“Calm down Ash, we’ve just sat down”
“But I wanna go now”
“Yeah we will, but the pilot normally waits atleast half an hour before taking….” My face went white. The plane was slowly starting to move.
“Before taking what Pia?”
“Taking off, but why are we leaving so early, I’ve had no time to prepare. Ash help I’m so fucking scared.”
Now here’s a secret, I fucking hate planes
Like so fucking much
So when we were about to take off, I was scared shitless
So as the plane was gaining speed, I grabbed onto my sister’s hand, grabbing it tightly and looking at her straight in the eye
And we got closer….
And closer…
At this point we were extremely close together. I could feel the gentle caress of her breath against my skin. The extremely light breaths she was taking compared to my heavy breaths sounded like there was a huge gust of wind coming through the whole plane. Our eyes were still locked together, our hands still clutched together. I moved in closer…
“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” everyone cheered
Ash and I both jerked our heads up together thinking that the cheering was for us. Both of our faces were bright red, embarrassed and scared.
I let out a long sigh “Thank fuck that’s over, thank you Ash”
“Haha yeah” she said awkwardly, “No problem sis, can you let go of my hand now?”
“Oh yeah sorry haha. Selfie?”
“Yeah sure”
We both puckered our lips and took a selfie as I posted it on Snapchat.
“That’s such a cute picture, send me that asap, I need it”
“Okay, okay Ash gimme a minute”
I took a long look at the picture. This is the girl I spent 16 years if my life with, as a sibling, as a friend, and I almost kissed her, on a plane, with our parents behind us.
I quickly turn around to see the reactions on their face. Thank god, dad’s asleep and mom is still engrossed in her crossword. That could have been bad.
I turn back to Ash, “are you excited to go to Cyprus?”
“Heck yeah of course!” She then whispered to me “I can’t wait to see all the hot dudes that are going clubbing in Cyprus”
“Wait, wait what? How are you gonna convince mum and dad to let you go clubbing? And how are you gonna say your going on your own?”
She looked at me and raised her eyebrows
“What?” I questioned
“You’re coming with me!”
“The hell I am!”
“Really? I’ll tell mum and dad about the ‘incident’ last year”
“You wouldn’t..”
I covered her mouth “Alright alright fine, I’ll go with you, but I swear if you try stealing anyone from me, you’ll never hear the end of it”
“I wouldn’t do that, would I?” She fluttered her eyes
I turned away from her and looked out the window. The perfectly white clouds were covering the fucked up world underneath it. I put my headphones in and out some relaxing music on to try and drift to sleep, but all I can remember is Ash and how close we were together. What would’ve happened if we did kiss? Would it have been awkward? What if mum or dad saw? Then what?
I quickly look for Ash, to see if she was looking at me. She wasn’t there. She probably went to the toilet. I start to fall asleep.
I wake up an hour later, feeling refreshed and ready to chill in Cyprus. I look for Ash and she still isn’t there. Is she okay?
I turn to Mum “Hey ma, where’s Ash?”
“Err she’s in the toilet, she’s been there for a while, can you go and check up on her please?”
“Yeah that’s fine”
I walk towards the back of the plans, the further back I go, the quieter the plane is.
“Ashley!” I whisper loudly, “Where are you?”
I knock on the toilet door. Nothing. I knock again, and I hear the toilet flush and the door unlock
“Sorry I took so long I…”
“Hey ash, what took you so long?”
“Hey, yeah my stomach isn’t feeling right…”
“Hmm okay, talk to mum, she can help”
“Nah I think I’ll be fine honestly”
“Whatever you say, I’m gonna go back now.” I start to turn around and walk away
“What do you want Ash?”
She signals to sit down at the back of the plane. The plane is relatively quiet compared to other planes.
“Listen, I need to talk to you” she said sincerely
“About what happened when the plane went up in the air…”
“Oh fuck I’m so sorry Ash! I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, I don’t know what went through my body, I just started leaning closer, I’m so sorry I couldn’t control it”
“Stop talking Pia”
“No, no you deserve an explanation, it’s just that I haven’t had any human interaction in months, I haven’t felt properly loved or sexually satisfied in months. I wouldn’t say this to anyone other than you, because you aren’t only my sister but you are my friend.”
“Pia, stop talking”
“No listen, I know I shouldn’t have even attempted to do that but…”
Ash forcefully pushed her lips into mine…
Via: https://sexstories.com/story/88077/the_life_of_pia_pt.2