The groom watched, with a slight bulge in his pants as his bride walked towards him, secretly cursing the deal they had made.  They had taken the last 3 months off from their love making, because she had asked if they could.  She thought it would make their wedding night more special.  They had cuddled, hugged, kissed everything else but never all the way.  He felt like a teenage boy watching her walk towards him with a hard on in his Tux.  She had said he would love her dress but she wouldn’t let him see it.  He knew it had to be specially made but he had no idea why until now.
She walked out from between the trees, exchanging vows outside in the sun was her idea, (which as usual she got her way & even Mother Nature gave her what she wanted today).  In a all white leather gown the top was a strap less corset pushing her ample breast to the top and almost overflowing, he thought he could see just the upper edge of her areola, then synched tight making her look amazing.  The bottom was a mermaid style skirt also made out of white leather.  The dress fit her like a glove and since she was walking across the grass with no shoes he caught glimpses of the black fish net stockings. Not a sound was heard from the guest (there weren’t many).     When she reached him, he gave her a kiss on her check and smiled.  He thanked everyone for coming and started on his vows. When he was done she said hers, they then kissed to the cheers of their friends.  The groom again addressed the group and reminded them that the “official” ceremony was later that day and to please dress formally, you see the grooms family was alter conservative you could say “from the old country”.  So the leather wedding was done with just friends from their “secret” group of friends.  They had both taken up riding motor bikes just so they had a reason to have leather in the house and wear it.  He walked his bride to the Limo that was going to take her home to change and took her in his arms giving her a long deep kiss she reached between them and squeezed his cock that was almost bursting out of his pants.  He moaned in her mouth and as they pulled apart she had a sly knowing smile.  One more kiss and she climbed into the limo, he hated having her leave him in this state but his mom would be meeting her at the house.     His mom was going to help his bride get dressed as she didn’t have a mom in her life and his mom didn’t think it was right that there shouldn’t be a “mom” there for his bride.  In fact it was his mother that gave his sweetheart the idea of the first ceremony.  Not that she actually said to have the ceremony but because she went dress shopping with his Bride-to-be and saw the dresses she wanted to buy.  They weren’t bad, they covered everything but his mom was very conservative and if she had it her way they would be getting married with every inch of his brides skin covered.  Knowing this (and having to wear the dress his mom picked and paid for) his wife to be had set up this other “ceremony” just for him.  This made him love her even more than thought he had when the got engaged.  A few short hours later he was again waiting for his bride.  This time over a hundred people were there watching as he watched his bride walk down the aisle to him in her white conservative dress his mom picked out.  It was actually nice it covered almost everything, it had long satin sleeves and a shallow scoped neck that didn’t show a lot then of course the full billowing skirt and train.  His bride looked great in it and was able to pull off the look great.  It was funny seeing her this way after this morning gave made it so his cock started to stir to life.  She walked up to the front and as he lifted her veil she whispered “am wearing the stockings”.  He thought he was going to bust his pants as his cock jumped to life.  Covered and conservative for the entire world to see but wearing his favorite type of stockings just for him under the dress.             If there wasn’t a hundred or so people and his parents there he would have screwed her right then and there.  Pull up that long white full skirt and do her right there on the steps, but people, parents and of course the fact it was a place of worship.  So he swallowed hard and everything continued.   Later his buddies bugged him that his voice was shaky and that he must have either been scared or almost ready to cry.  Little did they know he was in pain from the hard on and the thoughts of his bride and what she was wearing really didn’t help.   If he would have known what else she had on under that dress he would have never made it through the ceremony.   After they stood outside and greeted their guests as they left.  The newly married couple climbed in the limo and headed off to the reception.   Once it was quiet and they had settled back with his arm around her she told him that the top part of her leather dress was on under the wedding dress his mom picked out.  He grab at her so he could undo the dress and feel the soft warm leather that she promised was under her dress.   But she stopped him and with a sly smile on her face told him he would have to wait.   Wait, wait he said that is all he had been doing for 3 months and after this morning and the dress she had worn he didn’t want to wait, they had at least a 30 min ride and he wanted her bad.  She reached down and touched his cock which made it so he almost let his load go.  He moaned, she giggled and unzipped his pants.    She pulled his pants down just enough to be able to reach in and take his cock in her hand.  She licked up the underside and then around the tip of his cock running her tongue around the rim.  Then again and again then quickly she swallowed his whole cock down.  That was all he could take and he exploded down her throat, she swallowed every drop and looked up in her husbands eyes, and said “does that feel better?”  He picked her up off the floor of the limo and gave his wife a long deep kiss.   Mean while trying to slowly undo her dress.  He didn’t get far though just enough to be able to feel the warm and softness of the leather.  She stopped him and told him there would be enough time for that later after all now they had the rest of their lives together.  He pleaded with her to just let him undo the top and feel up her breasts bond up in the warm white leather (this was one of his favorite things to do), she shook her head and zipped up her top.  Telling him they had to wait till after the reception, she promised the surprises wouldn’t end there and that they would continue for the rest of the evening.     They pulled up to the reception hall shortly after that.  He made sure he was presentable and zipped; she refreshed her make up and checked her hair.  He helped her out of the limo and they headed into the hall.   Once inside he wasn’t sure how there wasn’t going to be any surprises for him after all there were people every where and his parents how could she manage that.  They entered the hall to a fanfare a lot of cheering and he saw the first of the surprises.   He saw that instead of one long head table there was a beautifully decorated table in one corner with about 6 tables “blocking” it off from the rest of the group he assumed the other tables were for the wedding party and he was right.  His wife had set it up so they would have some privacy while still being out in the open for the guest to see them.  Boy did he love this woman; it was supposed to be her special day yet she had arranged all sorts of different things to make him happy or should he say horny.  After greeting the guests they went a sat at their table he was surprised how well “hidden” they were while still being in the open.