this is just fanfiction nothing more so no hater comments and no shitty votes unless you think my story is crap so we have covered the intro let’s get to the story
It was another boring day at Konohagakure, known as Konoha high for naruto uzumaki he was walking to his 3’rd period math class he found a seat sat down. I would like you all to welcome a new member to the school, oh great a new member. Naruto thought to himself but when he saw the new classmate he took those words back because she was the most beutiful girl he had ever seen she had flowing black hair pale white eyes and she was very shy. She saw an empty desk and sat down it was next to naruto’s desk, NOW EVERYONE CALM DOWN MATH BOOKS OUT TURN TO PAGE 375 PLEASE.
after 3’rd period was over and school was out naruto walked up to the new student and introduced himself, hello my name is Naruto Uzumaki but everyone just call me Naruto. Hello there My name is Hinata Hyuga hey didn’t I see you in 3’rd period? Yes that was me, Personaly Mr. Naruto I like your hair, 1’st of all please just call me Naruto it will be easier on the both of us 2’nd of all thank you I like your hair as well.
well I should really be getting home Naruto so I’ll see you tommorow, sure Hinata, he said with disapointment in his voice. The next day he went to school and waited at the entrance for Hinata finally she arrived and they started talking, Hey Hinata I was starting to think you weren’t coming, are you kidding theres one thing you need to know about me Naruto when I make a promise I keep it. The bell ring’s and they go to first period class.
In the class everyone wanted to sit by Hinata but she chose Naruto to sit by her all the other boys were jealous they kept glaring at Naruto like they wanted to kill him. ENGLISH BOOKS OUT TURN TO PAGE 510 PLEASE, an hour or so passes and the 1’st period bell rings they walk out and go to 2’nd period science, once again Hinata chooses Naruto to sit by her, OK CLASS TODAY WE WILL BE DISSECTING A FROG.
Oh fuck I hate this class, then sneak out i’ll disect your frog for you wait for me outside ok, ok Naruto, Hinata then leaves and the bell rings after 30 minutes, Hey Naruto I wanted to thank you for disecting my frog for me, It was no problem I would literaly do anything for you, Oh Naruto that is so sweat but I already have a boyfriend, o-oh, he walks to third period with his head down.
That night Naruto sat on his bed cying he cried for so long that he cried himself to sleep the next day Hinata sit’s down by Naruto at lunch, Oh you should leave wouldn’t want your boyfriend to see you next to me, Naruto it’s not like that my boyfriend dumped me for some skank just because she wanted sex on the first date, LOOK JUST LEAVE ME ALONE HINATA, hinata then got up and sat by herself, the next day Naruto felt bad about what he said so he disided to apoligize to Hinata, HEY HINATA WAIT UP, she new that voice the moment she heard it, Naruto, she said angryly, I wanted to apolagize to you hinata I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
it was just suprising to see a girl like you not with someone so I thought that mabey that we could get together but then you told me you had a boyfriend and I got hurt deep down inside of me knowing that we could never be together, I kinda felt the same about you I was suprised to see a boy as handsome as you are without at least one girl drooling over you, well all the girls I know treat me like an idiot just because I have the nine tailed fox demon sealed inside of me.
its not my fault they chose me I never asked to have that thing sealed away inside of me WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHOOSE ME? I actually liked that about you, w-what you do? Of coarse what did you think I was attracted to you for your looks?, oh so the only reason you like me is because I have the demon inside of me, not at all your kind, loving, carring and a great talker I like those traits oh and you also have a great personality, …………….. -_- why am I not able to move all of a sudden.
Hinata giggled, No really Hinata I can’t move, by this time they were already out of the school and entered Naruto’s house so since Naruto couldn’t move she decided to take advantage of the situation she tackled him down pinned him by his wrists even though she knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist and he probably wanted what she wanted and that was ……wait for it………SEX DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN even though all of you probably came just for the sex but anyway back to the story Hinata sliped down Naruto’s dark blue jeans then slipped down his boxer’s exposing his cock then she slipped out off her jacket and pants then undid her bra’s strings then took her panties off she was now completely naked. Naruto then rolled over pinning her by her wrists like she did him she just layed there grinning and blushing.
you sure you want this Hinata? Yes Naruto oh yes yes yes I want your cock I want your cock so bad and I want it now! ok ok No need to yell, he starts sliding his cock in he starts out slow, ohhhhhh, Naruto then starts carrising her tits, ohhhh ohhhhh OHHH. she let out a moan and then he pushed his cock deeper and he started fucking her faster she was already to the point where she was about to cum, wow Hinata your already wet
after 3’rd period was over and school was out naruto walked up to the new student and introduced himself, hello my name is Naruto Uzumaki but everyone just call me Naruto. Hello there My name is Hinata Hyuga hey didn’t I see you in 3’rd period? Yes that was me, Personaly Mr. Naruto I like your hair, 1’st of all please just call me Naruto it will be easier on the both of us 2’nd of all thank you I like your hair as well.
well I should really be getting home Naruto so I’ll see you tommorow, sure Hinata, he said with disapointment in his voice. The next day he went to school and waited at the entrance for Hinata finally she arrived and they started talking, Hey Hinata I was starting to think you weren’t coming, are you kidding theres one thing you need to know about me Naruto when I make a promise I keep it. The bell ring’s and they go to first period class.
In the class everyone wanted to sit by Hinata but she chose Naruto to sit by her all the other boys were jealous they kept glaring at Naruto like they wanted to kill him. ENGLISH BOOKS OUT TURN TO PAGE 510 PLEASE, an hour or so passes and the 1’st period bell rings they walk out and go to 2’nd period science, once again Hinata chooses Naruto to sit by her, OK CLASS TODAY WE WILL BE DISSECTING A FROG.
Oh fuck I hate this class, then sneak out i’ll disect your frog for you wait for me outside ok, ok Naruto, Hinata then leaves and the bell rings after 30 minutes, Hey Naruto I wanted to thank you for disecting my frog for me, It was no problem I would literaly do anything for you, Oh Naruto that is so sweat but I already have a boyfriend, o-oh, he walks to third period with his head down.
That night Naruto sat on his bed cying he cried for so long that he cried himself to sleep the next day Hinata sit’s down by Naruto at lunch, Oh you should leave wouldn’t want your boyfriend to see you next to me, Naruto it’s not like that my boyfriend dumped me for some skank just because she wanted sex on the first date, LOOK JUST LEAVE ME ALONE HINATA, hinata then got up and sat by herself, the next day Naruto felt bad about what he said so he disided to apoligize to Hinata, HEY HINATA WAIT UP, she new that voice the moment she heard it, Naruto, she said angryly, I wanted to apolagize to you hinata I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
it was just suprising to see a girl like you not with someone so I thought that mabey that we could get together but then you told me you had a boyfriend and I got hurt deep down inside of me knowing that we could never be together, I kinda felt the same about you I was suprised to see a boy as handsome as you are without at least one girl drooling over you, well all the girls I know treat me like an idiot just because I have the nine tailed fox demon sealed inside of me.
its not my fault they chose me I never asked to have that thing sealed away inside of me WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHOOSE ME? I actually liked that about you, w-what you do? Of coarse what did you think I was attracted to you for your looks?, oh so the only reason you like me is because I have the demon inside of me, not at all your kind, loving, carring and a great talker I like those traits oh and you also have a great personality, …………….. -_- why am I not able to move all of a sudden.
Hinata giggled, No really Hinata I can’t move, by this time they were already out of the school and entered Naruto’s house so since Naruto couldn’t move she decided to take advantage of the situation she tackled him down pinned him by his wrists even though she knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist and he probably wanted what she wanted and that was ……wait for it………SEX DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN even though all of you probably came just for the sex but anyway back to the story Hinata sliped down Naruto’s dark blue jeans then slipped down his boxer’s exposing his cock then she slipped out off her jacket and pants then undid her bra’s strings then took her panties off she was now completely naked. Naruto then rolled over pinning her by her wrists like she did him she just layed there grinning and blushing.
you sure you want this Hinata? Yes Naruto oh yes yes yes I want your cock I want your cock so bad and I want it now! ok ok No need to yell, he starts sliding his cock in he starts out slow, ohhhhhh, Naruto then starts carrising her tits, ohhhh ohhhhh OHHH. she let out a moan and then he pushed his cock deeper and he started fucking her faster she was already to the point where she was about to cum, wow Hinata your already wet