Fiction, Boy / Boy, Teen Male / Teen Male, Teen Male/Teen Females, Young
Author’s infos
Gender: N/A
Age: N/A
Location: East Coast in the U.S.
Also, I am still working on “Your Name Here”. School and work have joined forces to steal as much of my free time as possible. Expect Chapter 4 sometime withing the next few weeks.
Lately I’ve been feeling so hollow, its unbelievable. I can’t find real happiness anywhere I look and I’m trying so hard to keep my head up. Its just…utterly exhausting. For instance, when I’m in class, I appear like I’m having fun and I’m happy. Yet, that isn’t the real me (as much as I wish it were). I feel like I’m leading many lives at once; the one is the fake me that is jolly and upbeat when I’m with other people, another is also a fake me that is constantly doing anything and everything to make the people I call my friends like me, still another is a fake me that has ambition and drive. But the cold, honest truth is that the real me is a 17 year-old mess.