I drag myself out of my lovely king-sized bed and slowly make my way down the spiral stairs that lead to our grand kitchen. Mom is sitting on one of our stools by our bar, reading a New York Times newspaper. She sips her coffee and looks up at me with her beautiful gray eyes.
“Good morning, my dear Angel,” she says in a sing-song voice. She quickly hops up and gives me a long, embracing hug. Gosh, it’s only been six hours since I last saw her, but she is hugging me as if it has been six years.
She steps back and admires her daughter. I take this time to look at her. I cannot believe she is my mom. She has a perfect hour-glass figure, complete with full c-cup breasts. Her brown hair stops at her shoulder, and her eyes make any man desire her the moment they see them.
I also have a hour-glass figure, but I am more on the skinny side. I have b-cup breasts, which are perky. I hate them so much. My blonde hair stops at my waist, and I am complimented on it very much when I go out. My eyes are like a cloudy blue, and they always show my emotions, whether it is happy, sad, pissed off, or jealous. They are the only part of me that is a major give away.
Every time I lay eyes on my mother, I am filled with envy. She seems like the type to bring all the men home so she can play with them, but surprisingly, she is married to James, my step-dad. He is handsome, but I still don’t understand why my mom loves him so much. He is the only guy she falls head over heels for. I do not know who my real father is, but my mom keeps saying that he will come around again so he and I can spend some time together. I don’t believe her, nor do I care.
“Why are you staring?” my mom asks, rudely interrupting my thoughts.
“Oh. Just thinking.” I make up a lame excuse as I walk to our fridge and open the doors, revealing the food utopia in my own home. I pull out eggs, bacon, pancake mix, milk, and all the other ingredients used to make a feast fit for kings. As I began cooking, my mom walks up to me and gives me a sloppy kiss on the side of my head.
“I am off to work, honey!” she says as she walks out of the door.
As soon as she leaves, James comes down the stairs. He too is dressed for work, and he heads out the door without so much as saying good morning. I hate him. All he wants from this family is my mother’s vagina, and he doesn’t even care about me.
I am almost done with my cooking when I hear three knocks on the door. Without saying anything, Katherine and Sophie walk in.
“Hi!” they both say at the same time.
I quickly plate our food and we make our way to my living room. We all sit at three separate couches as we began to dig into our food.
Victoria starts off the conversation by saying, “Did you know that Preston stole Amy’s v-card?”
“About time! Those two have been together for ages!” Sophie says.
We all burst into a fit of laughter. Victoria’s green eyes light up when she smiles her beautiful smile, and Sophie’s short red hair bounces as she cracks up with laughter.
When we all catch our breath. Victoria puts on her serious face and says, “Wait. It is spring break, which means we have Spring Fest coming up, right?”
I say, “Yeah, in three months.”
“But you haven’t gotten a date yet,” Sophie says.
Fuck! That’s the one thing I forgot to do before school ended! Now there are only two choices I have to make here: Go alone to Spring Fest, or hunt down a boy that is hot and willing to go with me. Both make me look and feel stupid.
I put a fake smile on my face and say, “I know I will find a date. There are so many guys falling for me.”
“Okay… Well, we have to go see you later. Thanks a lot for the meal. I was about to die from starvation.” Sophie says as they walk out the door.
Once they leave, I run up to my room, grab my cell, and dial my mom’s phone number. On the third ring, she answers.
“Yes, honey?”
“Oh, nothing much, just called to check up on you,” I reply in the most innocent voice ever.
“Wait, one thing I forgot to mention, honey. Your dad is coming over to pick you up to take you to his place. I told you he was going to come but one of these days! Now pack your things. You are going to be away for about two months. And honey, don’t think I am pushing you away so James and I can have some alone time, but I am not. Okay, I gotta go. Bye!” my moms says, and leaves me to hear the dial tone.
What the hell is she talking about? My real dad? Take me away? His place? Two months? All these simple questions are rolling in my head as I get a suitcase and start to pack my belongings. I can say that almost all of my belongings are either short or very tight, but it is going to be hot and humid. Staying here in Miami can get the best of you.
My bags are at the door and I am sitting in the living room, reading my book and sipping on coffee, when I hear a knock on the door. Must be my “dad”. I get up and straighten out my clothes, which are tight and short; denim shorts with a bikini top. My shoes are very expensive wedge sandals. I only wear heels and stuff because I am shorter that almost everyone I know.
I open the door expecting to see a shabby old man, but instead, I open the door to a beautiful work of perfection that cannot be my father. He meets my eyes, and I am taken by his light blue eyes that smile at me. He looks me over and smiles. His smile makes my girlhood tingle, and I am instantly dripping wet.
“May I help you?” I manage to say. Those are the only words that keep me from fainting.
The man says with a deep, smooth voice that makes me even more wet, “Yes. I am looking for Angelina Preston. She is my daughter, and we are supposed to be leaving today.”
Oh. My. God. Fucking. Kill. Me. Right. Now. There is no way in heaven, hell, or in between that this man created me.
“I am her. Nice to meet you. Mr.Preston,” I say as I reach out to shake his hand. He has soft hands, but a firm grip. I blush when he holds my hand longer than he is supposed to.
“Well, I believe your bags are packed. You just go wait in the car while I go fetch them,” he says.
I look over his shoulder and am astonished to see a silver Toyota Supra. I meet my father’s eyes and say, “Please tell me you drive a station wagon instead of that thing.”
He lets out a small chuckle as he walks past me and into the house. On his way he says, “No, she’s all mine.”
Oh my God. This is going to be the best spring ever. I know that this man could not have conceived me, but I also know that it’s more than fatherly love I have for him. It’s like I like him in a way that a girlfriend likes a boyfriend, or a husband loves a wife.
I know that he cannot love me the same way, but there is always a chance that our love can grow. There is one thing I’m certain of, though. I have to fuck my own father before the two months are over.
Author’s note: Thanks, guys! I hope you like. There will be more and more chapters coming up, so you will see what happens between Angelina and her father. (His name is Julian Preston by the way.)
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/is-this-what-love-feels-like-chapter-1