I graduated from high school in the spring of 95 and the following September I started to College as a drama major. College years are often looked back on as the best years of a person’s life. There is so much more freedom than in high school and you meet a lot of new friends with like values and goals. I stayed in a domitory where I learned to be independent and to pace my own homework schedule without my parents nagging me. It was during my second semester, that I met Robert Douglas who was also a drama major. He and I became very good friends and he moved in as my roommate. As I was to discover, Robert had his short comings. He was womanizer and just about every weekend he would go out on the town and come back with some slut to fuck the night away with. One morning I woke up to noises coming in the direction of his bed. When I looked around, I could see some girl’s legs sticking straight up in the air and Robert’s ass between them, his hips going up and down, as though he were doing pushups on her. I could hear her moans and yells, mingled with the creaking and rattling of the bed springs. I tried to go back to sleep, but I kept getting woke by Robert and his whore, who kept at it up until after dawn. This was happening on such a regular basis that finally I had to tell him to take his whores somewhere else. This strained our friendship and it wasn’t long afterward that he moved out. I had not seen the last of him though.
It was also during my college years that I met Denise Brown, the love of my life. Denise was a beautiful girl with an angelic face framed in a mass of long golden locks that flowed down over her shouders, and as many curves along her body as route 66, with a 22 inch waist, that accentuated a 37″ bust and a 38′ ass, but she carried these assets with a modesty that is very rare in most women. In fact one might say that she seemed totally unaware of her beauty that gave her an air of innocence that seemed to belie her sexual charms. This was most likely because of her strong Christian up bringing. He parents had raised her in Sunday school and there was hardly a morning that she was not in church service. I met her at one of those on campus college church groups. We became friends and then we started dating regularly. Before long we were deeply in love and we planned to marry as soon as we graduated from college.
It so happened that one semester Robert Douglas gave a party, and I received the letter of invitation in my dorm mailbox. I thought it odd that he would even invite me, considering that we were not good friends any more, so I tossed the letter in the garbage can. I had completely forgotten about it until Denise ask me if I was going to Robert’s party. This was a total surprise to me. I wondered why she would be trying to get me to come to Robert’s party. I was also wondering if he had not been talking to her. I didn’t like the idea of going and I was especially opposed to taking Denise. Robert was a cad and a sexual pervert and no telling what would happen at his party. The thought also occurred to me that he could still be harboring some resentment against me and what better way to get back at me then to embarrass me around Denise who he knew was a very modest girl. I told Denise that I did not really want to go, but I did not give her the reason. She had a different idea though and she actually implore me to go. She told me that Robert was a good friend of mine and it would be wrong to insult him by not going to his party. I thought that she was just trying to do the Christian thing and that she had no idea of the kind of person Robert was. Eventually I gave in to her and agreed to go.
The party was at Robert’s home which was only a few miles from the campus. Denise and I arrived at 8:00 PM. We proceeded to take our sit on the sofa together. Denise was wearing a knee length skirt and a white blouse. Robert was busy welcoming the guest as they came in. By 8:45 Pm, at least five people had showed up for the party. At that time some loud music begin to play. Then some wine, beer, and refreshments were served. It looked like everything was going to go smoothly and without incident until someone started passing a picture around. I really didn’t pay it much attention to it until it came around. When I saw it, I was shocked to find that it was a photograph of Robert and one of his girl friends locked in a deep kiss with their tongues in each others mouths and they were both naked. To my surprise, Denise then snapped the picture from my hand and started looking at it. I was too embarrassed to even talk or say a word. I just sat there as she continued to look at the picture, and I noticed an expression on her face that was more indicative of pure lust than just a passing curiosity, and that her breathing was getting heavier. Finally I had to take the picture out of her hands to pass it back. I then noticed the change that came over her whole person. She was actually licking her botton and top lips with her tongue, and she kept glancing in Robert’s direction. She then started taking sips from the wine bottle that was sitting on the coffee table. Finally I said, “Take it easy there honey,” I don’t want you to get drunk, but she just kept taking swigs from bottle and after a few minutes, I could tell she was getting high. The party was starting to rev up. Some couples were kissing and over in the corner, it looked like some guy was frigging a girl as they kissed on a sofa. I was starting to feel very uncomfortable and was thinking of leaving, but none of this seemed to be bothering Denise as she appeared to be getting hotter by the minute. She was actually beginning to squirm around in her sit.
I started to say lets get out of here, when Robert made an announcement: “ladies an gentlemen,” “Miss Doris will now entertain you.” Just then some black haired woman dressed in a very short skirt and blouse jumped out in the middle of the group and begin to dance. All eyes were riveted in her direction as she begin to undulate and swing her ass to the beat of the music, then turning to show everyone her assets, her long hair flailing out as she moved faster and faster. As she begin to increase the tempo of her dance, she slowly put her arms out in front of her, and begin beckoning to her on lookers as if she wanted them come out and join her, and with a look of pure lust in her eyes. She slowly turned until she was pointing at Robert. Robert then got up, and joined her in the dance, rotating and undulating his hips in sync with hers, moving closer to her until their bodies were touching each other. They continued to undulate against each other in a dirty dance routine, their bodies moving faster and faster, as they went through the motions of a sexual climax. By this time Denise was so hot from watching the couple, that she was writhing in her sit, with her hands caressing her private parts, and soft moans and sighs were coming from her as she licked lips. I really thought a lot of this was the result of the wine. At this point I felt
that leaving would not help matters as she was already quite out of control. I then begin to drink the wine as I was starting to feel a little out of place.
As Robert saw the expression on Denise’s face, he then motioned for her to come join the dance. Denise then jumped out of her sit to meet Robert and they begin to grind themselves together in a slow, sensuous dance, and then moving faster and faster as Denise worked her hips in a sexual rhythm with Robert. I didn’t know Denise could dance, but now her body was moving in a state
of sexual frenzy, as though it had its own will. Robert then put his arms around Denise and pulled her to him as he crushed his mouth to hers in a deep kiss. Denise melted into to him and ground her ass wildly against him as they deepened the kiss. I could see Denise’s tongue exploring in Robert’s mouth and entertwining with his tongue. This was no longer a dance routine, but heavy
and involved foreplay,as Roberts hands gripped her ass firmly, and begin working her panties down her legs. When they reached her feet she kicked them off on to the floor as she continued to undulate and writh her ass against Robert’s groin. They were kissing furiously and thrusting their tongues repeatedly down each other’s throats. Denise was in a frenzy and everyone could see that this was no longer a show and that they had real slut on their hands. People were now chanting, “fuck her,” “fuck her,” “fuck the whore.” This only made Denise wilder. She then reached between them, unzipped Robert’s pants, and pulled out his enormous cock which she held tightly in her fist. I then heard her exclaim, “Oh my,” “your cock is so big Robert.” Oh I want it in me
honey.” “Oh get it in me now baby.” “Oh fuck me Robert.” “Please fuck me baby.” “The audience then chimed in with her, “fuck her,” “fuck her,” “fuck her Robert.” Robert was not long in complying. He stood back from Denise and quickly removed his shirt and pants and slipped out of his underwear. This was not fast enough for my horny Denise, as when he went up to her, she jumped up on him and wrapped her legs around him, amid the cheers and applause of the audience. He then hoisted her up and placed her right on his cock, as she reached down with her hand to grab his member and guide it into her, and With her downward movements
and his upward thrust, he was soon plunged inside her to his balls. My horny little girl friend then begin to bounce up and down on his cock, moving faster and faster until she was riding him for all she was worth, amid the cries of “go go go baby” and “fuck her,” “fuck her Robert,” and “ride him baby ride him.”
Denise begin to moan and yell as her orgasm approached. Sometimes she would lean back as for as she could, as Robert held her, her blonde hair flying, and her arms flailing out, as Robert rammed her with his cock. She bounced faster and faster until her hips were a blur, and her moans and yells begin to turn into screams. “Oh Robert your making it feel so good.” “Oh Robert,” “oh
my God baby.” “Fuck me baby.” “fuck me.” Robert must have been already hitting her cervix, but she still wanted more of his cock in her. As I looked around the room, all eyes were on the fucking couple. Two guys were actually masturbating as they watched, while two couples were fucking each other. Denise’s moans and yells begin to turn into screams as the full force of her orgasm hit her. As she tossed her head back, I saw in her face, a very different Denise,with her features distorted in absolute ecstasy, her mouth wide opened, her eyes slit, and her hair falling around her face and cascading in tangled masses down her shoulders as all different expressions of lust come over her face. Robert then raised her up, pulling his cock almost all the out of her, before slamming back in her to the hilt, squirting his full load into my lovely Denise, while she screamed her head off in a crashing climax, as they both stiffened and jerked against each other.
After this my Denise still had not had enough. She then went down on the floor, spread her legs wide apart, and started begging him to fuck her again. Robert then climbed between her legs, rammed his long cock inside her, and begin fucking her amid the cheers of the on lookers. He fucked her harder and harder, ramming her with long deep strokes, while she writhed and undulated beneath him, her legs sticking lewdly up in the air. I could tell she was already starting to have another orgasm, as she begin to moan and scream, and beg him to fuck her even harder. He was certainly obliging her, as he was fucking like a wild man, pounding her with his cock for all he was worth. Even as he did this guys were strating to line up naked to get their turn at fucking Denise after Robert finished with her. Robert fucked her continuously for about twenty minutes. She had about five strong orgasm within that time. I was surprised that when he had finished with her, and some of the other men had their turn at her, she was as ready as ever for more cock. For the next couple of hours about five men took their turns slamming Denise’s hot wet pussy. By that time, I was so drunk and horny from drinking so much wine, that I was really enjoying the show
as much as anyone. One of the guys actually thrust his cock into Denise’s mouth and she sucked it right down her throat until he came. As he pulled his cock out of her mouth, he squirted cum all over my lovely Denise’s face and breast. Finally I got so horny from watching this show that I decided to take off my clothes and take my turn at her. I had to stand in line to fuck my own Denise, but when I got to her she was just as willing as ever. I felt like I was no longer her fiancee but just another cock being inserted into her for her pleasure. In my drunken stupor, I fucked her very hard, pounding her like she was some whore rather then my future bride, and then I got up to let the other guys take their turn at her.
It was 7:00 AM before I was able to get her home. She was too drunk and sleepy to walk so I carried her into the house and into the bed room. As I laid her on the bed, she was not at all the Denise I knew. Her face and neck was all covered with cum and her hair was all disheveled and tangled on the pillow. She slept for the rest of the morning and when she awoke she was as cock
hungry as ever and wanting me to fuck her pussy, which I prompted did.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/group-sex/the-corruption-of-denise-brown