She gasped softly, a more shy side of her that he was used to seeing coming out again after she was realizing how much they actually did together. He could see his cum coating the edge of the inside of her lips when she had them open.
The inside of her mouth was a light white, he watched her lick around inside her mouth, her lips parted enough for him to see everything. He enjoyed it. It got him wanting her again, not that he was going to waste the opportunity to have her now. He picked up her, fireman’s style and walked towards the stairs.
He couldn’t help but smile at her small gasp, her arms went up and wrapped themselves around his neck as he walked up the stairs slowly. He tightened his grip on her, not wanting her to think that he’d really drop her.
His room was at the end of the hallway after getting to the top of the stairs landing. He walked slowly as he slowly dropped his head towards her exposed neck. He started kissing her there, her breathing picked up as she tilted her head, exposing more of her neck and throat to him.
He groaned as he kissed her neck, he started to suck on her skin as he stopped outside his bedroom. The door was closed, he waited and Ally realized what he wanted. She drew herself away from him, leaning over as she open the door. He kicked it open the rest of the way with his foot and carries her to his bed.
He had a king sized bed, it was in the middle of the room against the windows. The windows were covered in dark curtains, blocking out the sun but leaving enough light for them to see without having to turn on a lamp. He laid her down on his bed, she felt the soft blankets against her naked body, her head went down on his pillow as he climbed up in front of her and spread her legs on each side of his body.
He wasn’t finished with her, she could see and feel that as his hardening cock brushed against her wet pussy. He wasn’t done with her neck either, he seemed obsessed with kissing it all over. He started with the left side first, kissing it and sucking it like he did in the hallway. He licked his tongue across it, getting it nice and wet before sucking it again.
He wanted his mark on her. He continued this for a few more seconds. Ally moaned softly at his actions, she lifted her hands and gently started rubbing them along his shoulders, then down towards his chest. She’d move them back up, rub his shoulders once more, then down his back.
Instead of a heated fucking like they were heading towards downstairs, they touched and kissed, and rubbed each other better. It was getting each of them more aroused than before.
Danny pulled away from her neck a few inches, seeing a light red mark on her neck from his sucking, he leaned down towards the other side. Raising his hand up he turned her head gently turning her head to the side. She gladly let him as she rubbed his back, shoulders, and chest. She took her time with each part of him, then slowly started adding her nails against his skin.
His soft groan filled the air next to her ear as he paid great attention to her neck. His hands also seemed to want to give attention as well, as one moved placing itself on her right breast, his other hand slid down her stomach to her pussy.
With two fingers, he rubbed her bare, pouted, pussy lips. She was so smooth there, so soft, so wet. She moaned softly as each of his hands rubbed her. His hand on her breast, slowly started moving until it was massaging her. His fingers were started to knead her breast in his hand, then they would flatten out so his whole hand fit over her breast.
He’d stroke his thumb against her soft skin, then raise it over her nipple and press down lightly, moving it in a circular motion, feeling her nipple harden. Only when it was fully hard did he add more pressure, he leaned up from her neck looking down as he rubbed her nipple.
His other fingers moved until he had the side of his first finger against her nipple. He squeezed it until she drew in a sharp breath. By then, her nipple had turned white. He released it letting the blood flow become normal again. He started to rub her whole breast once again as he leaned down towards her second neglected breast. He licked it all around, tasting her skin before sliding his tongue closer to her nipple.
His fingers on her pussy were rubbing her bare lips more quickly now, her legs were lightly shaking as she panted. Ally leaned her head back, letting out a gentle moan as he parted her lips with two of his fingers and used his thumb to search for her clit. He ran his thumb up and down her needy slit, going up until her hips jumped. Upon finding the sweet little clit of hers, he rubbed it with his thumb.
His other fingers kept her lips apart, but slowly he eased his middle finger into her, moving it in and out, gradually making a ‘come here’ motion inside her. He used another finger into her, the second that was holding her lips open. He eased each of his fingers in and out, making more ‘come here’ motions, curving his fingers to give her more pleasure.
Her body shivered as her moaning increased. His thumb rubbing her clit as his tongue lapped at her nipple and his second hand massaged her breast. Her body grew chilled as he continued playing with her, he moved the hand rubbing her breast down. Stroking her stomach and sides as he kissed across the middle of her chest to her other breast and immediately started sucking her nipple. He gently bit it and sucked it hard, Ally’s eyes closed at this.
She let out a small sigh as it felt so wonderful to her. His hand stroked down her left leg then slid upward to her other free breast, now grabbing it and squeezing it. Her pussy tingled around his fingers, he looked up at her watching her as he sucked her nipple and kissed her breast.
She moaned more, his fingers moving deeper, harder. Her legs shook each time he rubbed her clit, he decided he would make her cum before he took her fully. He kissed his way down her body, down her flat smooth stomach to between her legs where he licked up and down her slit as he fucked her with his fingers.
Her hips tilted up and down as she rocked herself into his fingers when he would slide them in, he moved his thumb away from her clit and leaned forward. He flattened his tongue around the area above her clit, licking the top part of her pussy. He teased her as he did this, she groaned out wanting, needing him to do more for her.
He finally stopped his teasing and licked between her slick folds and found his tongue rubbing on her clit, her clit itself was throbbing for more attention. He licked it softly, then harder, each lick would be harder than the previous one as he sucked her clit into his lips.
While it was between his wet lips, he sucked and licked it, moving his fingers harder and faster in her, getting them as deep as he could, he moaned around her clit as she moaned from the pleasure he was giving her. Her hips were jumping more and more as her pussy started to tighten, this was it, she was going to cum for him.
Her hands moved gripping the sheets tightly, so tight in fact her knuckles turned white. Her moaning grew louder in the quiet room, she whimpered as he sucked her clit and licked it harder than he previously did. “O-Oh!!!” She moaned.
He slammed his fingers in her, moving his tongue licking up and down her slit before quickly licking her clit again, her hips jumped and her moaning increased as she finally came. Her pussy became so tight around his fingers as he pumped them in her as she finished her release. Her moaning was long and loud during this, her body shivered and ached.
She still wanted more, so did he. He slowly slid his fingers from her and leaned up catching his breath. He slid his fingers in his own mouth tasting her juices and moaned. Moving his hand out he grabbed her legs, hooking his arms around each of her legs and lowered his face down licking her slit up and down, he eased his tongue inside her licking up as much of her cum as he could.
Her legs moved around his head, resting on his back as he licked and cleaned her out, she started rubbing her own breasts, teasing and pinching her own nipples. Little shivers blasted through her as he finished licking. He slid up her body, her legs sliding downward and around his waist by the time he was face to face with her.
She saw wetness covering his mouth and chin, which caused her to blush. He smiled at that, them hardly saying a word throughout this whole time. He watched her rub her breasts and leg out a soft groan, it made him more aroused as she pinched and rubbed her own nipples and breasts.
His cock slid and rubbed against her pussy, she breathed in feeling it. He reached down, pressing his cock between her folds then gently pulled her hands away from her breasts. She looked up at him as he slowly grinned. “Are you ready for the best part little sister?” He spoke softly to her as she looked up at him.
With her legs around his waist, her arms moving around his neck, she slowly nodded and smiled at him. “Yes…”