It was a sultry, hot, August evening in the west side of Chicago. Not many of the run down shanties on that side of town had any air conditioning and the residents had to use any means available to keep cool. That is why Jason decided to take a walk at 10:00 PM at night. At that hour his wife, as usual, had already gone to bed. He had been watching television and was thinking about joining his wife in bed but the heat was getting to him in such a way that he thought that a stroll out into the night air would be in order. He told his wife that he would be going out and that he would return shortly. She mumbled some kind of non sense that indicated she was most likely half asleep and but this did not bother him, as she would probably be asleep when he returned anyway. He then went out the door and set out walking down the dim and mostly deserted
The night was very dark, with only an occasional street light to see by. The tacky apartment houses on either side of him stood like black rectangular boxes on either side of him, with only an few lights flickering through some of the windows. It was very still and quiet, except for the occasional rumbling sound of vehicle going by. There was a bit of a breeze blowing, which felt cool on his skin and provided at least some relief from the oppressive heat. He kept walking until he came up on an intersection. He made a turn to the right and continued on ahead. Here the houses and buildings looked a little less run down and he could see more lights. This at least made him feel more comfortable. He planned to go all around the block and return to his own apartment. As he when further down the street he thought he heard the sound of music. As he continued walking the sounds grew louder and more distinct. It seemed be coming from an apartment building just down the street. He noticed that there was a light coming from the windows. As he moved closer he could see a shadowy from moving behind the curtains. His curiosity compelled him to go check it out. He walked over and stood beside the window and as he peeped through the curtains what he saw made his mouth fly opened. Inside the room was a naked man and a woman. The woman was dancing right in front of the man who was sitting on a bed, his long, hard cock sticking straight up. He was holding his cock in his fist as he watched her dance. She was a very attractive woman with long blonde that flailed out as she whirled around, her body undulating and her ass swaying and rotating in a circular motion to the beat of the rock music. She would bend her legs and lower herself down to within two feet of the floor, then raise herself slowly back up as she raised the strains of her hair over her head, and then letting it fall slowly, as she writhed and gyrated her body wildly to the music, then turning her back side to him and shaking her ass, while moving ever closer to him. Every time she would swing around, her ass would come closer to his cock. Finally he grabbed her ass cheeks with his hands and pulled her down so that his cock was right between her thighs. The woman tossed her head back as she
lowered herself down, writhing her ass around on his cock until he was deep inside her. Jason was mesmerized by the scene and his cock was now pressing so hard against his pants that he kept having to shift his position to relieve the pressure. He felt guilty about watching them. He was after all a married man but the voyeur in him won out and he continued to watch.
The woman was now bouncing up and down on the man’s cock. Sometimes she would speed up her pace, and sometimes she would slow down and move her ass in a slow, writhing motion. Occasionally, she would turn her head around and thrust out her tongue to meet and duel with his tongue. As her orgasm approached, she moved faster and faster on his cock, occasionally throwing her head back, her long hair thrashing against the man’s face and shoulders. She was turned at such an angle to Jason as to give a frontal view of her face, and he could see all the different expressions of ecstasy come over her features as the waves of pleasure spread over her. The man reached around in front of her and grabbed her breasts with both hands, his fingers playing around her nipples. They were both fast approaching their climax. He could now hear the woman’s screams and piecing yells even with the loud music playing and as the man came his moans and grunts mingled with hers and rose into a loud sexual chorus with the beat of the
music. As this point Jason pulled out his own cock and begin to masturbate. He could tell by their violent motions that they both coming as their bodies jolted and shook against each other. The woman threw her head back and screamed loudly as the man bounced her on his cock, and thrust deep into her, his face distorted in such pleasure that it looked like pain. Jason came as the man did, ejecting his seed all over ground, as the man spilled his into the woman. At this point the woman then stood up and straddled the man facing him. She lowered herself until once again his cock was deep inside her. She then begin bouncing on his cock, and increasing her pace until she was riding him for all she was worth. It wasn’t five minutes before they both came again in a another terrific orgasm that was even more intense then the last one and once again Jason came with them spilling his seed onto the ground. After this Jason thought that it might be over but as it turned out they were just getting started.
The woman then went down to her knees, took the man’s cock into her mouth, and begin giving him head. Jason could see the back of her head bobbing up and down as she sucked vigorously on his cock. This continued for about ten minutes, until he came releasing his load into her mouth. Jason watched as the woman stood up and the couple embraced and kissed long and deep. He
could clearly see their tongues inside each other’s mouths darting and exploring. He thought they would never stop kissing. When they finally broke apart, the woman then crawled into bed behind them, spread her legs wide apart, and turned a most seductive smile on the man. He then walked over to her, raised one of her legs up to his mouth, and begin licking his tongue around her toes and her feet. Slowly he kissed and licked his way up her leg, occasionally looking into her eyes to see her reaction as she smiled back at him. Slowly and methodically, he licked his way up higher and higher until he reached her thighs, then going up further until he reached her love box. He then begin to tongue fuck her with slow deep strokes and then harder and harder as he grabbed her legs pulling up closer to him. She writhed wildly against him, grabbing his head with her hands and pulling him into her. Her orgasm was very intense as she threw her head back and from side to side as she ached her body upward against him. Her entire body then heaved and convulsed in spasms as she came violently heaving her ass as he thrust his tongue into with long, deep, strokes. When her orgasm had passed he raised up and they looked into each other’s eyes smiling. As Jason watched, the man then crawled on top of her. He then thrust into her and begin fucking her like a wild man as she wrapped her legs around his back. He fucked her relentlessly until they both came in still another very intense orgasm. He jerked and stiffened against her as she dug her nails into his back. Once again Jason came with them, releasing more of his seed on the ground. He could see that they were not through yet, as they altered their position and begin fucking again. Jason would have stayed and watched them longer but he begin to think of his wife. She could be awake now and wondering about where he was. Just as he started to walk away, he heard a girl’s voice calling him.
All the while Jason was watching the couple, he had not seen the girl who was watching him as he masturbated. She had just come out of her apartment. She was going to walk to a small grocery store to get a drink when she happened to see a young man jacking himself off. She was at such an angle that from her line of site she could only him and not the what was exciting him. She was
eighteen years old and had spent all her life at home and had never had a boy friend. The only thing she really knew about sex was what she had read in books or seen in movies, but she loved to fantasize about her imaginary heroes. She froze in her tracks when she saw the man in the solitary sexual act. She noticed how good looking he was. She observed the intense expression of ecstasy coming over his face as he watched the couple, his fingers sliding up and down along the length of his hard erect shaft. Her eyes were riveted on him. For the first time she felt true sexual excitement as she was watching the real thing and not something out of a movie. As she watched him, she pulled her dress up over her thighs, lowered her panties, and begin to finger
fuck herself. As she continued this, she begin to feel waves of pleasure starting in her vagina, and running up and down the entire length of her body, up to her head and down to her feet. The waves became stronger and stronger as her orgasm approached. She had never experienced anything like it. It became so intense that she could barely stand and she begin to feel her knees
buckle as the full force of the orgasm hit her. She went down on her knees and threw her head back and it took all she could do to keep from screaming out loud. Finally she fell flat on her face. As she rose she saw that the man was about to walk away. “Sir,” she cried out. “Please sir.”
It was then that Jason turned around and saw the girl on her knees. He felt extremely embarrassed. He had no doubt that the girl had been watching him. Again he started to walk away. “Sir, please don’t go.” “Please come here,” she again implored. He looked at her, as she was still on her knees. He could see that she was quite young and very attractive with long blonde hair, and a sweet lovely face. She then stood up, wiped the dirt off her knees and stared at him. She held out her hand toward him. “Sir, what is your name?” “My name is Jason,” he replied. “My name is Debra,” she said, curving her lips into a sweet smile that was irresistible to him. “Jason please come here,” she implored, in a soft melodic voice, as she held her hand out to him again. She might as well have had a string tied to him as he could no longer resist going to her. He then turned and slowly walked in her direction as she stood there looking him with a smile that melted any will he had to resist. “What….what….what can I do for you young lady,” he said, nearly choking on his words. “I like you.” “your so handsome,” she said, turning her sweetest smile on him. Jason was still thinking about his wife and that she might be awake and worrying about him. He started to tell the girl that he had to get home to his wife. “You know I am….” He could not finish the sentence. “You are what Jason?” she said smiling at him teasingly and sweetly. “I Am…. I am really nothing….I mean….well just nothing,” he said, nearly stuttering. “Come here,” she said, holding out her hand to him and smiling at him seductively. “I have a surprise for you Jason.” He was virtually her willing slave now, as he took her hand and walked with her back into the shadows. She pulled her dress over her head, then removed her bra and panties and stood before him completely naked, the light creating a shadowed contrast on her lush form. Jason just stared at her with his mouth opened. “You see Jason, I have been waiting so long for a true man like you to come along, and now that your here, I have to have you.” “Jason please make love to me,” “Jason I am so hot for you.” “I want you Jason.” “I want you inside me.” “Please take me now in your arms and make love to me Jason.” Jason could stand it no longer. Having seen the couple fucking each other and now this girl standing naked in front of him and wanting him so much, was too much for him. He then walked up to the girl, took her in his arms, and kissed her deeply. She melted into his arms, returning his kiss with an intensity he had never felt from any woman. Her voluptuous lips covered his as she vigorously sucked his mouth to the point that he felt the breath being pulled out of him. Her tongue entered his mouth forcefully and plunged into its deepest recesses, to explore and tangle with his tongue. One of his hands gripped her ass cheeks while the other went around her neck pulling her closer to him, while his fingers tangled themselves in the locks of her hair. The kiss continued. She moaned into his mouth as she writhed and undulated her body against him. They devoured each other, their mouths crushed together, their tongues feasting on each other. The kiss continued minute after minute. To Jason it seemed like forever. When they finally broke apart, Jason nearly tore his shirt off then quickly slipped his pants off, then removed his underpants. They then stepped further back into the shadows of the buildings. They embraced and kissed again, their naked bodies plastered against each other, their
tongues again exploring and tangling. “Oh Jason, your so long and hard.” “Please fuck me now.” Please put that big cock in me now Jason.” “Oh Jason.” Jason waisted no time complying. He picked the girl up and set her on a window sill right behind them.
She spread her legs wide apart. He then moved forward until the head of his cock was touching her pussy. With one quick thrust he was halfway inside her, and with another, he was all the way in to his balls. “Oh God, she sighed, your all the way inside me Jason.” “Oh God.” “Oh Jason, fuck me hard.” Jason did fuck her hard, ramming her relentlessly with his long, hard tool,and even increasing the tempo until he was slamming her like a wild man. She fucked him back with same intensity so that their flesh was slapping against each other. He leaned over kissed her deeply as she attacked his tongue with hers as their mouths crushed together. He repositioned himself, bringing her legs up over his shoulders, and continued ramming her full throttle, at times, pulling his cock nearly all the way out of her and ramming it back into the hilt. He moans begin to turn into yells and screams as her orgasm approached. “Oh God Jason.” “Oh God, I am coming honey.” “I am going to come Jason.” “Oh God.” Jason then lifted the girl up, so that she was pole vaulted on on his cock. He then begin bouncing her up and down, faster and faster on his cock. She threw her head back and screamed loudly as the full force of the orgasm hit her and Jason was hoping that no one would hear her. Jason came with her, releasing his full load into her. It was the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced and he thought he would never quit coming. He lowered the girl down onto the steps and they rolled around embracing and kissing deeply until they were totally spent. They then put their clothes back on. Debra told Jason how much she loved him and that she wanted to see him again soon. He told her he would come back the next night, and gave her a deep kiss before leaving.
To his surprise his wife was still alseep when he returned. He got in bed with her. He reached over and begin to stroke and massage her breast through her night gown. When she woke up he begin making passionate love to her. He quickly took off his clothes as she removed her night gown, her bra and her panties. He then spring on top of her and begin fucking her wildly. He
fucked her constantly until early morning. “Jason I don’t know what has come over you but I sure like it.” All the next day, Jason wore a smile on his face. His wife thought it was only because she had pleased him. She did not know he was thinking of his new found love.
When Debra arrived home her mother ask her why she had been out so long. Oh I just took the long route home mother. Her mother also noticed that her daughter was smiling more than usual. That made her happy.