We will call her cougar and me tiger ok for this story
We mat in a coffee shop in london ontario after we had talke don the internet for 2 months prier and got to know each other or so we thought .
I met cougar in the early after noon and our eyes met and instantly we both heard a crash out side a car had hit an other one in the street out side the coffee shop and we looked at each other agian .
We noticed that we had a conection here and I asked her what she would like to drink, she answered and said coffee mocha and I went to get it . no problem and cougar came and asked for a muffin < what kind oat meal carrot < and I had one 2 .
We sat done at a table in the donut shop and talked for a bit about the things that were on my profile and hers . We had finished our muffins and me my cnocolate milk and she was still sipping on here mocha and asked if she could take it with her.
I asked with here meaning what << >>> and she invited me bck to her apartment on race line in london and if I would come with here. Now being me what do you think I would say no of course not . She took me bck to her apartment and as we entered she said please excuse the mes ans she had just moved in about a month ago aand was not yet fully un packed yet . I said not to worry those things happen and we get to them as we can . this time was now maybe say 3:pm now and she asked if I would mind if she went on line to read her emails and such and do a few things . answer was no probllem dear do as you like and i watch ok …….
Now I sat besider her and began to hug cougar lil bit and kiss her on the neck … Response was that feels nice ..
with this being a red blooded guy I decided to have some fun and see how far I could get, why just because ok . >>>> With one hand I undid her bra though her shirt she had on. As I did this cougars eyes met mine andgave me a kiss . Yes she kissed me first .
Let me go bck a lil bit ok … cougar is a yr. older than me she being 60 and me 58 ok …
Now bck to where I was ok … I proceeded to play with her bck and around to her front and hands on her breasts . palying all the while and lill pinch and fondling along the way. . Whit this was as I saw it ok with her as she did not stop me I went farther and took of her bra leaving her top on . Still no resistance, so I proceeded further and fondled her breasts some more and i got the responce that feels sso good.
From here cougar and I tiger were getting quite friendly with each other and i had my hands allover her top of her waist and also had her top of by now and to my surprise she had quite a big pair of tits and firm
OMYG they were so nice to paly with… and with that as I saw them she turned around and kissed me and took of my shirt too so , so we were now both toppless and i imiadiately hugged her in my anrms with my hands on her beasts and she just went on with her coumputer things with me huging her. I just loved this can you imagine what was going through my mind me here with a 60 yr.. old women and me only 58 .
Oh yes let me get something striaght ok this women was amazingingly and very sensous and beautiful in her own rights ok like I mean she was very very sexxy just simply gorgous . I f I could show you a picture of her in here I would but alass I can not . Do I have and of her you bet i do on my cell phone toppless and in very sexxy revealing out fits too.
While cougar was on the net i proceed to paly trying to get more off but she said no and I respected that and stopped with just having her top off, which was just fine with me …..
I was getting lateand I had things to do at home so I said I had to go . Her response was thats ok if you like and she got up from her chair still no top on and gave me a big wet kiss on the lips and helped me get my shirt back on and we went to her door and as we stood there e agian exchanged graet big kisses .
Cougar asked if she would see me agian , and my responce was how bout saturday is that ok with you ..
Now thinking that it was just a stand and say ok she thought to herself that it was not to be and that I would not return on saturday . but said ok just the same..
Now I just left it there and gave her one more kiss and left knowing that I woldl be returning on saturday t see her.
OK now comes saturday time being 5:30am that I was in cougars town agian and went to park in her apartment parking lot . Just as I got there I called her on my cell .. Oh yes she had given me her home phone and call number to her apartment. Cool huh me good and still got it.
As I had left my place all I had on was my house pants and shirt nothing else on under it . Yup you guessed it no underware , Ok now ans I phoned cougar she answered the phone and asked who it was and I said tiger <<< Her responce was you did come you really came. Yes dear was my responce like I said I would.
So i dialed her aprt. number and went up stairs to hcougars apartment on the 3rd floor number 1211
Cougar opened the dor in her bath robe and let me in with my clothes to change into in hand.
COugars first words was I don’t have any thing on under this and as I plan on going bck to bed .
My answer was thats ok dear I soon will not have any thing on either as I to am going bck to bed . all i got wasssssss OK with me and we went to bd and just cuddled and kissed and talked in each others arms for most of the morning and drifted off to sleep about 11ish or so and woke up at 2pm ….
Cougar was still sleepy but had things to do and was going to get a shower and asked me 2 join her
END OF PART ONE more to cum ok