The Sort Center
by drsnow
Author’s infos
Gender: N/AÂ Â Â
Age: N/AÂ Â Â
Location: West Coast
In the near Future
The usual disclaimer applies here any resembles to those anyone living or died is totally accidently.
This story is a total work of fiction which involves Incest, Snuff, and Cannibalism
As I walked into the house with a spring in my step I could smell dinner being prepared by my mother for both my sister and I for we had just came from the sorting center. I’m sorry I should have first described myself and my sister. My name is Robert but my family and friends call my Robbie, I’m 5’11 brown and blue weighting 165 lbs. with a 10” cock when hard with a 7” inch girth. My sister her name is Brenda she’s 5’7 she also is brown and blue but weights only 135 lbs with 36 C size tits and shaved pussy we’re both 18 year old. As I walked into the kitchen I could see mom with the girl-meat up on the center island with her cunt pointing toward the doorway and her tits moving up and down as she lying on her back with each breath she took waiting to be tenderized. My mom turned her head to see who had walked in when she realized I was fully clothed. She stopped what she was doing and ran to me and gave me a big hug and kiss. Then she looked around to see where Brenda was when I pulled her into the kitchen by her leash completely nude and a tag in her ear. Her head was hung down low and tears running down her face as mom reached up and looked at her ear tag. On it was stamped grade A for roasting or baking but we knew that this day was coming that either one of us or both of us could had winded up as either alternative meat or as slaves.
It all began earlier in the day when both my sister and I headed to the sorting center both fully clothed as we enter the building we both knew it might be the last time we see each other for in the sorting center lay our future. We knew that there were three possible futures for the two of us. The first was we could become citizens, the second was becoming a slave and the last was going to the either the dairy farms or the stockyards as alternative meat. This is required for all 18 year olds to report to sorting centers on their 18th birthday since my sister and I were twins we had to go on the same day. After we had entered the building we were told to completely strip and prepare for the test to determine our future. Both of us had to undergo a complete physical examination with my sister having to have her pussy exam as well. I passed my physical with flying colors along with my other entire tests. As the computer crunched our test results we wonder what our fate would be. My test came back I was to become a fully citizen but my sister was to become alternative meat source and was scheduled to go to the stockyards instead of to the dairy farms like she hoped for if her future went down that pathway.
Since I was a fully citizen and it was my birthday as a gift I could pick any of the alternative meat sources from those that have been already process by the center. As I looked over all of the cuts of meat I could choose from and I saw my sister standing in the female roasting or baking pen and just down from her was those males and females schedule to be cut up for cold cuts or other cuts of meats. Knowing my father fondness of cock steaks for breakfast along with boy / girl eggs I first thought of getting a male but then again eating my sister for dinner sounded offer good to me as well beside the fun I could have with her before I slow roasted her alive so I went ahead and choose her instead. Once I told them of my choice of meat they asked if I wanted them to bleed and gut her or as is. I told them I wanted her alive but if they could remove her girl-eggs without killing her so I could give them to my parents as a sorting present. Then inspector just smiles since he knew the girl-meat I choose was my sister and told me no problem just give them ten minutes to get them for me. Ten minutes later the butcher handed me a small cooler with my ex-sister/girl-meat eggs in it and a leash with my ex- sister/girl-meat attached to it alive and well with the exception of two small cuts on her sides where her girl-eggs have been removed.
Back at the house my mother was lifting my ex sister/girl-meat tits checking the firmness of each one then she ran her hand down to her cunt to check on her filets. She then turned her around checking her thighs and ribs. She then turned to me and asked me why I didn’t choose a girl-meat with bigger breast meat since she knew how much both my father and I love breast meat and cunt filets. I just smiled look at her and told mom not to worry there will be plenty of breast meat on her and nice cunt filets when I’m done. She then asked who I was going to have her blood and gut the girl-meat when it came time. I just smiled and told her nothing for I didn’t want the girl-meat or anyone else to know how I was going to fix her when the time came to eat the girl-meat for I had a special surprise for everyone knowing there was yearly event coming up soon. I could see in my sister’s eyes that we no longer saw her as a human but nothing more than girl-meat. With that unsaid I led the girl-meat out to the holding pen and put her in it. I freed her hands and but left her feet hobbled so she couldn’t run away and become what we called wild meat. Those are the ones that either escaped or failed to show up at the sorting centers and are free to hunt during wild meat season. My father and I love to hunted during wild meat season and have bagged both types of meats. We also have their head stuff and mounted on the den wall.
The only difference was that most girl-meat was served that day because of the freshness of the meat and only kept in the pen for a short time so I decided to make her old room into her new holding pen until the time to eat the girl-meat came. After removing all of the furniture and other stuff and fixed the windows so the ex-sister/girl-meat couldn’t escape because I knew the fate of other families that their 18 year olds had not showed up at the sorting centers or their live meat had escaped from them. We had as a slave the mother of an 18 year old runaway meat until mom decided to have her cut up into different types of meat. We just the other day had a nice rump roast from her. She was so tender and juicy, I’ve also had been using her as my sex slave since I had started my cooking class when I was 16 years old and I wonder if the rump roast we had the other night was so tender because I had been using her ass to practice my technique. Every boy and girl has to go through these classes to learn the technique on both tenderizing and gutting a boy/girl meat. We got to practice on boy and girl meats before they went to the cafeteria for that day’s lunch. Each male in the class got to practice on a girl-meat with the teacher correcting our technique for when a male hit puberty he starts producing a special enzyme that helps tenderize the meat when they cum. The females got to practice gutting the boy-meat paying close attach the cock-steak and boy-eggs. After the males got finish tenderizing the girl-meat they got to practice gutting the girl-meat. When my mother asked me what I was doing I told “I was making a new holding pen for the girl-meat because it might be awhile before we use her and I didn’t want to take a chance of the girl-meat getting a disease because then it would have to be destroyed and that would be such a waste of good meat.” So I moved ex sister/girl-meat into her new holding pen and there was a look of surprise when she saw it was her old room. When I looked into her eyes I could see that she thought I might be trying to make her last days as comfortable as possible but in reality I knew that she was going to be in that pen for some time. Just before closing the door dad walked in and asked want was going on as well. So I open the door and show dad our new girl-meat that I got as a present from the sorting center today. I could see his cock growing when he saw that it was his ex-daughter that was the new girl-meat. He spoke as he rubbed his cock I can’t wait to help tenderize that girl-meat to me. Dad I think mom needs some help in tenderizing the girl-meat that is on the center island right now besides I want to tenderize this one in a special way letting him know that only I had planned on tenderizing this girl-meat. He quickly left for the kitchen and I closed and lock the door.
After work I went to the grocery store and picked up the spices and herb and several other thing that I had planned on tenderizing the meat with. Since I had almost two months before the big day I wanted to make sure she would be nice and tender by that time. As I came out of the store I ran into the butcher who had gave me the girl-eggs. He asked how the girl-meat was that I had selected the other day. I told we hadn’t had that girl-meat yet which surprised him. You know the meat could go bad if you wait too long before cooking them. I told yes I know and that I was taking every step to prevent that from happening. I quickly reached home and went straight to the girl-meat holding pen. After I unlocked the door and walked into the room and put all the stuff I had brought at the store down. I then quickly stripped out of my clothes and then I walked over to where the girl-meat was laying asleep. As I reached down the girl-meat woke up. I told her to stand and put her hands behind her back where I quickly handcuffed them. I then bent her over to slowly play with her pussy until it was wet. I then slide my 10” cock into her tight pussy to start the tenderizing process. After I filled her cunt with my cum I quickly put a plug in it to keep the cum from dripping out when she was standing. I then I fixed up two bottles of special solution and attached them to the wall hooks, I then took out two needles and hooked them up to the hoses. Then grabbing a breast I slowly inserted the needle after repeating the procedure on the other breast I turned the valves on and let the liquid slowly fill both breast meat up which cause them to expand and lengthen. I kept this procedure up for 7 weeks by the 8th week her breast meat had gone from a 36 C to a 42 DD. On the 8th week I started the cleaning the girl-meat procedure and feeding her nothing but the different types of spices and herbs.
Finally the Big day arrived when I walked in to the ex sister/girl-meat room for the final time. For the first time since the sorting center I spoke to her as if she was still my sister and not a piece of meat. I told Brenda the day as finally come but I wanted her to experience an orgasm since it will be your first and last time. Then I started to fuck her until she had several orgasms in a row. I also told her what the date was as well as I led the girl-meat out of the holding pen and into the kitchen. It then hit her that this was our parent’s 20th wedding anniversary and who better than family to eat her on a special day as today is.
She hopped up on the center island by herself and got into position to be tenderizing for the last time as I slowly fucked the girl-meat with my 10” cock and filled it with my juices. I quickly opened her up and pulled all the unnecessary organs leaving the heart and lungs. I pulled out the stuffing that I had prepared earlier and started filling the empty cavity with a mixture of cornbread stuffing and butter to help keep her meat moist while cooking. The taking a suture needle and cooking twine I quickly sewed her back up. As I picked up the roasting spit she turned her head toward me and told me thank you brother and I love you. I told her I love her too as I slide the roasting spit through her cunt and out of her mouth. I quickly tired her legs and arms securing her to the roasting spit.
With the help of a family friend I brought the girl-meat out and placed her onto a table for final basting of melted butter and herbs and spices before putting her on the open fire to be slowly roasted. Then with some help I had my parents brought out to see my special present to them for their 20th wedding anniversary. They were surprise to see their ex daughter/girl-meat as the main course for the party. We all stood around until the lights in her eyes went out and she was even golden brown all over at which time we took her off the open pit fire and brought her over to be served up as the main course. Everyone commented on how tender she was as the guest ate their dinner. Both dad and I got some nice tender breast meat.