As we woke up, we started to eat, my mom was eating and eating and drinking more than I was. As she continued, I noticed her empty slim belly was getting bigger every minute. Then as there was a quarter of food left, she lay back slowly on the sofa and started placing her hands on her big aching belly after she opened a few bottom buttons of her blouse to let the belly visible and cool. I came over and kissed it for her. “Thank you, honey.” I said; “Mom, you have to finish the rest on the table.” She said; “Honey, I love to but I will burst my belly open.” As she saw how disappointed I am now, she suddenly changed her mind. “If I eat the rest of the leftovers myself, I promise then we’ll have our private time.” I smiled and felt so eager for my mom to get her belly bigger and bigger before our private time. I embraced her tight and she wrapped her arms around me. As she couldn’t get up because of her loaded heavy belly, I brought the leftovers to her; she ate all the rest and drank a full 125 litre carton of water. After that she opened her blouse completely to let her huge belly and tits to grow to their full size. I lay down on her and and brought my cock to her red lips and suck it to moisten it for me to rub it over her massive bare abdomen. As we kissed, then her cheek, her chest and finally all around her beautiful swollen belly. As she continued to kiss me passionately, she pulled her soft lips from my lips and said; “Honey, I’m sorry, but I need the toilet.” I said; “Mom, you promised me…” She started to realise she did promise me. I said, “Mom, if you really need to go…” But she said; “No, I’ll hold it in. I’ll keep my promise to you.” I continued kissing her belly and lay on her tits and licked her nipples. I heard my mom moaning in pain from her bellyache and the agony of holding in her urine. I then put my ear to her belly and listened; her belly was moaning and groaning loudly. Mom was getting more uncomfortable by the pain of holding in her urine. I gently rubbed where her extremely full bladder that is ready to burst. After an hour, my mom was fidgeting uncomfortably; she wanted to drain her urine. She said; “Honey, I’m sorry again, but I’m going to burst! We can have out time after you get me drained.” As I didn’t want my mom to overload her bladder, it’s time to get her drained. I said in concern; “Let’s get you to the toilet.” My mom smiled as I agreed to help her.
As she couldn’t get up from her heavy belly, I lifted her off the sofa and towards the grand staircase to the bathroom upstairs. My mom was very heavy to carry and I took each step very slowly even though I couldn’t see where I was going to place my foot. As I was carrying her, one of my hands was massaging on her smooth bare back and my other hand was holing her bare legs that were tight together to hold in her urine. I said ; “I have you, mom. Just hold it in.” She said in pain; “Please hurry, sweetheart!” My mom was still groaning in pain to hold it in as I finally reached the top of the stairs and hurried to the bathroom. As I turned the knob on the bathroom door, it won’t open. I said in panic; “It’s locked!” My mom looked surprised as she realised something. She said; “I remembered I left the key downstairs by the backdoor.” I said; “I must get it! I’ll leave you here.” I slowly lay her on the floor outside the bathroom door. She was now near to the moment of exploding her bladder. She said in ache; “Please be quick, honey!” I kissed her on the cheek. I said; “I’ll be right back.” I darted to the stairs and slid down the banister. My mom started rolling onto her side on the floor with her face turning a bit red. As I reached the back door, I saw a small pile of keys with tags on them. I rushed through the pile, with ones saying; front door, back door and garage door. While my mom was groaning horribly loud in desperate distress, I could hear her from where I was. Finally, I found the key, grabbed it, ran back and up the stairs and arrived where my mom was. She now was boiling red in the face and sweating heavily and rolling on the floor with her skinny bare legs crossed together very tightly, but she was glad that I was back. She wailed; “Please hurry, sweetheart!” I finally unlocked the bathroom door and opened it. I quickly lifted mom up again and placed her on the toilet. I placed my hand under her skirt to remove her knickers from her hairy vagina. She held me tight for support and comfort before she started to pee. She sighed in relax and litres of her urine drained. She looked at me proudly and said “thank you?? before she kissed and embraced me on her smooth bare thigh and I buried my head into her large tits and suckled her nipples.