He was the most trusted of King Arthur’s knights and played a part in many of Arthur’s victories. Lancelot is best known for his love affair with Arthur’s wife, Lady Guinevere.
Lancelot’s life and adventures have been featured in several medieval romances, often with conflicting back-stories and chains of events. He was presented as the most formidable knight at King Arthur’s court. His adulterous relationship with the Queen is legendary. How can the lovers’ consummation be considered a “saintly affair” when it is also adultery?
Lancelot was ultimately identified with the tragedy of chance and human failing that is responsible for the downfall of the round table.
Merlin, sometimes called Merlin the Magician, is a legendary figure best known as the wizard featured in the Arthurian legend.
I think the cast of characters for this never before revealed story of sex, infidelity, and magic is now set.
King Arthur regularly was off on missions to set wrong right and protect his people. Queen Guinevere was left in his castle, sometimes for months at a time.
On many of those occasions Sir Lancelot stayed behind and enjoyed scandalous trysts with the lusty horny Lady Guinevere. All was well in the Queen’s world. She was happy, content, and sexually satisfied by Sir Lancelot. He knew precisely what to do and how to do it so as to provide the Queen with glorious, royal orgasms. Lancelot considered it one of his duties as well as his pleasure to make sure Lady Guinevere was not deprived of being totally and continually sexually gratified.
But when Sir Lancelot was sent on a mission by King Arthur and the King was gone as well, the queen had no one to satisfy her sexual desires and needs. She was royally horny and unfulfilled during those times.
She struggled with this situation for months, yea, years. She tried to satisfy her needs by attempting to learn how to pleasure her royal pussy by masturbating herself with her hands, but that ended up being a poor and inadequate substitute for being royally fucked by a hard hot cock. She became extremely frustrated.
“What to do?” she thought to herself. “Perchance Merlin can do something magical for me”.
She summoned Merlin to her chambers and delicately explained her dilemma to him.
“Yes, Your Majesty, I have just what you desire, a magic cue stick.”
“A CUE STICK?? How could that possibly help me?”
“Your Majesty, any time you are horny and want to be screwed, just say, ‘Cue stick, my cunt’ and you will be satisfied by the cue stick. It will give your pussy a royal fucking.”
“Is that the best you can do?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Oh hell, OK leave the damned thing here and be gone with you, Merlin.”
Merlin bowed to her majesty and departed.
As soon as he was out of sight and sound the queen eagerly said, “Cue stick, my cunt” and was instantly ravaged and brought to a royal orgasm.
She enjoyed her magic cue stick several times daily until King Arthur returned.
When Arthur entered their chambers, he announced that he was horny as hell because the only sex he had had while on his mission was when a damsel in distress insisted, out of gratitude for his helping her, that she give him a hand job which was totally inadequate because she was young and not experienced.
“Did you miss being royally fucked by my royal cock while I was away?” he asked.
“Why not?”
“Because I have a magic cue stick that satisfies me more than you ever did, that’s why”
“All I have to do is to say the magic words and it fucks my brains out”
“You aren’t fooling me. That bastard Lancelot must have been fucking you again. Cue stick my ass……..OH! …Shit! ………GET AWAY, GET AWAY, GET AWAY!!!!!!!!
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/toys/merlins-magic-cue-stick