Kari stared out through the window and into the night. The moon was full that evening, casting its eerie light upon the floor of the desert. The pale blue radiance of the moonlight gave the desert’s rocks and cacti an almost mournful appearance, as if they were suffering a terribly painful loneliness as they silently watched the world travel by on the blacktop of the interstate.
Loneliness was something Kari could understand. For the last nine years of her young life, she had lived as a virtual prisoner in her own home. Her mother died when Kari was just a baby, leaving a sexually repressed father alone to raise the two young girls.
Life was fairly bearable for Kelly and Kari when they were still very young. Their father was kind enough and did his best to give them as stable a home as possible to grow up in. However, Arthur Woods did not understand the emotional needs of the two young girls, raising them stoically, as if they were sons instead of daughters.
To make matters worse, he felt that many of the activities they would have been interested in, such as learning to sing or dance, were the works of the Devil. In fact, a great deal of their free time had been devoted to religious learning. From a young age, both girls listened, wide eyed in terror, as their father warned them about original sin and the evils of the flesh. He had made it very clear to them what would happen to their eternal souls if ever they allowed a man to touch them affectionately until the day they were married.
The only real enjoyment their father allowed them was watching basketball. Arthur Woods was a dedicated fan and regularly took the sisters to see the games. Kari still held dear memories of him taking them to the local Arena to watch the tall, dark athletes demonstrate their skill. It was during this time that Kari learned to love the sport. Whenever she watched a game, she got a feeling of family and togetherness that otherwise was missing from her life.
This escape from reality become even more important to her after Kelly left. Her father refused to tell her why Kelly suddenly left their home. Despite her pleas, he would only say that she had been lost to the Devil. As time passed, Kari began to realize their fight had something to do with men, and sex. When she reached high school, she heard rumors and shocking stories about her sister, and why she was forced to leave. After that, her only moments of true happiness were at the basketball games.
In the last few years, when she became a teenager and began to feel the pains and desires of the flesh, Kari started to take a serious interest in the players themselves. She watched in awe as their strong legs propelled them into the air toward the basket, or stared in open amazement at the strength of their bodies as they fought for position on the court. She felt the stirrings of her awakening femininity, and a delightful wetness began to appear between her supple thighs. After the games, she would lock herself in the bathroom and rub and tickle her soft folds until the most unbelievable sensations of pleasure blasted from her virgin pussy and spread over her body like a warm blanket.
The change in Kari’s behavior was not lost on her father. He knew that she was going through the changes that would turn his little girl into a young woman, and he feared that the temptations of the flesh would overcome her as they had Kelly. As her body matured, her breasts grew large and her hips developed the shapely curves that men find so irresistible. Arthur Woods determined that he would do whatever was necessary to protect his little girl from the influence of the Devil.
He dropped her off at school every day and was there to pick her up once her classes were over. Her clothes were all chosen by him and were very conservative. Not a bit of her generous cleavage or milky white thighs were exposed to the view of others. He became suspicious of her friends to the extent that he even found reasons to keep her from going shopping with them, unless there was a trusted adult to be a chaperon. Of course, the idea of going to a dance, or, God forbid, go on a date with a boy, was completely out of the question.
When he saw the effect that the muscular players had on Kari, and noted the extra time she spent in the bathroom after the games, he saw his fears beginning to be realized. The most humiliating and traumatic moment of her life was the day her father burst in on her while she was masturbating and beat her severely for her ‘impure actions’. He then locked the horrified girl in a closet with a candle and a Bible and told her to pray for God’s forgiveness of her sins.
When he released her the next morning, she found that he had removed the door to her bedroom and bath. He told her that, for her own good, she would be allowed no privacy until she could control the temptations that were endangering her soul.
Kari was crushed. The most important person in her life had told her that she was polluted by her sexual urges and that she couldn’t be trusted. For almost a full year, Kari questioned her own worth as a human being. In time, she thought the situation through and realized that her father was wrong, very wrong.
It was normal for a young, healthy teenage girl to think about boys. She realized that touching herself, that giving herself pleasure was no sin. She was only responding to the budding sexuality that all people, men and women, experience. It was as natural as breathing.
The realization that she wasn’t doomed to hell because she had an orgasm freed her from the emotional grip of her father. To her, the next logical step was to free herself from his rigid and inflexible presence.
A few years earlier, a childhood friend gave Kari a letter from her sister. Kelly knew that her father would never allow Kari to receive it, so she had mailed it to someone that she knew would pass it on. For the next few years, they corresponded in this manner. Kelly explained she that made a career of modeling, and was doing quite well. To the young girl, it seemed like an incredibly glamorous life.
Kari was overjoyed at her sister’s happiness and success, and she missed her terribly. She decided now that she should go and see Kelly. She would explain to her what she was going through, and ask her if she could stay with her until she could take care of herself.
It was summer, and Kari had just graduated from high school. Her father kept emergency money in the bottom drawer of his desk and all she had to do was wait for him to go to work and then get the cash. There wasn’t enough to fly to L.A., but there was enough to cover bus fare.
On an impulse, Kari threw away most of the dull and colorless clothing her father brought home for her and rode her bike to the local mall. Once there, she found a skimpy pink sun dress on the rack and immediately bought it. She also bought a pair of silky panties that felt wonderful against her skin. She considered buying a matching bra, but decided that, for once, she would let her breasts hang free within the thin material of the dress.
After making her purchase, she quickly ran back to the dressing room and changed into her new clothes. Looking into the mirror, she noted with approval how the dress showed off her heavy bosom and only just barely covered her heart shaped ass. The pink color of the dress complimented her pale, smooth skin and long red hair. The dress accented the curves of her hips, hugging her slim waist and cupping her full mounds in its cotton grip. She looked at her smooth legs and admired how firm her thighs appeared from beneath the hem of the dress. For the first time in her life, Kari felt beautiful. She had just turned eighteen, and now, finally, she felt like a women.
She thought about how the men she encountered would look at her, sneaking glances at her when she was looking the other way, or turning to watch her ass sway as she walked passed them. She smiled to herself as she thought about strange men finding her attractive, and at the knowledge that they would want to touch and caress her youthful body. Just before she left, Kari put her hands inside her new panties and rubbed her clit furiously until she finally came all over her fingers. When she left dressing room, the last of her old clothes were lying forgotten on the floor. She was, at last, free.
Kari’s solemn contemplation of her past was abruptly interrupted by a voice from beside her. She pulled her eyes from the desert wasteland moving past her window and turned to see who was talking to her.
Standing in the aisle and leaning over the empty seat next to her was a tall man. He had said something but Kari was so wrapped up in her thoughts that hadn’t caught the meaning of his words.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she inquired in the polite manner in which she had been raised.
“I’m sorry to bother you Miss, but the person sitting next to me down the aisle is snoring rather loudly, and I was wondering if you would mind if I took this seat?” He was almost whispering, but even still, Kari could tell that he had a strong, deep voice.
“Sure. Be my guest” she replied, and gestured for him to sit down.
“Thanks. I’m Aaron.” He set his bag down on the floor of the bus and took the seat.
It was too dark in the bus for Kari to see him clearly, but she could tell that he was a large and well built man, apparently wearing some kind of leisure suit.
“I’m Kari,” she replied with a smile and leaned back into her chair, purposely causing her dress to ride high over her thighs. Kari imagined that, through the darkness, he could see her lacy red panties peek out from between her legs. The thought excited her and she pulled the dress up even more. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to notice at all.
“Where are you headed? Las Vegas, Southern California, or perhaps somewhere in Arizona?” he inquired in a tone that was as polite and friendly as her own.
“I’m visiting my sister in L.A. I haven’t seen her in almost ten years.”
“Are you traveling alone?”
“Yes, I’m old enough to take care of myself.”
Aaron gave her an almost condescending look. He doubted if she had ever been away from her parents before but decided to let the subject drop. Fortunately, the teenager didn’t seem to notice. She was delightfully cute.
“Where are you headed, Mister?” she suddenly asked, allowing her girlish curiosity to bubble past her thin veil of maturity.
“Please, call me Aaron.” Her innocence amused him. “I’m a painter, so I travel around the country, looking for inspiration. Actually, I don’t even have a destination in mind.”
Aaron reached into his bag and took out a hand full of photos he’d taken during his trip. He handed them to her and explained that when he saw something that seemed worth painting, he took a picture to keep the image fresh in his mind.
Kari looked over his shots and asked him questions on what she saw and where each of the pictures was taken. He answered each question she posed with eloquent phrases and poetically described the parts of the country he’d seen. She was fascinated by this man and the freedom that his life on the road gave him. She listened for what seemed like hours to his stories of the world, hanging on his every word.
As the night deepened, Kari began to feel the cold of the desert air. When she bought her thin dress, she hadn’t considered that the temperature would drop so severely. Wrapping her arms around herself, she tried to suppress a shiver.
Aaron couldn’t help but notice her discomfort. “You’re cold. I have a blanket you could cover yourself with.” Reaching under his seat, he pulled it out of his bag as he spoke.
“Yeah, thanks. I should have brought one I guess.” Kari drew the warm blanket around her shoulders and let it drape over her pretty legs. It seemed natural to her to lean against his hard, strong body.
It was late by then, and nobody else on the bus, aside from the driver way up front, seemed to be awake. “Mmm, that’s nice” she murmured as he encircled her waist with his arms.
She had never been held in a man’s arms before and she quickly found that she liked it. He made her feel safe and comfortable. When he slipped his hand under the blanket and played it across her belly, she held it close to her and sighed in contentment.
He held her so for a time, still whispering about the places he had been and all the while she snuggled closer to him. She didn’t really understand the feelings he brought out in her, and certainly had no idea that, in her budding arousal, she was sending him sensual messages of her own.
Aaron, though, was quite aware of her growing excitement. To him, her body language was crystal clear. Even her nipples were plainly pert and erect, pressing into the inside of her dress like tiny pebbles. Was she still cold? Or was it something else? Unsure, he resolved to remain a perfect gentleman, but soon her arm came to rest on his thigh and her delicate fingers absently traced circles on the inner side of it. His resistance evaporated. He had to find out if she was as willing as she seemed.
He began tracing similar circles on the girl’s tummy, timing his movements to her own. She shifted her body slightly and his hand froze. She said nothing however, and her own movements on his thigh seemed to gather confidence. Once again, his hand began softly moving over her lean torso. She turned her body and relaxed into his embrace. Now his arm draped over her shoulder and rested directly under her breasts.
“Oh Aaron, I like that.” Her voice was a quiet murmur, encouraging him to continue caressing her body. Down to her bare thigh and back up to just under her enticing mounds, his hand wove its spell over the young women. She seemed to melt into him as he proceeded. Soon, Kari felt his hand brush against the underside of her breasts and her breath left her. Alarmed, Aaron quickly moved his hand away but she guided it back and placed it squarely on top of her breast.
“Please don’t stop, it feels really good.”
Now fully confident as to her intention, he felt free to explore her body in earnest. His palm slid up over the curve of the girl’s breast, and he began to squeeze the supple flesh through the thin cotton of her dress. His fingers kneaded her firm and pliant globe, sending sensations through her she had never felt before. When his fingers closed around her protruding nipples, she moaned softly. Leaning over, he kissed the nape of her neck and whispered in her ear.
“Nobody is awake around us. Will you trust me?” His touch felt glorious to her, and she answered almost without thinking.
“Yes, mmm, it feels so good.”
“It’s going to feel even better, just try to be quiet.”
Gently guiding her forward, he slid his hand up her back. When he reached her collar, he grasped the zipper and slowly lowered it down her back, freeing her young body from the dress’s tight embrace.
The sudden realization that he was removing her clothes snapped her back to reality, and she almost made him stop. But the call of her aroused body was too strong. The idea of stopping, of not letting him continue to touch her, was unbearable. Her feminine passions were in control, and they demanded that she accept what this man was offering.
Her mind made up, Kari quickly looked around to be sure nobody was watching and then stood up and let the pink garment fall from her supple body to the floor of the bus. She quickly pulled the blanket up over shoulders in case someone was awake, and then slipped the silken panties down her legs and bundled them with her dress. When she sat back down, she wrapped the blanket around Aaron, exposing her nude body to him alone.
“What do you think?” she asked playfully.
“I think you’re absolutely beautiful.” His eyes pierced through the dark and took her breath away. Then he kissed her full on the lips.
Kari had never kissed anyone passionately before and didn’t know how. She was slightly surprised when his tongue probed against her mouth but allowed him entry when he persisted. Aaron flicked his tongue against the inside of her mouth and sucked her tongue into his own. His lips were warm and moist on hers. She was enchanted by the intensely personal nature of it.
When he ran his fingers down into her mound, she broke the kiss and leaned her back against his chest. In this position she could give him full access to her breasts and pussy and he didn’t’t pass up the invitation. He nibbled on her ear as he once again squeezed and fondled her breasts. Her breathing became heavy and her excitement was palpable. This was, she thought, what being a woman was all about.
Aaron began moving his hands up and down her virgin slit as if he were playing a harp, lightly stroking her clit. Soon, the tip of his middle finger slipped into her pussy. Caught off guard by the sudden penetration, Kari moaned more loudly than was wise. Aaron carefully covered her mouth with his hand and she sucked his fingers into her hungry mouth.
The feelings and sensations he was causing in her body were completely new to her and her passion was building rapidly. The fact that they were doing it in a crowded bus seemed to magnify the experience tremendously.
Aaron could tell by the tightness of her pussy that she was a virgin. He could hardly get a single finger into her. He desperately wanted to fuck this young beauty, and she certainly was in heat, but taking her virginity on a crowded bus was more than he was willing to risk.
She, however, was getting more and more daring by the minute, kissing Aaron passionately on the mouth. She wanted more and wasn’t’t quite sure what to do next until she put her small hand on Aaron’s hard and throbbing cock. Even through his pants she could feel its shape and she almost gasped as she squeezed its length.
Kari looked up at him in the dark and whispered quietly. “Pull it out, I want to feel it.”
Aaron said nothing as he reached down and unbuttoned his pants. The snap of the button seamed loud in the quiet, and Kari was suddenly afraid someone else might have heard it. She was actually shaking nervously by the time Aaron loosened his pants completely. He then took hold of her hand and guided it under his shorts.
For the first time in her life, Kari Woods held in her hand the greatest object of her desire. Although it was only average in length at six inches long, she had no frame of reference with which to compare it, and to her it seemed incredibly huge. She ran her hand down its length and was pleased by its warmth. Reaching farther down, she found his heavy balls and tried to hold them in her hands, but his pants were still up over his hips, and she couldn’t’t quite get to them.
“Wait a minute” he whispered as he rose up off the chair and lowered his slacks down to his knees. “Give me your hand and I’ll show you what to do.”
He wrapped her fingers around his cock, and when she only squeezed it he told her to move it up and down. “That’s it. Just like that, Kari.”
He guided her movements for the first strokes, but soon, she settled on a rhythm. With slow and constant movements, Kari stroked his hard cock. She was as transfixed by how his penis felt in her hand as she was over the effect she was having on him.
Shortly after she began, he once again started caressing her moist slit and flicking his fingers against her clit. For several minutes, they silently masturbated each other. As his fingers danced over her love button, he leaned forward and took one of her milky white breasts into his mouth. Aaron’s tongue swirled around her softness and drew quick circles around her sensitive nipple. Kari held his head to her bosom with one arm while she continued to work his hardness with the other.
She was becoming inflamed as the unfamiliar sensations of sex filled her body, and was finding it more and more difficult to maintain the steady rhythm of her hand on his cock as the dual pleasures of his mouth and hand flowed over her. Soon, she could only hold onto him and fight to keep from screaming out loud as her orgasm approached.
Her pussy was as wet as it had ever been and she thrust her hips toward his teasing fingers, trying to take them deep in between her waiting lips. She was dizzy with desire and would surely have lost her battle to remain silent had not Aaron, realizing that she was in orgasm, quickly removed his lips from her breast and kissed her just as she started to moan, stifling her sounds with his mouth.
Kari came hard, and pleasure exploded from her clit so ferociously that she could barely breathe as it hit her. The intensity of the sensations made her body contract, her legs convulsed and her toes curled tightly. When he forced his middle finger a little farther into her soaking vagina it was the first time anything had truly entered her. She grabbed his hand and held it there as if she were afraid that he would remove it too soon.
Aaron held the quivering girl in his arms as her orgasm passed, slowly caressing her back and shoulders until she regained control of herself. Then he kissed her tenderly. He was touched by her innocence. It seemed to him that giving her so much pleasure was the exact thing that this young woman needed most.
Nevertheless, the power of her orgasm had made him hot and horny and his cock was as long and hard as it could get. He only hoped that the fire that burned within this girl wasn’t out quite yet. He reached over and guided her hand back to his straining erection.
Kari once again wrapped her hand around his cock and began the stroking motion she knew he liked. As she played with his shaft, she considered the pleasure she received from him.
Kari wanted to give him something special in return, and somehow she knew that a hand job wasn’t what he wanted. She would have gladly let him put his penis inside her, but the fact that they were on a bus full of people seemed to make that impossible.
She quickened her pace and felt his cock grow even more in her hand. It dawned on her that she had no idea what would happen when he came. She had heard from some of the girls at school that men shot white sperm out of their cocks when they orgasmed, but she wasn’t’t sure if that was true.
She had also heard from her friends that when their boyfriends wanted to fuck them, they could sometimes put them off by sucking their cocks into their mouths. At the time, Kari had thought it sounded disgusting. But now, with Aaron’s cock in her hands and his ragged breathing in her ear, it seemed like a positively wonderful idea. So, without warning, Kari lowered her head to his lap and slid her wet lips over his length until the head of his cock hit the back of her mouth.
She was surprised at how its shape fit her mouth, and she loved its tangy flavor. As soon as she drew back, Aaron put his hands on the back of her head and guided her motions, sliding her mouth down over his cock and then back up again.
“Oh yeah. Suck on me, my darling girl. Suck my cock good.” Then, he spread his legs so that she could go farther down on him.
Kari slid down between his legs until she was kneeling on the floor of the bus and Aaron threw the blanket completely over her to conceal her actions from any prying eyes. He looked around hurriedly to make sure no one was watching, and saw that everyone around them was still asleep. His attention was abruptly brought back to Kari when she accidentally nipped the tip of his cock with her teeth.
“Ow!” he said with surprise.
Kari flushed with embarrassment. She had gotten carried away and bit him! “Sorry.” she whispered, feeling very much like a stupid, little girl. “I guess I’m not very good at this.”
Fearing that he was angry at her carelessness, she started to beat him off again until he laughed pleasantly and caressed her cheek. “No, don’t worry, you’re doing great. Just be careful, and remember, no teeth.”
Reassured, Kari once again sucked his cock into her mouth, this time more determined than ever to do it right for him. She began to move her mouth rapidly up and down on his shaft and ran her tongue over and around his cock before pulling it out of her mouth so that she could lick the head. “Mmm,” she mumbled as she rubbed it over her lips. Then she slid it back into her mouth and started to suck hard and fast.
Aaron was at the end of his control. It wasn’t that this girl was especially skilled at sucking cock. Indeed, she barely knew what she was doing, but she did like to do it. Aaron could tell that from her movements, and her enthusiasm was enough to get him worked up.
His balls began to churn and his stomach muscles tightened noticeably. A skilled woman would have known instantly what was coming, but Kari had never seen a man come. She heard him grunt, and then suddenly his cock spurted a hot, thick load of salty cum into her mouth. A second later another blast shot from the tip of his cock. Kari instinctively tried to swallow the sticky load, but he pumped it into her mouth faster than she could take it. Pulling his cock from her mouth, she caught a third blast of his jism in her face. Hot cum and saliva dripped out of her mouth and over her large breasts. She licked her lips and savored the strong flavor of his cum.
It was a powerful, musky taste. Its aroma wafted over her senses like nothing else ever had. She found it to be wonderful and delicious. It felt surprisingly hot on her breasts and she loved the way it glistened in the moonlight as she rubbed it into her fleshy cleavage.
Aaron could also smell the strong scent of man-cum in the air and realized that it must be noticeable all over the bus. Wiping her down with the blanket, he then opened the window to let in some fresh air.
He kissed her on the forehead. “We had better get dressed before someone notices.”
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/seduction/kellys-passion-ch-2