how could my lust, be so wrong?
I see you move, right close to me;
I want to melt, when you dance and swing.
you come to me, I stretch my arms;
I feel your body, oh so warm.
I feel your breasts, press into me;
your blue eyes shine, and me they see.
I feel your lips, upon my neck;
I shudder, but, my passion’s checked.
come to me, I pull you near;
for you I lust, my lovely dear.
I feel your breath, so hot and warm;
your skins so soft, as I caress your arm.
damn, I want you, so bad it seems;
I go for you, on bended knees.
I taste your flesh, I want much more;
my passion’s growing and begins to soar.
I see the smile, come across your face;
your lips are pursed, my head’s in place.
I hear you sing, I feel you cum;
my lovely darling, you are the one.
I slowly rise, I kiss your face;
your head’s still spinning, in outer space.
you come back down, you profess your love;
you’re heaven sent, from up above.
the sun arises, from somewhere deep;
it arouses us, from our deep sleep.
I look at you, I see your eyes;
I remember you, and last night’s sighs.
I feel content, I hold you close;
last night’s lust, is today’s repose.
we go our ways, we come back home;
the world still turns, tomorrow unknown