“Steve, I love you, I love everything about you. You are an absolute saint in my book honestly. You have always been there for me. Maybe that’s why I really fell in love with you. But I’m here now because there is absolutely no one I’d rather be with. I love you and no one else. In the end maybe we truly were meant for each other. I don’t know, but what I do know is I’m more than happy to be with you. So I’m asking you to come with me down this road and never ever look back,” I said.
Then it was Steve’s turn to give all of his vows.
“Angela. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, period. You have showed me how to truly love someone. Actually be with someone. Never ever think twice when it comes to love. So I’m also asking you to come down this road with me. Even though I maybe taller than you and you’ll have to lean your head up just about every time we wanna kiss each other. And you’ve been more than a friend to me over the years, so maybe this really is a perfect match,” Steve said.
Then the minister pronounced his us married and everyone went to sit down. Everyone had cake. Even though ‘everyone’ was only us, our parents and the minister. It still meant a lot to both of us more than anything in the world. And we didn’t bother mentioning that we were related or that I was pregnant obviously. But the minister only stayed around to have some cake. Then after that he left, and then both our mom and dad gave a toast.
“Well, I know not very many people know about this, but life sucks I guess. But what doesn’t suck is that you two are bringing another life into this world. It maybe an incest baby, but it doesn’t make us love you or it any less. We both love you maybe even more now that you both were actually comfortable to be in a relationship together. Granted I could have been more open to you two being together a little sooner, but you still never really expect to hear that your kids are hooking up,” Ryan said.
“Well, we’re hooking up like mad,” I replied.
“We were surprised, but we never ever loved you two any less. None whatsoever as matter of fact. Maybe the minister would have never ever understood this, but you do have two loving parents that do. And we look forward to seeing our incest grandchild in the future. We hope to have more some in time too,” Ryan said.
Then we both hugged and kissed each other. Then of course we both went over to hug our parents as well. I made sure to give dad an extra big hug. And of course dad had to feel my stomach as well.
“Wow, I really I think I might be to start feeling the baby now. Michelle feel it,” Ryan said.
Then Michelle came over to me and felt my stomach too. They really were happy about me being pregnant. It was like a miracle that everyone loved. I never thought I’d feel this good about being pregnant, but although it was still very early in the pregnancy. Then we all finished our cake.
“Well this is some really good cake. Where did you get it mom?” I asked.
“Wait you think I didn’t make this cake?” Michelle asked.
“Sorry. I didn’t wanna assume, but I just thought you bought it I guess,” I replied.
“I’m kidding sweetheart. I got it at a bakery in the mall. They made it in like 2 days and I went own there to pick it up yesterday. Was it really good?” Michelle asked.
“Yes,” Steve replied as he finished his piece.
Then Steve and I kissed again as they started hitting their glasses.
“Well, obviously we gotta do something else now. You two have got to have your first dance now,” Michelle said.
“She’s right. Well, let’s go sis. I never really got to dance with you before,” Steve replied.
So he got up and took my hand. Then we both went out into our yard to start dancing. We of course got the first dance. Our mom had a small stereo set up as well. She put on Firehouse’s When I look into your eyes . Then we started dancing together for the first time. Of course we slow danced.
“Well if I didn’t know I loved you last night, I definitely know it now big brother. You are bar none the best brother in the world. I can’t thank you enough for not walking away from me. It really came down to that. When I kissed you that second time, that was literally a life defining moment for both of us. And if we have 1 more baby or 5 more, I’ll just be happy it’s with you,” I said.
Then he kissed me on the forehead and then on the lips as well. Then we just slow danced for a few more minutes together for the first time as husband and wife. Maybe it was mostly just for show but still being married was a huge step in our relationship. It meant that we were committed to each other. Not as brother and sister but as lovers, husband and wife.
“You are a great dancer,” I said.
“Thank you, you are not so bad yourself,” Steve replied.
It didn’t matter that we still lived at home. We loved each other, but we would save up and eventually move out. But for the time being we were just gonna enjoy being married together. We danced and danced, but of course we had to dance with our parents as well.
“Well we’ll trade you both,” Ryan said.
“Sure,” I replied just before Steve an I kissed once.
Then we switched dancing partners.
“Well, you could call this a match made in heaven. You don’t see too many brothers and sisters getting hitched. So you two must really be in love,” Ryan said.
“Well we are dad. I’m glad you and mom accepted us. But this is never just gonna be too much for you is it?” I asked.
“No, of course not. I’m happy for you two, I swear. I’m not sure anyone has ever been so in love when they got hitched. Especially when the bride was pregnant. You two really were made for each other. I don’t think I’ve never seen either one of you happier than these last weeks. When I saw you two together it was like seeing soul mates together. Sometimes they are just where you least expect them,” Ryan replied.
“Yeah no kidding, I still don’t quite understand why though. I mean he is my brother. Why out of millions do I have the ability to fall in love with my brother? Not that I’m letting it like really get to me or anything like that, but do you see what I mean?” I asked.
“Yes sweetheart. I couldn’t tell you honestly. I still don’t quite understand how all of the sudden you magically made him fall for you. I mean maybe that kiss was everything. Who knows. But in the end it doesn’t matter. You two found each other. Now you are married and pregnant. And everyone is happy. And I’ll tell you something else. If I had 100 chances to choose whether your brother knocked you up or some guy most likely it wouldn’t have worked out with, I’d pick your brother every time. He loves you, and your mother and I can see it clearly. You piked the right guy,” Ryan replied.
“Thanks dad,” I said.
Then we just continued to dance for a little while. We had some more cake as well. But we eventually went inside and put everything away. We had a garden of flowers and plenty of cake left as well. So after we were all done everyone sat down and just relaxed for a little while longer as were all still in our wedding clothes. Of course Steve and I sat together and held hands.
“Well, if you two need to compensate your love, don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine out here,” Michelle said.
“Well, OK then. Then just for tonight, can we just have any volume we want?” I asked.
“Just for tonight, sense it’s your wedding night. But don’t get used to it OK? We love you, but hearing you moan and scream is not exactly a turn on,” Ryan replied.
“Well we’ll do our best in the future,” I said.
“OK, but don’t take too long, we’re gonna take you both out for your wedding dinner as well,” Michelle replied.
“OK, we’ll take a decent amount of time we guess,” Steve said.
Then we both took hands and headed to really was our bedroom. But we still slept in a single bed, but it was worth it. We went in and of course closed the door. We locked it and he slowly walked towards me.
“I ever tell you that you are the most beautiful bride on the planet?” Steve asked.
“Well, I’ve never been a bride before today, so I’m gonna say no. But why don’t you tell me that now?” I asked.
“You are the most beautiful bride in the world. And I would love to have hot passionate sex with you right now on our wedding night,” Steve replied.
Then we got very close and my heart rate came up quite a lot. I was about to have sex with the man I loved on my wedding night. He got behind me and started unzipping me. Then as I was completely unzipped my dress completely fell to the floor just leaving me in my bra and underwear. Then he came around to the front of me and just took a good hard look at me for a minute.
“What is it? Are you just stunned or something?” I asked.
“I think so. You are drop dead gorgeous sis,” Steve replied.
Then he came towards me again and hugged me rather tightly. He put his hands onto my butt. I hadn’t started to undo his pants just yet. But he lifted up his hands and went to my back where he unhooked my bra. Then he took bra off and dropped it to the floor. He put both of his hands onto my boobs, but right under my nipples. Then he leaned down and started licking my left nipple. I put my hands onto his head as his tongue touched me so softly. If this was gonna be anything like the sex we would have for the rest of my lives, I was very happy. I almost felt like I was gonna have an orgasm just from him licking my nipples. But then I brought his head up and I just looked at him.
“Yes wife?” Steve asked.
Hearing that just made me smile so widely honestly. He just called me his wife. So I wasted no time. I pushed him onto the bed. I got on my knees and took off his pants. It was a little difficult to get those off, but I did it in record time. I threw them against the wall and then ripped off his boxers as well. I stroked his dick for about 5 seconds and then I took his dick in my mouth. I didn’t start sucking on it slowly. I just started sticking it down my throat. Not that I was in a hurry for him to cum, but I wanted to really have passionate sex with him. This being literally a dream come true, I was about make the best dream come to life ever. He looked at me and I looked back at him.
“I ever tell you that you are the best dick sucker in the world?” Steve asked.
Then I stopped and climbed up to his mouth and gave him a kiss.
“Do you really think so husband?” I asked.
“Yes I do my sexy wife,” Steve replied.
Then I kissed him again and climbed down as he leaned up and took off his tux.
“I can’t make passionate love to my wife while still in this hot tux,” Steve said.
Then I took off my underwear as well. As I stood there completely naked right in front of him, he got up and kissed me passionately. Then he turned me around and had me bend down. He then inserted his dick into me. As he had both of his hands on my butt, he began thrusting his dick in and out rather slowly. Maybe he was afraid I’d fall if he went faster. But I still managed to get out some soft moans.
“Well come on Steve, make love to your wife. It’s our wedding night, make me moan out loud. Get that dick in there really deep,” I said.
Then he took both of my hands and held them as he began thrusting his dick in and out of me really roughly. At that moment I felt like I was in a porno or something like that because I was moaning like the porn stars. Granted I only saw a handful of them before though.
“Oh shit, you are fucking me good, keep it up Steve. You are fucking me like a porn star,” I said.
Then he laughed a little, but also felt good about the compliment as well. I’m not sure I’d ever tell him this, but I did see him have sex once before. And we were having much better sex than he was having with that woman about a year ago. He began spanking with one arm, but that meant he could thrust his dick as hard, but I still liked it.
“Oh shit Steve, you are gonna make me cum soon,” I said.
“That’s what I’m here for sis,” Steve replied.
Then I leaned up with his dick still inside me. He put his hands onto my breasts and squeezed them softly. I turned my neck and I kissed him. But as he started to thrust his dick once again, he lost his balance and we both fell to the bed.
“Whoa shit. You scared me Steve. But that was good,” I said.
“Sorry I just lost my balance,” Steve replied.
Then we were both just sitting on the bed, he leaned back and grabbed my butt again and helped me bounce up and down. My boobs were bouncing up and down like madness, I think I started see why he liked my boobs so much. I put my hands onto my boobs and felt them.
“Oh shit Steve, I’m gonna cum now,” I screamed.
“Yes, cum for your brother, cum now,” Steve screamed back.
Then I came on his dick. Then as I was breathing heavily, I got up and started blowing him again. I sucked on it really passionately for a minute.
“Holy fucking shit Angela, you are gonna make me cum too. Oh yes Angela, make your brother cum,” Steve said.
Then as the moans got really loudly yet again. Then I got back a few inches and watched the fireworks. He came more than I ever saw before. 4 good shots up in the air. Then I got up on the bed with him. Even though there was cum everywhere.
“Wow, married sex. Very underrated,” I said.
“Well not everyone has sex with their brother you know. Maybe that was why it was so good,” Steve replied.
“Maybe. We should have sex more often,” I said.
“I like the sound of that,” Steve replied.
Then we cuddled some more for a couple minutes in silence. After great sex, all you wanna do is relax for a little while.
“Well, we should go out there now. Your cum is good, but I need some food too,” I said.
“OK sweetheart, now give your husband a kiss,” Steve replied.
Then we kissed and got up to get dressed. We went out there to meet them, they saw us and they, we had really great sex.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/please-dont-walk-away-7