The Feminisation of Michael.
Chapter 4
Sue had replenished my wardrobe again with new work clothes and had taken the secretary theme to heart!
The skirt suits had been replaced with pencil skirts and pencil dresses. The blouses had been supplemented further with lace and ruffle fronted blouses. There were also several ribbed tight fitting cardigans in black, red and various pastel shades.
I put on a black lace, slightly padded bra and matching panties along with suspender belt, as I now was only aloud to wear stockings! I slipped on some fishnet stockings and fastened the suspenders to the tops.
I put on a fitted, black lace, long sleeve blouse that would be worn under the pencil dress.
I pulled on the pale grey, tight, slightly stretchy pencil dress which clung to my body. I struggled with the zip that ran up the back, but managed it. It had a round neck and was sleeveless and I adjusted the collars of the blouse over it. It came to the knee and had a rear slit.Â
I could only walk in little steps and it made me wiggle my hips as I walked just to make progress!. With the red thick belt and red stiletto court shoes it made it worse!
I put on a red cardigan and did up the top button. It stretched across my small breasts. I noticed my bra outline and suspender belt fastenings were quite visible through the tight dress!
I was never going to blend into the background with this sexy secretary look.
I put my make up on keeping it light but trying to enhance my features. I believed my best bet now was just to go with it! I wore light blusher and pale grey eye shadow, and picked out my lips in a pale pink lipstick. My eyes were lined with eyeliner and mascara. My breasts almost got in the way as I leaned close to the mirror to apply the make up.I only needed to brush my long blonde hair briefly, then tied it up in a high pony tail at the back with a red scrunchy band.
I went downstairs and Sue had breakfast waiting.
“You look lovely today Michaela.” she beamed. “The little red cardy is a nice touch, just finishes it off.” She continued. “Those bras are good aren’t they, I’m wearing a similar one, but your little breasts need more help than mine!” She chuckled.
I didn’t laugh. “I’m going to have to go to the doctor I don’t understand how or why my body seems to have changed!” I said as I tucked into my cereal. Sue didn’t respond.
I put on a red short swing coat with sleeves that flared and finished at my elbows.
Sue dropped me off at the office and I wiggled! My way into the training building and sat at the back of the training room and crossed my legs. My penis and scrotum seemed uncomfortable in the tight lace shorts and I had to adjust myself to get comfortable.
There were around ten, younger women there, none of them dolled up like me! Basically in fairly ordinary office clothes. I noticed one or two whispering, but generally they smiled pleasantly at me and looked to the front.
Miss Sharples entered the room. She was a small thin woman in her late fifties I would have guessed in a stiff tweed skirt and high collar blouse. She had some wire, half rimmed spectacles perched at the end of her nose, and she surveyed her class over the top of them.
“Now then girls. You have all been hand picked for me, and I have been told to turn you into proper young secretarial ladies. And after this week you should be able to at least make a start at it. Now I would like each of you to introduce yourself to the class.”
My heart missed a beat! I had never properly introduced myself in a girl mode and as Michaela. “Now starting at the back with the pretty blonde girl, I must say you look like you have made the effort, well done.”
I took a deep breath and stuttered, “I…I’m Michaela from the Sales and Marketing department.” I tried to keep my voice pitched slightly high and soft but it sounded strange to me.
“Ahh Michaela.” Miss Sharples said. “I’ve heard a lot about you, I think you’ll do well on this course and this new path you have chosen, next?” She carried on.
Phew I thought that wasn’t too bad, she seems ok. As the morning wore on the other girls seemed ok to.
At 11.30am a halt was called for coffee. I stood up adjusted my dress and walked over to the refreshment table. A pretty young girl said hi and joked about how easy the course had been so far. We chatted a for while. I wasn’t sure if they all new or just some of them. But it didn’t seem to matter to them I was amongst women and presenting as one of them.
The rest of the week went on pretty much like this and the group of ten girls, including me, all got on well and we would all have a giggle talking about guys and fashion in the breaks. It came almost too easily to me I thought.
I varied my dresses, blouses and cardigans, and noticed the other girls had brushed up their looks since the first day and under the guidance of Miss Sharples.
Miss Sharples was a real lady and treated me totally like one of the girls. She never mentioned my perceived transsexualism.
On the Thursday before the last day the girls decided we should all have a farewell drink the Friday after the course finished and indeed Miss Sharples said we could finish early the last day. I was reluctant to join them, but I actually liked these girls and how they had welcomed me into their little group. I hadn’t had close friends like this since I could remember.
Through the week Sue hadn’t said much and I hadn’t talked to her much. We just shared meals, that she cooked and I retired to my room, and she went out most nights coming in late. I didn’t question this. The marriage was well and truly over now. She still had the blackmailing power over me though!
I still had to go out in the early evenings to get provisions. I wasn’t too bothered now and no one even looked, well apart from the odd guy or two trying to catch my eye! I didn’t engage eye contact ever. I would slip on a cardigan over a vest top and a pair of jeans or denim mini skirt. I would wear my Ugg boots or cowboy boots. I just looked like any other young woman shopping now.
The morning of our last day on the course I dressed in a lilac , linen pencil dress. This had a scooped neck front and I put on my uplift cleavage bra. I wore a deep purple short fitted jacket with matching handbag and heels. I spent a bit of time putting a wave in my long blonde hair with Sues curling tongues. The girls had planned to go to a trendy wine bar for cocktails at around 4.00pm that afternoon, so it seemed right to make an effort.
I applied slightly more glamorous make up.
When I went down to breakfast Sue eyed me up and down. “So where’s missy off then all dolled up like a pretty girl?” she said condescendingly.
“Just out with the girls after the course tonight.”
“Oh I see one of the “girls” are we now, Michael!” She chuckled. “What happened to my macho, screw around husband, I wonder? “ She said mockingly.
“Leave it.” I replied.
“You sit there in you pretty dress and make up, with your little bra and knickers on like a sissy girl and you think I still want you? You disgust me.” She continued.
“Ok, Ok I’m off now, Ill catch the bus don’t bother.” I replied.
“That’s fine Michaela, you’ll be receiving legal approaches soon honey ok?” She snarled.
“Whatever,” I said, and I picked up my handbag and case and left the house, clicking in my heels up the drive and onto the pavement.
The day dragged and the girls were all excited waiting for party time at 4.00pm! They had all dressed up in a similar fashion to me. Miss Sharples commented on how pretty we all looked.
4.00 pm came and a mini bus was laid on to take us to the bar. We must have looked like any other Hen night party group of girls, in our heels and pretty clothes.
After about the third cocktail I started to really relax and enjoy the evening. After a while the guys in their suits came into the bar after the days work. They seemed to circle us like predatory animals. I didn’t engage anybody’s stares, but could sense many!
Some of the girls did break off to talk to guys and the group split a bit. I stayed with the core group chatting and giggling.
After a few more drinks I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to be greeted by John, the guy from the party. I flushed. He leant forward and kissed my cheek. I feigned a kiss back. “Oh high John, how’s things.” I said.
“All the better for seeing you Michaela. Even prettier than I remember!” He smiled . He persuaded to let him buy me a drink and returned with a bucket of ice, Champagne and two glasses!
“Shall we take a booth honey?” he asked with a sly grin and twinkle in his eye.
“Well I……” One of the girls interrupted to say, “no go on Michaela.”
We talked for ages and laughed and generally got on. He was a real nice guy and polite to me as a woman. I had never questioned my sexuality before but I kind of found the whole process rather nice!
His hand would linger on my leg and hand as we spoke but I did not encourage him in anyway. I had almost forgotten that he thought I was all woman. We seemed to get on so well. I played the subservient little woman and maybe boosted his macho ego. I even pretended not to understand the off-side rule in football and giggled when he wanted me to.
I would have to make my excuses soon I thought, as he was getting closer and closer as time passed.
I finally made my excuses. He insisted on a kiss, and we kissed on the lips. I could feel his tongue trying to enter my mouth and I gently pushed him away.
“Thank you for a lovely evening John really.” I said He was ok and kissed my hand.
“I have your number now babe and Ill call you for a night out next week if that’s cool?” he said.
“Sure,” I replied.
As I left the bar and stepped onto the street, the cool night air moved up my skirt and around my legs. I pulled the little swing jacket up around my breasts, and waited for my taxi.
All of a sudden someone grabbed my arm and swung me around violently. Oh my god it was the guys from football I had seen in the supermarket all that time ago.
“Well, Well, Well its or old mate Mike!” The short shaved headed one said through gritted teeth. Three other similar guys joined him looking at me with hate in their eyes.
“Let go I whispered,” the air having gone out of my lungs in terror.
“Well you have become the proper lady haven’t you, you tranny faggot!” He put his hand on my breasts and squeezed hard. I cried out.
“Even grown yer own girly tits huh!?”
“That ya new bird eh Trev?” One of them said. The others laughed uproarsly.
“Nah ya cunt, this is a fucking tranny!” He snarled.
I was close to tears and rigid with terror . I managed to gain some composure and with a swift left handed swing I caught my captor in the groin with a hard blow. He released me and fell to the ground. I then swung around and ran into the road.
I didn’t see the car, but was dazzled by its headlights and heard a deafening screech and thud, felt a numbing pain, a white light then nothing.     Â