Please read Parts 1 – 14 first.
My three University years were a rolling fuck festival for me. My best friend and I became compatriots in planning and executing sex parties with many guys and I also introduced her to the Friday night beach parties where some of the new boys were younger. It was fun for me to still go there and see a new guy invited who was a few years behind me at school and outside of my radar back then. They suddenly became very attractive with an extra couple of years on them. There was no shortage of guys at Uni willing to get involved in our parties, with a fresh supply starting each year. It turned out that my girlfriend was very much like me in spirit and sexuality, but had not had the opportunity to exploit it when living in a small country town. The sex life between us blossomed. I took to girl-girl sex like a duck to water and she was happy to lead me in the ways she had learned with her school friend. I was very keen to try more with her following our first time, as she was with me. We had several sessions together over the next couple of days including a long afternoon into evening where we spent 9 hours in her room. Our second time together was unexpected for me. I saw her in the café at lunch the day following our first time together and she asked me to come to her room later that afternoon; she had something to show me. When she let me in she was normally dressed in her day clothes. I sat on the bed and we chatted a bit until I asked her what she had to show me. She grinned and retrieved a small soft bag from a drawer and passed it to me. When I pulled the drawstrings open, I found a plastic cock inside. It was a plain, smooth vibrator. I took it out and fondled it. I had never had one of my own and this was the first one I had ever handled. It had never occurred to me to get one, because I had always had enough real cock around to keep me going. My girlfriend switched it on, pressed it straight onto my nipple and said “Feel this.” It was nice, even though it was through my clothes. More than anything I was pleased by her directness in assuming she could now do as she pleased with me. I held her hand and guided the vibrator around my breast and over to the other one. Warm feelings started. She gave me a solid push on the chest to lie down and then ran the vibrator down until it was rubbing between my legs. She held it there with one hand while she undid my jeans with the other. I was laughing at her and in the end had to help her undo my jeans and pull them off. She was a girl on a mission with no inhibitions. With my jeans off she slipped the tip inside my undies and ran it up and down my crack. Oohh this was new, and good. I groaned my pleasure and relaxed back while she busied herself between my legs. I was getting very wet and slipped my underwear off. She dragged them down and off my feet, then really took control. She straight away folded my knees back and pressed the tip into me. The rest followed very easily and soon I had a solid six inches humming inside me. What it lacked in thickness, it made up for in vibrations. I rested while she slid the vibrator in and out, rotating it and pushing it side to side inside me. Every now and then she slipped it out and ran it up my crack to my clit and pressed it there. This ramped me up very quickly until she slid it down and into me again. The feeling was very different to anything I had experienced before and I was rising fast. My involuntary moans started as the feeling built in me. I could feel my nipples tingling and my clit humming. As my breathing accelerated I felt the sensation of her mouth open and slide over my clit. Her tongue swirled in circles and lapped up and down my lips. It was too much and I came quickly against her mouth while she fucked me rapidly with the vibrator, pressing it against my walls with wide circular motions in my cunt. My orgasm was a long one with wave after wave rolling through me while she sucked and licked me. She pulled the vibrator out when I motioned that I was done. When I opened my eyes she was still kneeling next to me on the edge of the bed. There was a wet sheen on her upper lip and chin which I took to be my lubrication spread on her face. It gave her a slightly filthy look and I liked it. I suddenly had the urge to kiss her and taste myself. I sat straight up and pushed her down on the bed, kissing her and running my tongue over her lips and into her mouth. She relaxed and kissed me back, deeply and very well. I wanted to keep going and started rubbing her tits but she sat up, laughing and said she couldn’t, she was meeting a new guy for a fuck in his room and she was now, very ready. We agreed to meet in her room the next day after lunch. She said sorry about having to leave, but she had thought about me all morning and urgently wanted to do me again with her vibrator. It was all good for me. I just couldn’t wait for tomorrow. I still hadn’t tasted her cunt and the thought was sending me delirious. I hoped she tasted as nice as me. Part 16 to follow.