They entered the ladies changing room and walked around the lockers into the shower area. Everyone had gone of course but it was the duty supervisor’s responsibility to double check and make sure that no one was locked in overnight. Colleen was one of the Supervisors but she was about to go on maternity leave and Georgina had offered to stand in for her. She didn’t particularly need the money; both she and her husband Neil were comfortably off but she had enjoyed being a member of the club for a number of years now and with Neil also away from home a couple of nights a week, it gave her something to do.
“Just the Men’s left to check.” Colleen said. “Brad or Scott normally do this when I am on but they must have gone early.”
Georgina waited for Colleen to go first but Colleen just stood there. “I’ll leave it to you Georgina.”
Georgina gave a nervous smile, “You not going in as well?”
Colleen shook her head. “Never again!” She replied. “Look what happened last time I went in there!” She laughed as she pointed to her pregnant bulge.
Georgina laughed. She loved Colleen’s sense of humour.
“Just give a loud shout that you are coming in!” Colleen said as she walked away.
Georgina pushed nervously against the door and walked in. There was another door before the main changing area and as she opened it she called out “Anyone here?”
There was just silence but she called out again before walking down the aisle towards the shower area. She had sometimes fantasised about being in here with a gang of hunky males as they showered. Her friend Sue had once told her that she had been inside with a few of the guys but she hadn’t believed her. There was a wicked smile on her face as she told her. Georgina though had confided to her that she did fantasise about it.
Suddenly as she neared the end of the aisle Brad stepped out from behind the end lockers. He was naked. She screamed out and gave a stuttering apology before turning around. Her embarrassment quickly turned to fear as she saw two other men standing in the doorway. They too were naked.
“What the……….” Georgina started to say.
Brad was behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay Georgina, nothing to be afraid of.” He told her.
She turned to face him. “What is this?”
Brad smiled. “We’re here to offer you membership of the Men’s Locker Room Club!”
“Locker Room Club?” She asked completely puzzled.
Brad grinned “Sue was saying you were interested in joining!”
Suddenly it all began to dawn on her. “I….I…..I….don’t want to join any such club.” She said as she turned towards the door again. A third naked man had now joined the other two.
Brad shrugged his shoulders as she turned to face him again. “No problem!” He told her. “But the offer only comes once and it would be a shame to miss up on the chance.” He told her as he touched her shoulder again.
“W…w…what sort of a woman do you think I am?” she asked him as she brushed his hand away.
“The sort of woman who has a normal, healthy interest in joining a few naked guys in the shower for some fun!” He told her as he rested his hand on her shoulder again.
She stood there open mouthed for a few moments glancing down at his half erect penis. Suddenly his fingers started to undo the shoulder buttons of her top. The buttons served no purpose; they were only cosmetic, but the implications were enormous. Brad was starting to undress her.
She knew that she should have turned around and moved away but somehow she found her legs unable to move. Her breathing became heavy as the third and final one popped and it was then she realised that her moment for leaving had passed. Brad looked her in the eye before he reached down and tugging at the bottom edge of her top, pulling it out from under her skirt. As she sensed the cool air on her stomach she felt someone behind her and a hand tugging at the rear of her top and freeing it from her skirt. Suddenly she found herself raising her arms to allow Brad to lift it over her head.
There were no words spoken as they stripped her; no frantic grabbing of clothes; not even any touching of her body. They just stripped her perfunctorily. In an almost eerie silence her bra came off next and then the three men from behind relieved her of her shoes, skirt, leggings and panties. Georgina looked down at her neat pile of clothing on the bench before stepping forward and following Brad down the aisle towards the shower area.
As they reached the end of the aisle she heard the sound of the showers starting and realised that there were others there. She was shocked when she turned the corner with Brad to see three other men there, naked with half erect penis’s, but she continued into the shower. She closed her eyes as the hot water streamed against her skin and then opened them again moments later when she felt hands against her body. Some hands held soapy sponges and others just soap, but no hand left an area of her body untouched.
The whole thing seemed so surreal. Five minutes earlier she had been fully clothed; a woman of relative innocence and virtue; now she was naked, with a group of naked males who were taking every opportunity to explore her body. Their touches were perfunctory at first; as if they were correctly washing her, but soon the fingers started to linger; hands rested on places of sensuous flesh; fingers penetrated areas of privacy and hard male flesh pressed itself against her body. Opening her eyes to see the erect male penises, of all shapes and sizes around her, she found herself reaching out to touch them. It was just the go ahead signal that they needed.
The next thing Georgina knew she was being lifted off her feet. In an almost synchronized act, four men took a limb each and two others put their arms under her torso to hold her up. The free male stood between her open thighs and began to use his tongue on her. She opened her eyes for a few moments watching the face between her thighs; feeling his tongue teasing her and his fingers penetrating her vagina; then she closed them as the water rained down on her and the sensuousness overcame her.
His tongue feasted on her inner cunt lips and clitty before forcing its way inside her opening. It had been a long time since Neil had used his tongue on her. Something she had ached for over the last while; something she had craved for. The wait was now over. She had no idea who the male was; Brad was the only man she knew among them but she didn’t care.
He continued for a few minutes and then another took his place. Another tongue; another eager mouth between her things; other eager fingers penetrating her. Minutes later he too moved on and another took his place. One by one they feasted up on her; one by one they tasted her juices; one by one they enjoyed her. When the last one had finished they lowered her down onto her feet again.
She knew what was coming next even before the towels were laid out on the floor under the streaming water for her to kneel on. Their cocks were hard; their cocks were ready; they were red blooded males wanting satisfaction. And yes, they were going to use her; yes they were going to have their fill of her body; yes they were going to empty themselves of their seed inside her but she didn’t care. Neither did Georgina didn’t need any forceful persuasion to ready herself for them; she was already on her knees before the first male had positioned himself behind her. When she felt the tip of his cock touch her cunt lips she pushed back against him; she was eager for his cock inside her.
The next twenty minutes or so were a bit of a blur for Georgina as she was taken into a realm of sexual pleasure that she had never experienced before. She was already experiencing her second climax before the first one came inside her and by the time the third male finished she had begun to lose count of her orgasms. She also soon lost count of how many times she was fucked. She knew that it was more than seven; she knew that some of the men had took turns at her again; she knew that she had sucked some cocks back to life as she was being fucked. She neither knew nor cared.
She did remember he cries of passion though. She remembered crying out with each orgasm; crying out for more cock; crying out to be fucked again. She also remembered the men calling out too. Calling out to her as they came; calling her a whore; calling her a slut; calling her names. Again she didn’t care. Georgina was having the time of her life, on her knees, on that locker room floor, under the streaming hot shower. The fucking was so intense that when the last one finished using her she fell into an exhausted heap.
It was a while later when they began to help her to her feet. Brad stood in front of her with a large dry towel and held it against her, almost as if he was protecting her modesty. Moments later another two men picked up towels as well and began to dry her.
Again the whole thing seemed so surreal as they towelled her down then walked her back to where her clothes were. Then, just as they had perfunctorily stripped her, they also dressed her. For a few moments she just sat there wondering if it had all been a dream but then she realised that her body felt weak and there was a soreness, albeit a pleasurable one, between her thighs.
“Well Georgina.” Brad said as he sat down next her. “Welcome to the Locker Room Club”
She responded with an embarrassed smile before standing up to leave.
“We hope that it won’t be too long before you come back to renew your subscription!” He quipped.
Minutes later she was inside Colleen’s car and on her way home. “Welcome to the club!” Colleen laughed.
Georgina managed a laugh. “Did you really get that bump in there?” She asked her.
Colleen smiled. “Well without a DNA test I cannot ever be sure but we had been trying for a baby for almost a year before I joined the club. Two visits later I was preggers!”
Georgina sat back, still in a state of exhilaration. She knew that she would never take that sort of step but she did know that she would be back there again on a regular basis.