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“For now my little cumslut, I won’t turn it on just to allow you to get used to the feeling of it.” Jen nodded wiggled her hips trying to shift it into a position she could walk around with it. “Let’s go to work bitch.” Jen giggled and took Ashley’s hand as they walked out the door to their car in the parking lot below.
The first setting didn’t get turned on until almost a half hour into their shift , and it hit Jen like a wave. She was helping a older lady find a special kind of herb from a large selection of them on a shelf. All Jen knew was one moment she was looking for the herb and looked up and saw Ashley holding the remote grinning. The vibrations came so fast Jen accidentally let a small squeak. The older woman looked over at her slightly confused “What did you say young lady?” “N-nothing,”Jen stammered. “I just scratched my finger on the shelf a little.” The lady nodded and took the bottle of herbs that Jen handed her. When Jen turned around to look for Ashley, she was already gone. Jen let out a small sigh and a few moans of pleasure before going back to work. The next setting change didn’t come for about another 20 minutes or so when Jen was filling a drink cooler she felt the vibrations get stronger and heard a giggle a little ways away. She tried not to moan as she felt an orgasm building. About 15 minutes later she couldn’t help it, she snuck into the employee bathroom and let herself go crazy with pleasure in the stall. She began cumming hard making the panties soaked, she gasped and moaned loudly but as her orgasm began to subside she felt the vibrations get stronger! She couldn’t help it another orgasm was already on its way, If Ashley kept doing this she might get fired for master bating in front of customers. Her next orgasm began to rock her body, she began bucking her hips, grabbing and playing with her breasts and rock hard nipples. She came so hard that she was panting completely limp with cum running down her legs in long beads. Ashley open the stall and giggled, “Was it good slut?” All Jen could do was nod and and pant with her tongue hanging out of her mouth drooling on herself. Ashley giggled and turned the vibrations off “Have a small break my sexy little bitch.” Ashley then closed the door and left the bathroom, Jen wasn’t able to walk for another ten minutes. She cleaned herself up, drying the pools of cum on the floor with paper towels. She double checked that she looked fine and went back out into the store. She quickly got back to work acting as if she didn’t just disappear for a half hour. The rest of their shifts went on with out much further teasing Ashley turned the vibrations on and off every once an a while, but Jen did catch herself almost master baiting quite a few times. When their shifts were over Jen and Ashley met each other in the back and clocked out. “Jen looked Ashley in the eyes and immediately kissed her passionately, she pushed her to the wall shoving her tongue between her lips dying to taste her lover. Ashley giggled and gently pushed Jen away. “Good slut, come on lets go home.” Jen and Ashley walked to their car and as Jen got into the passenger seat Ashley, grinning held up and small plastic bag containing vegetables. “How about dinner?”