother. It was the first time I had ever heard of ‘incest’ and quite frankly, it made me hornier than seventeen kinds of hell. And my arousal turned on Morgan. Nancy opened up The Joy of Sex and showed us some pictures.
Soon, I was joyfully fucking my cock into Nancy’s hungry pussy as Morgan was thrusting his cock into her mouth. We came. We laughed and giggled. We changed positions and I watched as her lips rose and fell the length of my stiff cock, and as Morgan fucked his sister’s pussy.
I promised them both that I wouldn’t tell anybody, of course. Our three-way sex was just too hot, too fucking hot, to even consider doing anything that might threaten our new-found erotic pleasures. They told me in detail how they had begun having sex, how he had popped her cherry, which only aroused me yet again for another round of fucking and sucking.
Nancy was finally getting all the sex she had wanted so badly. Morgan had to go take his finals, but that didn’t stop us from having half a dozen hot, unrestrained sex sessions every day for the next week. God, I loved watching him pound his stiff cock into his sister’s wet pussy. He and I took turns learning how to eat Nancy’s pussy, and licking each other’s nasty cum out of her. Morgan’s mind was blown at his sister’s new skill at sucking cock, and he was instantly addicted. As was I.
And Nancy was in seventh heaven, freely giving her body to both of us, egging us on to ever more wild and erotic forms of fornication.
I was heart-broken again when she had to leave for her small hometown in Mississippi. But just after Thanksgiving and New Years, she got to visit her brother on campus for a few days, and we picked up right where we had left off. Humping, fucking, moaning, thrusting, cumming every way we could think of.