My name is Brooke and I delivery pizza for a living it nothing big just enough to live off. Well one day I was at work and got a call for a delivery by a guy named nick. I asked him what his phone number was just in case I got lost going to his house well when I got there he told me to come in, of course I was a little scared cause I didn’t know him and I wasn’t sure if he was a weird person or not but I went in any way. I gave him his pizza and he paid me the money that he owed me. After I left his house I thought to my self that he was a really cute guy but is was dark out side so I didn’t get a good look at him, well I drove back to the gas station that I work at which also delivers pizza and before I went inside I took a picture of the ticket that I work his phone number on because I wanted to get to know this nick guy. I went inside to finish my shift and got off work at ten pm I was exhausted from the long hours I worked I drove home and went to bed the next morning I looked at my phone and got the number and started texting nick he ask who I was and I said that I delivered his pizza the night before. He text me back and told me that I stole his number I said “I didn’t still your number you gave it to me last night” after we started talking for a little bit I decided that I really liked him and want to meet him again. He text me and ask me to hang out with him I said yes and I met him at his house. When I got the he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie I said sure he ask what I wanted to watch and I told him I didn’t matter I was to busy staring at him he was about 5’6″ thin with lots of muscal. Well we stared the movie and I laid on the bed beside him and stared to watch the movie all of a sudden he stared to rub up and down my arm and around to my stomach I stared to get really excited and rolled over so we could share our fist kiss. He deepened the kiss by tilting me head back and sliding his tougne on my mouth I responded by doing the same. I was so happy that this was happening to me that I stared to get really into it a was biting his bottom lip. We started to take each others clothes off when nick got me all the way undressed he started to rub my clit in a slow circular motion and I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and stard pumping my fist soon he pulled away and began kissing a path down my body when he got to where I wanted him he covered my pussy with his hot mouth and drove his tougne inside and I flexed my hips to meet the rhythm of is tougne soon I was on the verge of cumming and wanted his big cock inside of me so I pulled at his head earged him to come up so he could fuck me when I moved up my body he angle his cock to my pussy and thrust to the hilt at first we moved together in a slow rhythm and then he started to thrust harder in to my pussy my muscals contracted around his cock and I came harder than I ever have. I felt his dick pulse in side me and knew he was about to cum so I squeezed my pussy around him and he grunted with his release has squirt after squirt of his cum filled me up. I was so exhausted that I just cuddled up next to him and fell asleep in his arms. I woke up in just enough time to make it to work on time the whole time I was at work he kept text me wanting to know when we could meet again i told him that I didn’t know because I had such a busy schedule that it would be hard for me to get any free time. After I left work and checked my schedule I found out that I had the next day off so I texted him and told him that I could meet him the next day for a little while. When I got to his house I walked in without knocking and found him in his bed so before I got in bed with him I went ahead and took my close off and slid in beside him as soon as I was under the covers we started making out whole we where kissing he moved his and down my body and slid his finger into the depths of my wet pussy he moved his finger to his mouth and sucked the juice from his fingers. He moved his mouth over mine and I could taste me on him it was so erotic and it made me even more horny than I already was. I just wanted to feel his cock move inside of me so I wrapped my hand around his dick and angled it right where I wanted it he pused ther head of his dick up against my clit and then slid his dick in all the way to where his balls where hitting my ass as he thrust into me harder and harder. I squeezed his cock with my pussy just so I could hear the sound that he made while trying not to cum before me soon he was thrusting so hard I had to hold on to the bed so that I wouldnt hit mt head on the wall soon I was cumming so hard I thought I might pass out from the pleasure and befor I knew he was cumming too. After we finished we cuddle for a few minutes and then I told him that I had to be at work early the next morning and that I would text him when I had the chance and then i left and went home.