This is the final chapter of the Tia and Mia saga. This particular part of the story took place during my graduation from college and the summer months the followed.
Read the first two chapters before reading this one. A reminder Tia was my girlfriend and she had an identical twin sister name Mia. I ended up cheating with Mia on my birthday, thinking she was Tia. The only way that you can tell them apart was Tia had a small black mole near her lip on the left side. This story takes place 3 months after I saw Mia and her friend. See part 2
I’m finally graduating from college. It took me five years, but I’m finally graduating. Tia is in law school and working part time at a law firm. Some part time job, she worked a lot of late nights and weekends. I hardly ever see her and we hardly ever had sex. Also, it’s been three months since I’ve seen her sister Mia. Graduation day and my mom and brothers were down to help me celebrate. Even though my mom has met Tia before, she never met Mia and I don’t think I ever told her she had a twin sister. So when my mom met Mia, my mom thought it was Tia. However, all my brothers knew it was not her just because of the way Mia dressed. Tia was conservative, while Mia dressed more to impress. Also, my brothers knew Tia had a twin. So imagine my mom’s reaction when Tia came to sit with my family. It didn’t help that Mia didn’t tell my mom she wasn’t Tia. Anyways, she was shocked and surprised and a little relived. I found out later my mom asked one of my brothers why Tia (Mia) was dressed like a hooker. She was much relived it was Mia and not Tia. Are you confused because my mom was? After graduation, my mom took us out to eat. The funny thing, at the restaurant my mom sat between Tia and me with Mia on my left. Even after dinner and we went to the hotel where my family was staying, Tia was conversing more with my mom and brothers than with me. I hardly ever spent time with her and here she was ignoring me. Yes, after graduation she gave me a hug and a kiss, but that was it. What was going on? When it was time to go home, I said good night to my family and Mia went back to her hotel. The right home was very quiet. We chatted but she fell asleep on me. When we got to my place I was looking forward to fucking Tia. It’s been awhile, but after we had sex it felt like she just went through the motions. I had a feeling something was not right. The following morning I woke up before Tia. So when Tia got up I was in the kitchen making breakfast. Than came “We need to talk”. Here it comes. She tells me she loves me, But I have to tell you something. Long story short, she had an affair with one of the lawyers at the law firm. I had a hunch but I didn’t want to ask. Besides I cheated with her sister. I asked if they were still seeing each other and she said no. Turned out the lawyer is married and wasn’t going to leave his wife. I did tell her I forgive her, but she told me that she needed a break to clear up her head. After breakfast, Tia left to go to her place, I called up her sister Mia. Turns out Mia already knew (for a week) about the affair and she also knew Tia was going to break up with me. Mia asked me to come over, but I wanted some alone time. That night Mia called and asked if she could come over. I told her why not. Even though I cheated behind Tia with her own sister, I still cared about Tia and I was sort of heart broken. Mia and I did have sex that night and it was good, but my mind was not completely there. Over the summer, Tia and I would talk, but I knew we would not get back together. Mia and I got close, but not the boyfriend and girlfriend way. We become friends with benefits. Mia told me she wanted to be my sex slut and basically that’s what she became. We had great sex during the summer. The only problem, when we spent time together Mia would remind me of Tia. Being identical twins would do that. In August, I was offered and I accepted a job near my hometown. Tia stay to finish law school and Mia went back to school as well. I stayed in touch with Mia for about a year. Mia and I would get together for sex but eventually we went our separate ways. As far as Tia, once I left I never saw or talked with Tia again. Even when I chatted or saw Mia I would never ask about her sister. I never knew if Mia told Tia about the two us. That was 25 years ago. This chapter was not as graphic as the first two, but I did say there would be a part 3.