hi my name is doglove and im going to tell some sex story.s abouth me and my dog little neigbore boy or little nephew all right i can nott tell much of my personal life butt a couple things can i tell all right so im gay i love piss or watersports sometimes wen i blow job my little cousin or neigbore boy then i go sit on the toilet and let them piss on me jezus i love pee or right the first time i was intresse in piss was wen i was like 5 years old i was on the play ground my dad at his partens for a couple minutes so for no reason i pull my cute little cock out and start pissing wen i was all most done my dad called me and den we leave so afther that i was doing the hole time lets say my dad is at work my brother is away whit friends im alone home is at the store for food so what i did i go in the back yard and start peeing den i wanne see some video.s from pee so den i fond mouth peeing and that.s wen i invited my little neigbore boy i sucked his little cock litle my god his cock is huge and he was like 5 years butt later i sucked my little cousin his cock and now im still doing it its just i dont have a boy or girlfriend and im horny like a freaking horse butt any way on school we have every year one day wer the teachers selling hotdogs and i was inside and a dude from 4 gray asked if i wanne talk and den he said you wanne see my cock and i was like hell yeah so he pulled it out and den i start fucking his cock like a dog butt now no school any more so i dont no wer he liv or his facebook name butt any way i also intresse in yiff porn furry sex i love its the only sex that.s make me horny i know 100 sites like rule 34 e621 xbooru furrybooru and more butt there is one site i really love u18chan its the best website ever or right look wen i first found all thos sites i read the comic.s all lot why the comic.s are so amazing story.s abouth gay or not gay friends who are in love whit each other the comic.s are amazing butt any before i discoverd u 18chan i allways need to search for the comic butt one night wen i discovered u18chan i read every comic that i like some comic.s did i read all ready some wer new so i thougt by myself i going to buy a memory card putt al the furry sex pic or comic on that card plus a back up on a online photoalbum why den i dont have to search no more for a comic just pick one im still collecting comic butt now you think dude what if some one discovered the card i have the card i the back of my Phone under the battery wer no body would look its very simple look my Phone is allways whit me so no body can touch him and my mom and dad dont no shit abouth computers so im good besides that made my computer private so i dont remember any thing what i did on the internet or right this is kinda my story my name is doglove and im a gay watersports furry yiff lover no body know my secrets and day never will if day discovered what i just told you guys people would call me a freak im not a american im a male from Belgium thats the only information that i can give you guys well maybe tomorow i will tell a couple story im glad i can tell some people abouth my secret life thanks