The only exception was “no spanking.” She said it had something to do with her childhood and her father but I was never to ask about it. I was puzzled but kept to my word, until one Thanksgiving before we married.
Carol’s mom Charlotte decided that she didn’t want to make all the sides that year so she assigned her daughters dishes to bring. We were told to bring dessert, Carol’s other sister Sue was to provide the green bean casserole, brother Mike and his wife brought the bread and Liz got the candied yams. Everything was fine except for the yams. They were awful!
Apparently, Liz decided that, instead of just getting the cans of yams and adding the marshmallows and brown sugar, she would do them from scratch, not realizing that you had to bake the yams first! I’d never had “crunchy” candied yams before and we all had a good laugh. All, that is except her father.
I’d always thought of her dad as a little tyrant, always throwing his weight around, but how much he ruled that family, and how he ruled it, I never had understood. He was livid and I could see the anger build in him all through the meal.
As we finished, he stood up, grabbed Charlotte by both arms, shook her and growled, “It’s your fault this meal wasn’t perfect. Go to the room.” She calmly folded her napkin, stood and walked down the hall. He nodded at Liz as if to say, “You’re next,” then stalked off down the hall after her.
Liz turned pale and her hands dropped to her lap but said nothing. The rest of the family looked at each other, shrugged, and began to clear the table as if nothing had happened. One quick look to Carol warned me off asking any questions.
A few minutes later, under the pretext of going to the bathroom, I went down the hall to see if I could get a clue as to what was going on. As I neared the end of the hallway, where the bedrooms were, I could clearly hear the sound of flesh meeting flesh, sharply smacking, followed by a quiet moaning cry. Good lord, I thought, she is getting her ass spanked!
The door to the parents’ bedroom was slightly ajar and I could hear the old man as he scolded her, telling her how, next time, she will make all the meal, each word punctuated with a smack and a soft cry. Abruptly, it stopped and I could hear sniffling and a muffled “I’m sorry.”
Suddenly, I could make out the sound of clothes rustling and I realized they were probably heading my way so I beat a hasty retreat back to the kitchen just in time to hear the bedroom door open and shut. Charlotte came into the kitchen moments later, her eyes were red and wet and her posture suggested all was not right with the world.
The chair behind me scraped the floor as Liz stood, smoothed her skirt in front and started down the hall her mother had just traveled. It may have been my imagination but it seemed as though she was actually anticipating what was about to happen.
He stopped her with a low voice, “No, here, where everyone can watch and learn.” Liz stopped, turned and looked everyone in the eye. Sister Sue’s husband Terry smiled a knowing smile and held his wife’s hand while brother Mike’s wife moved to sit by Mike on the couch. Carol turned white but made no move to leave the room.
“Well,” he said, “Get to it. Grab a chair and put it here,” indicating a spot in the middle of the living room. “You know how this works. Lord knows, this isn’t something new for anyone here except Dan,” he pointed to me, “and if he wants to know how to get results at home, he’ll learn it now.”
One look around the room and I realized that, indeed, everyone was aware of what was about to happen. Not just aware but looking forward to it. Everyone but Carol and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in this room right now.
The old man stood and moved over to the chair in the middle of the room. It was a straight-backed dining room chair and he sat down, patting his right knee. Slowly Liz shuffled over to him and began to lay down over his lap. He blocked her with his arm and said, “Is that how we do it?”
She stopped and spluttered, “But I thought…with company…you wouldn’t…”
“We ALWAYS do this on the bare bottom,” he thundered. “Do you want to make this any worse for yourself?” She shook her head. “Then get it right and get that off!” he shouted pointing to her dress.
With shaking hands she reached behind for the zipper and slowly pulled it down. The dress slipped off her shoulders and to the floor and I was struck by the lushness of Liz’s body. A couple years older than my wife, Liz always gave off the frumpy vibe: baggy clothes severe hair style, little or no make-up.
Whoa! And it seemed as if, under that dull, drab exterior, she was hiding an exotic creature. Large breasts in a sheer demi-cup, hard nipples peaking over the edge. Low-slung french-cut floral-lace panties cupped a stunning ass.
Seeing her now in only these sexy bra and panties, it was like hiking through rough terrain only to stumble onto stunningly beautiful mountain lake. My mouth was suddenly dry and my cock was so hard it ached.
With a quick movement, Liz reached around and unfastened her bra, letting it fall to the floor with her dress. Her breasts were spectacular, full and round with hardly any droop or sag. My mouth went from dry to watering at the sight of her large perky nipples that were hardened to sharp points.
I took a moment to glance at her face, noticing a bright blush high on her cheeks. Her eyes sparkled, glittering with…could it be? “Hmmm, there’s more here than meets the eye.”
Her thumbs hooked in the top of her panties, sliding them down over her hips, catching briefly on her full, round ass before dropping to the floor. Completely naked now, she stepped over to the chair and stooped to lay herself over his knees.
Looking around the room, it was obvious that this was a way of life for this family. Mother Charlotte held her hands tightly in front of her, eyes glazed but fixed on the sight in front of her as her husband prepared to punish their daughter.
Terry’s hand cupped Sue’s hip possessively, as though reminding her to whom she belonged. Mike’s wife’s hand was high on his thigh, gripping tightly and slowly sliding upward. She was breathing heavily, lips parted and eyes heavily lidded knees quivering.
“She’s on the verge of just throwing him down and mounting him,” I thought.
The first spank took us all by surprise. Liz’s neck snapped up, her eyes wide. We all gasped as her dad said, “That’s one for starters. fifty more for a warm-up before we get the brush.” I didn’t know what the brush was but apparently everyone else did.
Slowly, methodically, he began to apply his hand, thoroughly covering her ass. In sets of 5, with the last two harder than the others.
Alternating cheeks, high and low, no skin was left unmarked.
Liz started out jumping every time his hand landed but it rapidly progressed to squirming and then to thrashing.
Once she kicked her legs out high and he pinned them down by putting his own leg over the top of hers as he resumed the spanking.
His hand kept rising and falling, never striking the same spot twice in a row.
At the beginning, she cried out with each smack, but I noticed a subtle shift in the pitch of her voice. There was definitely a tone of arousal as they changed into a moaning howl.
Then I saw it. On her father’s pant leg, right where her pussy was rubbing, was a wet spot. She liked this. From the looks of things, she needed this. I started to wonder how I could make this work in my advantage. Someday…
But there was more to learn. He had reached fifty and told her to get up and go get the brush. Carefully, for that red-hot bottom had to be more than a little sore, Liz climbed off his lap and went to the back bedroom.
While she was gone, he looked at each one of his children, then at his wife. It was a reminder of who was in charge and the consequences for failing to please him. At the same time, there was a sexual tension in the room. You could almost feel the vibrating of the current as it ran through every person there.
Terry’s hand had tightened on Sue’s hip, it clutched and kneaded the flesh there and she was pushing in to his touch. Mik’e hand had disappeared behind his wife’s back and there was a slow movement in her hips as he was obviously pushing up against her ass too. Charlotte was less overt as she stood behind the kitchen counter but she had the corner of the counter pressed up against her mound and she was rocking back and forth.
The only one of the siblings not completely turned on by the event was Carol. She had a death grip on my shoulder and her eyes pleaded with me to get her out of there. Watching this, there was no way in hell I was missing the end!
A movement in the hall caught my eye as a naked Liz walked towards us. Looking at her face and body language, you could have sworn she was freshly fucked. Her hair was wild, her eyes smoky, nipples taut, and her face had a glow.
But in her trembling hand she carried a large, old-fashioned wooden-handled hair brush. The business end of it was easily the size of a ping-pong paddle but you could tell it had heft, it had weight. That sucker was going to HURT!
Liz handed him the brush and resumed her position over his knee. “Twenty five and count ’em.”
“Yes sir.” Her voice quivered.
The room echoed from the sound of the first blow. Liz stiffened and cried out, a long wail burst from her throat. Again and again and again the heavy brush rose and fell, a crack and a wail and an increasingly tearful count. Round bruises showed where the brush met her ass. And yet the juices were running down her legs again, you could smell her arousal, and it almost seemed as though she was pushing back to meet the brush.
Twenty-one…twenty-two…twenty-three…twenty-four…twenty-five! Silence blanketed the living room, with only the sound of quiet sobbing and heavy breathing. Dad pointed to the corner and Liz struggled to her feet, rubbing her very sore and marked ass.
Suddenly, Terry stood and grabbed Sue by the wrist. “I think you had a hand in this, you should share the results,” he said.
Sue’s face was flushed and she whispered, “Not here, not now.”
Mike and Tomi were standing as well but their urgency was much different. “We’re leaving.” Mike stated.
Tomi replied with a growl, “oh yes!” and they practically ran for the door.
I didn’t know what to do, where to look next. I wanted to watch Liz finish but Sue was already shrugging off her jeans. Mike and Tomi were rushing to the garage and I wondered if they’d even make it out of the driveway.
I had a feeling the old man was going to fuck Mom as soon as this was all over. And I knew I couldn’t stand up without showing everyone how hard my cock was.
Sue’s ass won out. It was a fine ass, rounded and firm from her years of marathon running. As she took her place over Terry’s knee on the couch, practically throwing herself across in her eagerness, I noticed two things: first, the faint bruising from previous paddlings, and second, her shaved pussy lips pouting out and soaking wet.
As Terry’s hand began spanking Sue, I heard a sob from behind me. I looked at my wife and realized that, if I wanted to save my marriage, I better quit watching and do something. Catching her eye, I mouthed to Carol, “Let’s go,” and we made our way to the door.
As I turned to say good-bye, I could hardly believe my eyes. Liz was standing in the corner, crying, both hands in her pussy rubbing frantically. Sue had pulled Terry’s cock from his pants and mounted him, riding and thrusting with a fury while Terry’s hands continued spanking her now bright red ass.
But most surprising of all, Angelo had dropped his pants and was in the process of ramming a very impressively thick and long prick into the very wet pussy of his wife, bent over that chair. I could still make out the handprints of her earlier spanking and he was taking over where he’d left off, smacking that wobbly ass with each stroke of that hard cock.
I shook my head in amazement. There was way more to this conservative-appearing family than met the eye. As we headed through the garage to the street, I spotted a large round ass rising and falling in the back seat of Mom’s car in the garage. I always knew Tomi had a fat ass but this confirmed it.
Her pants and panties down around her knees, she was kneeling on the seat, her head in Mike’s lap and his cock in her mouth. Mike’s head was thrown back, eyes closed and his hand was buried in her pussy, pumping hard. You could even hear the slurping and squishing coming through the closed windows.
I tried to push Carol up against the workbench to complete the circle but met with the most resistance I’d ever had from her in a sexual situation. She always claimed that her family was messed up and that they had messed her up too but she never referenced why. Now I knew…but I also knew that I wasn’t done with them. Not yet. Not by a long shot. And I set my sights on Liz.