When I was 12 we lived in a small town population of 200 people where friends were very
few and far between. I did however have one really good friend his name was seth.
He was the same age as me and a little shorter he had brown curly hair and the most perfect
cheeks that always seem to be the best shade of red his eyes were as blue as the sea and could
always seem to light up a room. However seth was a trouble maker and I was not.
Let me tell you a little about me I have always been the shy quite loner I do not like
confrontation I am slim and have brown hair and eyes nothing special. At the time I was just
starting the change of life my cock was now growing hair and getting bigger it was now at 2 inch
soft and 4 when hard and growing what seem to be ever day. I did not know much about sex
infact I had just found out that if I rub my dick on my teddy bear it would get me hard and
when I kept going my body would get all tight and tense and I would have what I know now to
be a dry orgasum it was the best thing I had ever found out. That is untill that day me and seth
went for a bike ride to the old church which was just around the corner from where we lived
out back there was many old cars and trucks that we could fool around in play drive that sorta
stuff. It was a day like any other we got there and hoped in it while looking threw things we
found 2 smokes they had at one time gotton wet and were all brown but being the curious boys
we were we sparked one up I will never forget that taste in my mouth it made me choke and
spit every where yet we some how finished one of them. After the smoke was gone seth was
in the drivers seat acting as if he was driving and said to me “Look a hotel” he went on to tell
me that he has been watching his dads videos and seen them in a hotel room and asked me if
I wanted him to show me what they did in it. Not knowing what would come next I said yea
sure he then got up to make room for me and asked me to lay down on the bench seat. I had
always kinda like seth but you could tell he was into girls so what came next got me blind sided
befor I knew what was going on my soft penis was in his mouth being vigorously sucked and
licked it did not take but half a second for my little mostly hairless penis to be hard as a rock
the feeling was unimaginable my back was arched almost like a bridge and my body was tight.
I was shaking uncontrollably and for the first time in my life I shot the smallest bit of jizz in to
his mouth. I could not move for what seemed like forever. He looked at me and asked how
was it I tryed to say alright with out letting out the gitty feeling I was feeling out I was on top of
the world then with 2 words he made the best day of my life even better. This was something
I had wanted to do for the last few weeks sence the teddy bear helped me figure out what a
penis is for. Those 2 words I had dreamed of hearing finally coming to life such simple word
“your turn” with that I picked my self up and went to get dressed just the he stoped me from
pulling up my tighty whities leave them off he demanded. I tryed to do everything he did I
took down his pants and at first licked the head but then closed my eyes and took it all he
was already hard and had hair as well not a lot just the little bit right above the base you
get at 12 he was bigger as well I would guess 5 inch but never the less I took it all gaging a little
he grabed my hair and started to face fuck me fast my mouth was going num but I did not care
just then I got hit with a load of warm boy jizz I do not rememeber much of a taste. My dick
fully hard still but he did not leave much room to talk he said I have to go for dinner and
kissed my cheeck said o ya camping out in you back yard saterday ok still in shock by what
was all happening so fast I just said ya then he was gone. the next 3 days waiting for saterday
would be too much I needed to get him alone but how. When I got home my dinner was too done
I ate in 2 seconds and went to my room all I could think of was him all I could smell taster was him
I wanted him as much as a person with food wants it. Just as my body started to tightin I hear my mum
she yells up the stare and says sweety seth is he I flew down the stares and there at my door stood my angle
we went out side and neather one of us talked about what had just happen. He asked if I wanted to go for a swim in his pool befor dark I ran to change my shorts just as I am pulling them up I see him in my door he had came up right behind me and just watched while we same we played with one another a little he was the worm and I the fish it was what would happen this weekend that would change things forever.
If you guys like I will do more as I said this is 100% true and the details are foggy I did the bet I could btw I know my spelling is not the best but I got some good story’s I was a boy slut lol so ya comment and enjoys
Love kevin