He was editor in chief at a popular magazine at the time, in fact he had been in the job for a little over four weeks. The seeing him was non-existent and we hardly ever got time to chat on the phone but I liked him, and well he liked me. The only way to grab his attention was to do something that got me hot, minutely focusing on him. The taxi was a bumping ride, fixing my red lipstick and fluffing my hair at the back I got into conversation with the driver.
“Doing much this afternoon?” he asked, as I looked at my watch. It had just struck 1pm.
“No,” I shook my head, reapplying the lipstick “…Just visiting a friend… at work.”
I smiled, as I spotted the drivers reflection in the mirror.
* * *
My intention of wearing no underwear worked a treat at walking but the air blowing up my skirt wasn’t so much fun. I got out the cab, pressing my skirt downwards as though trying to avoid a flash at the people, who well, hide under black cabs. I got to the door and pressed the buzzer, speaking politely into the speaker, I said the publication title and his name.
The door buzzed loudly and flexed open, my heel nearing caught into the ground as I skimmed past the reception, smiling brightly.
As I got to the top floor, I could feel myself already getting excited and what I was about to do. If there was a chance of touching myself right at that moment, I would have. Except the cleaner wouldn’t have expected that sort of treat behind the coffee mugs. As I walked into the offices I noticed only three people where in, sitting at their desks and by the looks of it, clearing their desks, preparing to go home.
“Result!” I whispered to myself, walking to his door. I gave a quick glance around the room, at all fifty or so empty desks. The final woman leaving the room, she caught my glance and gave me a smile.
She has no idea, I thought, fighting a smile. Pursing my lips together I took a deep breath and chapped on the wooden door.
Almost immediately I heard his strong voice.
“Yes?!” he asked, waiting for me to open the door.
I edged it open, my hand tight around the handle, there he was….
“Mia? What are you doing he..” he said, stopping as I approached his desk.
“I got bored” I said, removing my coat and frisking the back of my hair.
“So I thought I’d come to see you” I said, biting the edge of my lip. He knew right then why I was there.
“Is this… important?” I asked, looking at the paperwork on his desk.
“A moment” he said, a grin bearing. Quickly he shuffled some papers into a briefcase then threw it to the floor.
“No, its not” he said, smiling.
I sighed, my arms stretched out, I smacked my hands against all the left over paper and pens, everything falling to the floor.
“Oops” I said, sarcastically, again biting the side of my bottom lip.
Within seconds he was stood in front of me, his hands touching me all over. Desperately trying to remove my top, I leant backwards onto the desk, lifting my legs up and around his hips as his lips pushed hard against mine, finally my vest pulling away from the skirt I was wearing, he pulled it upwards and over my head leaving my breasts to go up and bounce down when my top was off. That was when he bit his lip. Edging forward he lifted the bottom of my skirt upwards, grinding it past my ass until it rested around my waist. Without hesitation I reached towards his shirt, unbuttoning every single button before pushing it backwards away from him. My hands moving at speed as I undid his belt and pushed down his zip, his trousers falling down to his ankles. I leant backwards again, letting him move on top of me as I lifted my legs up around his hips, tucking my toes under the waistband of his boxers and pushing them down with deep force.
“Wait, stop” I said, his eyes quickly watching mine.
“I want to do something else first” I said, while moving away from the desk and falling down to my knees.
Curling my finger to edge him towards me, again he knew exactly what I wanted. He was already erect, full and throbbing when he reached me, he walked so fast towards me that his cock rubbed against my lip, getting him more excited. My hand pressed around it and I leant forward, kissing it softly. His soft moans turning me on even more. All I wanted was his hot throbbing cock in my mouth and for him to cum all over me, but I couldn’t let myself go. Not just yet. So I continued to kiss him softly, running my tongue down his shaft and upwards. My fingers tingling his balls as I did so. I softly placed my lips around the head, pressuring my mouth slowly towards taking him fully.
“Make me” I whispered through.
We had done this before and he knew how I loved it when he held my head, pushing my neck to eat more cock with every breathe I took. So he did it automatically, one hand placed on my cheek and the other holding the back of my head, his fingers tangled in my hair, he thrusted himself forward and backwards, moving my head in the opposite direction so that every time he moved he had a thrust, I moaned lightly knowing the vibrations would run through him and he would push me harder. I loved going down on him, his taste made me more wet by the second, his pre-cum leaking into my mouth, onto my tongue and chin. His moans became more frequent, his thrusts deeper so I knew he was about to cum. Something I wasn’t settling for. I raised my hands onto his hips, pushing him away from me. Standing and walking the three steps to his desk I lay backwards, my back pressed against his desk.
“Fuck me!” I instructed him as he stood in between my legs, lifting my thighs and wrapping my ankles around his neck. He moved his hips backwards before thrusting fast, his cock sliding inside me, I could feel the throbbing running through me, the vibrations making me squirm.
“Deeper,” I panted, his hands tight around my hips thrusting backwards and forwards, getting deeper with every single thrust.
“I’m going to make you scream…” He said, his grin full with joy as he thrusted deeper each time.
“More.” I whispered, repeating the word over and over.
My fingers and nails running up his chest and then running onto mine, biting onto the tip of my finger I felt some of his cum tap from my chin onto my tits, it made me even more horny. Rubbing my tits, both nipples rock hard as he thrusted deeper, laying on me so he could go even further into me his tongue flicked on to each nipple, my moans and groans becoming more louder. My hands running through my hair as my groans came to climax.
He had worked me before, but never had he fucked me this good before.
With more thrusts my hips tingled, my pussy got more wet with every thought, my tits tingled like mad, my knees beginning to shake. I moan, almost a scream as I came.
My body reflexing as my back arched upwards, his arm caught behind me presses his lips deep against mine. I panted, trying to get my breathe back after what he had just done. No words could leave my mouth, I thought I could have forgotten how to speak nothing but moans escaped me.
Running my hands down his chest as he continued to thrust into me I pressed my chest into his, reaching onto his cock with my hands I could feel it still hard, throbbing more and more as he continued to thrust inside me.
He was still going, I thought. He hadn’t even came yet. A smile plastered across my face as he pulled himself away, his kiss still pressuring against mine. I stayed, sat on the edge of his desk.
All our clothes removed except my little black skirt which was now wrapped loosely around my waist. My bare pussy and ass pressing against his desk, our juices mixed in between my legs oozing onto my thighs. Flicking my finger in between my legs, I couldn’t help but twitch, everything was still going mental between my thighs. Wetness sucked onto my finger, looking at him I licked the tip.
I smiled.
He smiled. I looked at him, his chest.
His waist.
His hips.
His throbbing cock, gagging for more.
I had three options;
1. Fuck his brains right out.
2. Suck his throbbing cock dry.
3. Or let him go where he has never gone before…
I winked.
*Until next time….*
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/straight-sex/he-was-editor-in-chief