“Hey Matt, I missed you.”
It was Hannah, tearstained and beautiful as the first time we loved each other…
It was summer time, this year, post exams, when I fell for my sister. But the shocking thing was, she liked me too. I am sure many people with hot siblings have at least the hornies for them a couple of times but to actually have it reciprocated is definitely, definitely a minority. Through a very surreal series of events we ended up having sex, a first for both of us, and boy was it good. I can almost remember every drip of sweat on her beautiful round face and button nose as I held her hard after we had fucked, twice, in her bed, on the best day I can think of. Apart from all the ones that followed.
All my life, one of the main things holding me from girls was not only my lack of confidence, but my huge fear of rejection. For the first time someone had made me overcome that, and it had been family. In a way I suppose it made sense, if you can’t trust family who can you trust, but the thought that I had broken a bond with my sister as a sibling was quite sad, if a little overshadowed by the circumstances that the bond had been broken in.
So yeah, there we were, glistening and grinning. I leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. Pealing back and pulling out of Hannah, I plonked myself down beside her. Turning to face her I saw that she was biting her lip. This was a sure sign, if you knew the signs, that something was troubling her. I reached my arms around her and pulled her close, resting my head in her armpit.
“What’s wrong, Hannah? Did I hurt you? Have I done something wrong?”
“No, it was great Matt, it’s just, uh, what would Mum and Dad say?”
“Hmmm, I know what you mean,” I murmured, kissing her neck, “They definitely don’t teach you the proper etiquette for this kind of situation at school…”
She giggled, then was serious, “All joking aside Matt, do you think this is fucked? Do you think we have fucked up? I can’t even imagine what Mum and Dad would say if they knew.”
“Well I reckon military school for me and deportation and exile for you. But yeah, all joking aside I think we should keep it quiet,” I grinned. “Was it OK then? Did it feel good? I don’t know if we did it right but I sure as hell enjoyed it.”
She pecked me on the lips, “It was the best. I think,” she wiggled a bit, getting comfy, “I think, that, um, if you wanted to try it again, I think, if you did, that, then, I think.”
“Skip to the end?”
“Do you want to keep fucking? We could tell ourselves we were just learning if we had to?”
I looked in those big beautiful eyes without a doubt in my mind; despite the social taboo and awkwardness I should have been feeling, love and lust are carnal and I was full to the brim.
“I want to do naughty things to your body.” That got a laugh, which was cut short as we heard a key in the door, and I grabbed my clothes and legged it to my room, to mull over what had happened and try and get my head straight.
A fortnight later, and me and Hannah were in the shed at the end of the garden. It was about eight at night and as far as the parents were concerned I was off to a friends and Hannah had gone to buy sweets or milk or whatever she had invented.
She was sat on me, still fully dressed, pants pulled to the side, making mewling sounds through my hand over her mouth as we shared a good ol’ rumpin’. Practice had improved us, and she hammered down on me and I up into her, giving a great show to the bags of compost and seeds. Five minutes later and we were spooning in a dirty sweaty mess.
Hannah lifted her head from my chest, “I never want this summer to end…”
Another fortnight later, and I was woken late at night by cold hands under my covers. Hannah had come home from her mate’s house, and looking at my phone it was about three in the morning. Judging from her lopsided grin and courage to come into my room she must have drunk a couple more than is socially acceptable, and I quickly dragged her under my covers, covering her giggling with the duvet.
“What are you doing? You know we need to be discreet, even after a couple of drinks Han,” I whispered.
“Hey,” she grinned back, then “I don’ wanna fuck, I can be quiet, I jus’ wanna be near you for a bit.” She gave me the puppy eyes and I fell for it like any man would.
“OK, but we have to go to your bed, and then I can wake up and move back before Mum and Dad get up.”
“I coul’ moof, we ca’ stay here ‘f you wan’?” She was already dozing.
“I won’t trust you to wake up for anything,” I breathed. “You sleep like a log.”Â
And with that I carried her quietly to bed, and held her as she slept. When she was zonked I crept back into my bed and slept after a long time thinking.
Time flew, sex was had, the Earth turned and no one but me and my beautiful sister were any the wiser. Things changed, slowly, and that is where the story starts again, in a changed place.
I had applied to go to university earlier in the year, and had been avoiding thinking about grades and acceptance and leaving home by just… not thinking about it. It was a tactic I was used to and a tactic I was good at, and while it was counter-productive it meant that I spent the summer with other things in my priorities, which I guess is a good thing.
But here I was, grades earned, decisions made, bags packed, shit scared half out of me. I was going to Manchester University, and I got a lift with my whole family fitted Tetris-like around my bags of stuff I needed and even more bags of things I probably didn’t need but Mum worried I might. We drove into the halls where I was staying, we packed things into my extortionately priced cupboard, we said our goodbyes and suddenly I was on my todd. My flatmates turned out to be lovely, and we had a great afternoon and evening getting to know each other, and the next evening, and all of freshers. And I started to settle in. And it was only a week or so later my mind had time to slow and think. Lying in bed, realising I hadn’t even kissed Hannah goodbye. Not that we were dating, I prompted myself, but it would have seemed a good end, or an end at all. In fact, thinking of it, we had just stopped. We hadn’t planned how we would leave it. So I guess we were both hiding from it right up to the mark.
We could never be together, and this sickening realisation was creeping through my gut as I wondered what she was doing right now. It had been a week, had she moved on, had anything changed, had the world turned and left me or was it just this new town… It was light when I slept, and a week before I had the balls to text Hannah.
I didn’t get a reply.
The term flew by for me, I made some good friends on my course; friends of friends and friends of acquaintances and acquaintances of friends. I learnt a lot about my course, but also about me and people, and in a naive kind of way I thought I knew how things worked and how life was, from the insides of my alcohol soaked, young man’s world. Hannah never replied, and ignored a few Facebook messaged I sent her, so in a gutted way I hid from her, telling myself when my thoughts fell to her that she was probably just busy, and that it was wrong anyway.
My Mum called one day mid-term and through chatting I found out Hannah had been a bit distant of late, but they thought it might be exam pressure. Mum and Dad’s shop was running particularly well for the time of year, which Mum put down to a new line of Christmas themed plant pots selling early, and my Dad apparently put down to quote ‘silly Christmas bastards’ and ‘the rise of unwashed consumerist morons’ unquote… Jack was doing sweet fanny Adams as per, and apparently there was a house agreement that they missed me, even if just due to the increase of washing up for everyone else.
One night my flatmates and I went to a standard student club night, as we were wont to being young and fun and peer pressured. There was the standard mix of try-hards, sweaty jocks, under-dressed sluts and awkward sober people, all hidden in the dark and drowned in shit house music. We went to this kind of thing often, and while a few of my flatmates were actively always looking to get laid I had no experience, too many nerves, and a very specific, rare and confusing situation. So I went for the drink and the laughs and to feel like I was living the uni life. Mid-way through the night a real pretty brunette started rubbing herself up against me from behind. This happened quite often (not to flatter myself, it was dark), and I turned to kind of get out of the way. As the girl turned to look up at me, my heart jumped.
It was Hannah.
But it wasn’t Hannah, it was just another cute girl, the hair colour was wrong and her smile was less bright. She grinned up at me, and I just gawped back at her until my brain kicked up a gear, I smiled back and turned back to my friends circle.
She carried on rubbing, and I started to wonder what I should do. Of course I was horny, and this girl was gorgeous, but I was useless in this kind of situation, so I just carried on dancing and trying to think of a next move. My mate came up to me and shouted into my ear,
“You got a live one big guy!”Â
“I dunno, she reminds me of my sister!” I laughed back, nervously
“Ah fair enough man” he bellowed, “Mind if I have a crack then?! Or is that weird?” I lifted my shoulders in a ‘nah’ and he moved behind me to try get lucky.
That night, when most of us got back and had smoked and chatted and collectively nodded off I lay in bed dozing. Half of me thought I should have tried it with that girl; maybe that would have been a way of getting out of this. But how could I get out when I hadn’t even spoken to Hannah and I didn’t know if I was in or if I ever even had been in.
Time passed again, and as the end of term neared and my coursework piled up I had less and less time for thinking about things. I had to pull a couple of all-nighters just to meet deadlines through avoiding the urgency until the end.
And on one of these mornings I sat greasy and blurry and listening to the rumble of my printer as it copied my poorly written pixels to ink. I heard the door creak behind me; turning I saw a silhouette in the flat hallway, through my 8am-last-minute-essay eyes.
“Hey Matt, I missed you.”
It was Hannah, tearstained and beautiful as the first time we loved each other.
I was gobsmacked. And we just looked at each other, in the dinge of my room, a sea of words unsaid between us. It could have been hours, but I watched just one tear slowly trace her beautiful cheek. How had I forgotten this angel? How had I dropped my feelings like that? Not through lack of want, just through blind stupidity.
After another age, we were suddenly in each other’s arms, holding tight, clenching and clawing like we were starved or drowning. Her tears were cold on my neck and the shape of her comforting and familiar.
After a couple of seconds I pulled back. “How did we get this far apart?”
There was a gentle, shy smile on her lips, “I don’t know… How have you been?”Â
“I’ve been OK, yeah. I’ve missed you. I thought you were blanking me?”
She sighed and looked away, “I was, I was angry for the way things ended between us. Or just didn’t end, kind of stalled.”
“I know, I’ve been thinking about that a lot this term.”
There was a pause, and in it a familiar flame flickered in my heart. From the twinkle in Hannah’s big eyes the same may have happened in her’s, and I leaned my head closer and kissed her soft lips as gently as I could. She returned the kiss, and I sat on the bed, pulling her onto my knee and hugging her close.
“Tell me then, why were you not talking to me? I have gone over and over it, I thought maybe you had found someone new or had changed your mind or had-” She put a finger to my lips.
“I just missed you, and I dealt with it by hiding from it. I thought the same of you; I thought you might be shagging your way through half of the girls in your block. But basically I was just a coward. I’ve been hiding for a while I think.”
“What from?”
Going quiet, Hannah rested her forehead on mine, so our noses were almost touching, and breathed, “I think I love you.”
The thought had of course occurred to me, but I had assumed being young and naive I would know love when I felt it, that it would be a world changing and eye opening discovery. I hadn’t thought of an answer for this situation, and as such, I just sat there, as the confirmation of Hannah’s feelings for me washed over me.
Saying you love someone is very different to feeling it, or knowing how you feel, and I know there is a line which would be best avoided, but in this situation uncertainty seemed to not be an option, and I looked my sister in the eyes and said
“I think I love you too.”Â
She smiled gently, leaned in to kiss me again and pushed me gently onto my back.
We made out hard, rubbing hands all over each other’s bodies, tasting the inside of each other’s mouths, fingers through hair and fists clenched on clothes and flesh. In a flash we both had our tops off and I was kissing any skin I could get my mouth near to. In a moments panic I realised my bedroom door was open, so I stood to close it and turned to see a wonderful sight. A beautiful woman lying looking at me, waiting and expectant. I felt something myself becoming unstoppably excited, as the lust took hold. I moved as slowly as I could, mounting the bed and crawling on hands and knees towards this goddess, this gorgeous piece of ass, this wonderful heart. I felt exalted, lost, in awe, unable to believe that this was Hannah. This was my sister that I had these feelings for. But that didn’t matter, I just wanted to throw myself on the mercy of this woman, not this relative, that was a bond broken which meant nothing to me anymore. There was no kink here, no pleasure of the forbidden fruit, just a pure joy in seeing her.
The first session was most likely making up for lost time. We were both still wearing socks while we hammered away, me covering her mouth to try avoid suspicion, her running her hands through my hair like I loved. The feel of her on me, like a comfortable weight, the smell of her, sweat and tears and sex, and sound of her, muffled grunts and excused squelching, the taste of her, forgotten but intense. This was no lovemaking. This was carnal.
As we lay there spent afterwards, I turned so I was speaking into her neck.
“Well I missed that more than I let myself think,” I chuckled, “I haven’t had sex since I got here you know?”
Hannah turned so that we were nose to nose, “Really?” she breathed, “I’ve been worrying, I guess, and assuming a lot.”
“I haven’t even looked at another girl, or guy, or anything except my hand. And then I was usually thinking of you anyway… have you?”
“What, masturbated? A bunch of times, you left me with a sexual appetite you fucking machine!”
We laughed. “No, I meant have you slept with anyone.” trying to keep the fear from my voice.
“Of course not, you twat! Didn’t I just say I think I love you?” (I fucking love a girl with a dirty mouth, as the Eels say someone that you can believe.)
“I know, but they say sometimes to get over someone…” I trailed off.
“…You have to get under someone? Well I didn’t. I didn’t get over you. I’m here aren’t I?”
“You are here, most definitely” I smiled, kissing her. “I think I know what you need then, young lady.”
A cheeky grin covered her face, “Well what is that then?”
“A good seeing to,” I smirked.
Kissing down her neck, I lifted my hands and touched her mouth, her lips, her little button nose. I lifted one lock of hair off her forehead and tucked it behind her ear. Moving my weight on top of her, I pinned her arms above her head and hovered, lips a breath apart. When she moved forwards to kiss me I moved back, never giving her the pleasure.
“Stop it, you bastard!”
“Wait your turn, Madame…”
I moved down, kissing her next, her sternum, the gap between her breasts. Moving to one side I flicked a nipple with her tongue, and had to grip harder on her arms as she squirmed.
“No fucking around!”
“Hey, I wanna take my time, settle down up there,” I grinned.
Moving further down I kissed all around the beautiful skin of her stomach, her navel, loving the way she twitched when my lips touched. I left a couple of hickeys to remember me by along the way…
I had an idea. Standing up I grabbed the chord from my dressing gown and had it around her wrists before she could think.
“Hey! What are you up to mister?”
“I know what a writher you are, and I want to enjoy myself down there…”
She quietened and I settled into position between her legs. The familiar smell of her sex was strong, sweat, saliva, sweet and cloying. I planted more kisses on her thighs, on her mound, on her lips, aiming all around to tease my impatient little woman. Moving forward I kissed her full on, moving my tongue up and down, stroking her thighs with the back of my hands. I loved this bit, feeling like I was only giving, only sharing, making someone feel great, someone I… well, I may well love. Who knows?
Shifting onto my stomach I slipped a finger up to tease her entrance, curling just inside as I licked all around her nub. She was making a definite fuss now, breathing hard and moaning garbled grunts. Seeing I was getting results I slowly slipped a finger in. Her g-spot was huge, a sure sign I was on to a winner, and she was wet with my spit and her juices, making friction minimal. I started to curve my finger up, knocking, all the while licking as random as I could all around her clitoris.
This was where the fun started, where she stopped being in control, where the sexiest un-sexy grunts and moans began. Her hands still bound she moved them to grab and stroke my head as I worked all the magic I could muster. I carried on, getting harder and faster, slipping in a second finger and trying to keep the flow. She was going for it now, getting red in the face, blushing on her chest, moving uncontrollably back and forth, glowing and groaning like a red hot furnace.
After a time I felt a slight spasm, and I knew she was near. Speeding up again I felt her begin to twitch, to move under my mouth, and a flow of juice began as she shuddered her was to a grinding stop. I slowed down, moving my hands up to take hers, moving my mouth back up to hers one kiss at a time up her flawless skin. She tasted herself on my lips with passion.
“You… sure… know how to… treat a… lady…” she panted.
“I’m not done yet, me laddy” Pulling my pants off again, I kissed her. “If you wanna try, that is?”
Another evil grin covered her face, “You bet your bottom dollar. Suit up, mister.”
“Yes ma’am.” Grabbing a condom from my sock draw I slipped it on as quickly as I could. Turning back, I found a beautiful sight. My sister, on all fours, presenting like an animal.
“Come get me, big boy,” she winked.
“Easy tiger. I hear you approach wild animals carefully from the rear…”
I moved up, touching her second lips, feeling the wetness between her legs, admiring the curve of her cheeks, and stretch of her spine, her cascading hair and tiny rosebud. I entered her slowly, loving the fit from behind, and pushed until I was all the way into her, to the hilt. Pulling back even slower I started a rhythm, running my hands up her spine, feeling her sides, her legs, and her beautiful bum. I touched a finger to her other hole, loving the way it twitched.
Starting to feel some incredible friction between us, I hit a good pace and tried to maintain as best I could. Putting a hand under Hannah I felt her boobs, tweaked a nipple and then pulled her up to kiss while keeping pounding away. She was groaning again, and took one of my hands to slip a finger into her mouth. She knew I loved this, and I tried my best to stay in control as she swilled them around her tongue. Well then, if she was gonna make this hard I guess I should too. Bringing out the big guns, I took a hold of her hair, gently pulling it all into a pony tail and pulling it back, to bare her neck upwards. This got a sharp intake of breath from her, and I slid a hand around to feel her neck and chin, touching, caressing as I knew she loved.
I started to speed up as I felt the excitement building in me. Moving one of the wet fingers from her mouth I touched her rosebud again, feeling all around the outside as she moaned and bucked under me. I knew she liked this, although she always denied it afterwards, so I slipped half a finger in, easily with the juices, and just held it as I started to hammer away.
“Nearly there, Hannah.”
She seemed incapable of making actual words at this point, but she seemed to agree, and I started into the home straight. Putting both hands on her hips I pulled her back, slamming up and into her over and over, and collapsing exhausted on her back as I finished, twitching, inside her.
“Well, where did that come from?” Hannah smiled around at me.
As I popped out of her, I lay on my back and pulled her into my arms. “I don’t know, didn’t think I had it in me.”
“I think you’ll find that I had it in me.” Hannah teased. She took the condom off, tied it up and threw it into the bin in the corner, a dead shot as always.
I was sated, filled up with something I had missed.
“What do you think we are?” The question took me a little unawares.
“What do you mean?” We had been spooning in my single bed for a few minutes in a washed out daze, me enjoying the glow of this goddess in my arms and Hannah snorting and snuffling as she snoozed.
“Well, we are related by blood. So I don’t think we can legally date. So what are we? You aren’t my boyfriend, you are my friend with benefits, but I don’t see you as a brother at all anymore. So what are we?”
I thought this one over a second, kissing the ends of all Hannah’s fingers as I did.
“Well, I guess we’re lovers then.”
She flipped herself to look me in the eyes, “I like that. Yeah, that is what we are. I mean, we’re still lustful, raw, and full of emotion. Although I must say you are a little lacking in romance.” She poked her tongue out and pinched my chest. I acted offended.
“Me! How dare you! I made you a cup of tea that one time, what more do you want? Oh, and I just ate you out for half an hour.”
“Was that half an hour? That flew by!”
“Probably more like an hour,” I teased, “but yeah, I reckon we are lovers. I mean, we can’t exactly have children or marry or anything. Can we?”
Hannah mulled this over. “Well,” she pondered, “No. But at the moment I am happy enough holding you, and kissing you. Can we maybe talk more? I would love to have you to confide in.”Â
“Of course we can, I mean, there is nothing stopping you ever messaging me. Or calling. Or whatever. I love hearing from you.”
“Well that’s OK. I love confiding in you. And I love your smell, and your hair, and your eyes, and I loooooooooove sucking your cock.”
That was a sudden turn in the conversation. So apparently that wasn’t the end for today.
“Well,” Hannah whispered right in my ear, “I know you look pretty spent, and you may not get it up again for a little while… but I think I owe you one.” She grinned.
“Oh, do you now?” The thought got my cock twitching already, “Well I think if that’s the case I am sure I can work on some excitement sooner…”
And with that, she took me all in her mouth, and it was good.
At about noon, dozing in Hannah’s arms, I mused, “How did you get here? Do Mum and Dad know?”
She smiled, I felt the skin move on my back, “I got the train over, the first one. I didn’t sleep last night, I was just thinking things over for the nth time and I thought it was time to shit or get off the pot. And it seemed too late to just call. So here I am. I left a note saying I was off to Sarah’s and I would be back later or tomorrow, so we have a while…”
“Well I hope it was worth the trip.”
“Definitely,” she paused, “Is there any chance I could get a bite to eat? I had a bag of crisps on the train but it doesn’t cut it to replace two meals.”
Another problem struck me. My flatmates had met my sister when I had been dropped off, so I would have to plan. “Can you pretend you just got here? So come and knock on the door and…” another thought arose, “Shit, remind me to hand in my essay before…” and another, “how did you get in here anyways? Has someone already seen you?”
“Nah, some girl who was leaving let me in, think she had been in one of the other flats.”
“I guess someone may have heard you, but if someone says they heard something I will either plead ignorance or tell them I was fucking someone I know off my course of something…”Â
Hannah raised her eyebrows, “Casual! What a hunk you have become.”
“Watch it, or I will have to spank the shit out of you next time… Well you get dressed and act casual, and I will take you out for a bite then.” And with that I bit her on the shoulder in a playful way and slapped her bum as she stood up to change to show her I meant business.
I hadn’t felt this happy in months, and a hole I didn’t know was in me had been filled in with love and memories and, well, cum. I hadn’t realised how frustrated I was until we got off, with Hannah moaning under me. And I couldn’t wait to do it again, I was going to have to plan something special to treat my beautiful lover for coming to see me, and a scheme started to formulate in my mind….. Lacking in romance, eh?
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing this, I know it’s only amateur fiction but I like it.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/hiding-hannah