Good girl gone bad _(0)
by wetkitty30
Fiction, Group Sex, Incest, Males / Female, Older Male / Female, Oral Sex
Author’s infos
Gender: N/AÂ Â Â
Age: N/AÂ Â Â
Location: N/A
Posted Tue 12th of February 2013
first time writing a store let me know how i did thanks
I had just turned 13 and already had a rocking body, I was about 5ft 1in and weighted about 90lbs with tan dark skin, I was born to a black man and white woman but the marriage never worked out and my father moved on and out of our lives which in the end left me with some daddy issue, my mother never remarried but always had man in and out of our life, I always knew them by uncle so and so……now that I think of it she was one big slut but still love her any was. After I turned 13 it like I went to bed one night and woke up and full busted woman. My tits had already hit 34C and still growing and I had a nice phat ass on me that drove man wild every time I would walk past them. I had not yet been fucked by any man but I could always tell when a man looked at me what they were thinking it like they could tell I was fresh meat…Fucking pigs, I started to notice a lots of new feeling with my body that I had never felt before, I try to ask my mother about them but she was always too busy with the man that would be around that week. So I start to just explore my body on my own and notice that I was starting to like the feeling that I was getting, the more I touch the more my little tight pussy got wet, and it was even more worse when my mother had her “friends” over hearing them fucking just made my pussy wet more and more. All I wanted by than was to be fucked like my mother was being fucked that’s all I could think about……………………Days and nights went by listening over and over of my mother fucking I was started to go crazy so one night I told my mother I was going to stay by a friends for a few days thinking that would help me get my mind off of fucking of course she didn’t care so off to my friend’s house I went. We talked about the cute boys at school, watched movies just pretty much thing girls do when they get together. One night we put on are pj she was wearing a tank top with flannel pants, I was wearing a tank top with some booty shorts only cause I know her brother was around and wanted to drive him wild “fucking tease that I am” which I think made her mother upset cause she know her husband was checking looks here and there. Anyways we decide have some popcorn and watch some scary movies, a few hours later and a few movies in she fell asleep on me “fucking bitch” we were to pull an all nighter, but I just kept watching the movie next thing I know I started to hear this noise come from outside I think to myself what the fuck it was the stitching bumping sound, fuck it I going to go and check it out. I got up open the outside door slowly and peeked out to see if I could see anything nope nothing so I walked outside I could see the light on in the garage think who the hell would be outside in the garage at this time of night I cheeped up slowly to the door and looked into the window “What the fuck” it was my friends dad out in the garage with the lady from next door and yes you guessed it he was fucking the shit out of her “wow this man got some nerve his wife and the kids are just inside the house and he out here fucking the bitch next door. But at the same time it was fuck hot all I could do was watch his cock was so big he had his hand over her mouth to keep her from making so much noise just so it wouldn’t wake his wife or someone in the house. Just fucking her as hard as he could from behind, my pussy was start to turb and getting wet as fuck I started to play with my tits making my pussy more wet next thing I know my hand was in my booty short finger fucking my pussy fuck his cock look so fuck good I wanted that cock in my wet pussy so bad, all I could do was just keep rubbing and finger fuck my pussy…oooooh fuck it feels so good fuck me fuck me I cum over and over again losing myself that I had not notice that I was moning not to loud that anyone in the house could hear but loud enough that her dad and woman heard me. They open the door fast he looked at me and asked me what the hell do you think you are doing, who the fuck do you think you are. All I could do was look at him with a shocked look on my face and say sorry over and over again I told him I just had heard a noise and came out to see what it was and I didn’t know what came over me. He then told me to take my ass in the house he is in to talk to me. I ran off into the house “oh my god his so fuck pissed what was I thinking” I wasn’t that was my problem he never going to let me hang out with his daughter or come over here again. A few minutes he come into the house he told me to come talk to him in the kitchen so I did, right away I told him I sorry I really don’t know what came over me and I know I shouldn’t have been watching. He looked at me and then told him this keeps happening and that is why I want to come a stay at their house for a bit cause every time I hear my mother fucking I lose my mind. He then told me it claim down and just looked at me. He then said I think I know what you need……come with me I looked at him than said ok am I in trouble…no hun but I think you need to get this problem fixed…oh ok…I got up and followed him were he took me the bathroom all I was thinking is how the hell is a bathroom going to fix my problem he then to me to wait there he be right back…a few minutes later he come back with my friends bother….oh….they both then came into the bathroom all I could do was look at them. What his dad going to have him fuck me “great” not like I want him but if it going to help fuck it. My friends dad than said you need to get fuck the real way but you have to be really quite I can’t wake my wife and daughter I looked at him are you sure this well help….yes I promise it will…ok than and yes I’ll be as quite as I can he dad than looked at me and said yes I know you well be I’ll make sure of that. His son than dropped his pants and told me get sucking bitch wow that was hot I never heard him talk like that to anyone i grab his cock into my hand and being to shock it…wow he was just as big as his father I than once it was hard I place his big fat cock into my mouth up and down suck the tip bitch so I did good bitch do what you are told now take that cock deep into your mouth as far as you can I know you can suck cock all the guys at school talk about it.. WHAT!!!! I have never, shut up bitch no one asked for you to talk suck that cock you fuck slut. I could feel my pussy dropping now look it that boy the short are wet take them shorts off you little dirty whore I stood up and took my shorts off now get the shirt I want to see the tits you like teasing everyone with but wouldn’t show them off I than removed my shirt, now naked in the bathroom now get back in your fucking knees bitch and get back to sucking my cock I took his cock deep into my mouth with ever stock man I was loving the way he was talking to me just mad my pussy more and more wet, his dad than said I’ll be right back keep the whore sucking going to check on your mother and sister and tell your sister to go upstairs and to use the bathroom up there not to come down here that I’m trying to fix it…ok dad…his dad left suck it bitch take it….oh yes you can suck some mad cock always thought you could. Come suck rub that tight pussy of your to bitch I than being to finger fuck my pussy mmmmm fuck it felt so good…than the door open it was his dad ok the girls are set we should be ok till we’re done…WHAT!!!…till we’re done hmm might be staying to watch is what I was thinking…..nope next thing I know his dad dropped his pants…WHAT!!!! NO I CAN’T FUCK THE BOTH OF YOU, YOUR LIKE MY FRIENDS DAD AND MY MOMS AGE….and what’s your point do you want the problem to be fix…ya but…BUT WHAT…ya hmm…YOU HAD NO PROBLEM WATCHING ME EARLIER NOW YOU DON’T WANT TO…boy you are right she nothing but a fucking tease……MAY I SHOULD JUST THROW HER ASS OUT ON THE STREETS TONIGHT AND CALL HER MOTHER IN THE MORNING AND LET HER KNOW WHAT A WHORE FOR A DEATUER SHE GOT AND TELL HER HOW I CAUGHT HER FUCKING YOU IN THE BATHROOM…what she won’t believe you…I THINK SHE WELL WHEN SHE SEE THE PICTURE…sap!!! All I seen was a flash he just took and fucking picture of me naked on my knees in front of his son cock my mother my fuck but she going to be pissed to know that I’m now fucking at my age…..OK FINE!!! JUST DON’T GIVE MY MOTHER THAT PICTURE. THAT WHAT I THOUGHT YOU SLUT DON’T WANT YOU MOTHER KNOWING YOU FELLOWING RIGHT IN HER FEET STEPS EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR MOTHER THE BIGGEST WHORE OUT THERE AND THAT WHY YOUR FATHRE LET HERE HELL HE WASN’T EVEN SURE IF YOU WERE EVEN HIS CAUSE SHE HAD MORE COCK THAN A CHICKEND FARM HAS…WHAT WAIT WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT…YA GUESS YOUR MOTHER TOLD YOU THAT DID SHE….YA NO..FUCK WHAT THAT SLUT…YA I FUCKED HER BACK IN THE DAY FUCK IF YOUR ANYTHING LIKE HER YOU SHOULD BE A NICE PIECE OF ASS….I’VE EYEING YOU SINCE THE DAY YOU START HANG AROUND HERE JUST WAIT FOR THIS DAY TO COME….oh really…YUP THAT’S WHY ALL THE MAN AROUND HERE ARE CHICKING YOU OUT THEY WANT TO KNOW IF DEATUER LIKE MOTHER AND I’M ABOUT TO FIND OUT…now bitch get sucking I pulled his big black cock out and being to suck on it just like I was doing to his son yup so far just like your mother…take it deep bitch ya just like that…now my pussy was starting to get wet again…you dirty little whore you even like being talk to like your mother does….suck that big black cock you dirty little bitch. My pussy was dropping how mean he sound it was true I was fuck hot and wet as fuck look boy she fucking loving it so much she getting a puddle on the floor rub that pussy bitch show daddy what you can do…WHAT!!!!..ya that’s right show your daddy what you’re not my father..ya I know bitch but I could have been…..fine whatever now go back and forth to me and my son take both these cock bitch….oh my god this was so hot I never in my life thought I would be doing this and loving it…oh son you want to pop this bitch your me you do dad since you find her first and was nice to share thank boy…stand up bitch I going to make your little tight pussy feel good now. I stood up band over a bit ya like that….now this is going to hurt a bit but take it….I could feel his big black cock rub on my clit trying to move himself into my tight hole…mmmmm yes it feel good..i bit it does bitch and it about to get better.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH !!!! IT HURTS IT HURT STOP…SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE YOU WAKE THE WHOLE HOUSE AND GET US IN TO TROUBLE WE GO DOWN SO DO YOU BITCH son put you cock in her mouth to shut her the fuck up if she wakes your mother we’re both done. Here bitch put this in your mouth his son being to fuck my mouth…my pussy was still hurting but all I could feel was his big cock in my pussy…the tears was running down my face. Dad this bitch is now crying fuck her son she stop soon, he was right next thing I know it the pain was gone and the feeling was great…oh…..yes….fuck it feels great fuck me fuck me…what I tell you bitch….oh fuck yes…that’s right let it out suck that cock at the same time you little whore….damn you feel just like your mother…ya ya fuck ya…fuck me…call me daddy bitch…..yes…yes daddy fuck me…you like daddy cock…yes daddy I do…how does your bother cock feel in your mouth…WHAT!!!….just go with it bitch…oh ok…yes daddy I love it…you want your bother cock to fuck your dirty little cunt to…yes daddy yes FUCK YES!!!!Boy I’m about to cum all up in this tight little pussy…fuck do it dad…give this bitch that fucking cum deep inside her….ya ya ya fuck ya daddy fuck me…oooooo I going to cum bitch fuck me….unh!!! Fuck you pussy nice bitch…now my turn dad…take it boy the bitch can suck my rest of the cum out of my cock. All I could do was cum over and over again and think this must be why my mother fucks so much. It feels so great. Again I could feel the cock rubbing against my clit is it going to hurt again…fuck better put his dad cock in my mouth…oooooooooooooooooooo he rammed his cock up inside me….oh fuck ya fuck ya fuck me every out and in was deeper alright you finch here I going to go check on the girl be right back…k dad…you fuck sult you like it don’t you being fucked by use…yes I do fuck it feels so fucking good…..fuck yes fuck me. Tell me you whore you love it……fuck yes I love it…you want to fuck our cocks all night don’t you bitch…yes yes fuck yes….oh about to cum bitch…fuck ya fuck cum….fucking cum….ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bitch ya bitch fucking take me cum bitch…ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes me…ya ya ya……….ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! FUCK!!! Boy keep it down in there….no worries dad I done with the bitch now…ok clean-up it get back to bed…k dad…bitch you stay in there…ok!!!! the cum was dropping out of my pussy but fuck did it feel great….his son washed up and then left the bathroom. His dad than came back into the bathroom…..LOOK AT YOU A DROPPING WITH CUM JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER LIKE IT…you…you going to fuck me again…NO HUN I’M DONE NOW TOO…oh ok…you want me to wash up and go upstairs…NO….you want me to stay here…NO YOU GOING UPSTAIRS BUT YOUR NOT WASHING UP NOTHING…you want me to leave my pussy like this….yes…why…because that while teach you not to creep on other people outside…oh…and let the cum drop out all on its own…ok…now go to bed….ok…oh and another thing. Yes keep your mouth fuck shut about this you open your mouth and your mother will know about this…oh ok…now go to bed…ok…night I run upstairs and layed there think how much fun that was….I heard my friends dad come upstairs and go into his room…and shut the door behind him. I closed my eyes and went to sleep…the next morning my friend woke me up…wow…were you up late last night I didn’t even know what time I fell asleep my dad must have woke us up to come upstairs….hmm ya…Mmmm my mother making breakfast lets go see what she made…ok…we walked downstairs he brother and dad we’re both already at the table good morning dad…good morning sweetie how did you sleep last night…great dad…that’s good sweetie sit down your mother cooking French toast and bacon…Mmmm!!! My favourite….you can sit down too her father said to me….oh ok…what’s wrong your acting so funny today…oh nothing just thinking I should really go see how my mom’s doing and go home for a bit…really I just wanted to go home felt worried after what had happen last night…oh ok that cool…..maybe I could over later ok sounds good….beside she (whispered) I think my mother and father are waiting alone time….oh why cause the only time she make this for breakfast is when my dad has put it on her the night before so that means she going to want more….WHAT!!!!…..ya gross right….ya…. I than looked at her dad yup it was some night last night wasn’t babe it sure was hun I don’t know what got into you last night when you came to bed but I love it….ya I know…let’s just say I was feeling like my young self again last night…you sure was hun ….I don’t know what gets into him but every time you come over they get like this…oh..ya..Oh…we ate are food than I went upstairs got my thing and head home…when I got home my mother was sitting at the table…she look like something was wrong…that ass whole I was thinking he said he wasn’t going to say anything…what wrong mother….hun I need you to sit down we need to talk…..fuck get busted great…what is it mother…while now that you are older I think…yay a I know the brids and the bees already know about them…no hun, I want to talk to you about your father…my my father what about him…well…well what…you know your friends you been staying at…ya….and…and what while around the time I got t with pregnant you….yes…. well I was messing around with her father…what…ya…well after you were born your father, him and I had a d.n.a test done…and while your friend’s father is your real father…WHAT!!!!…..I know I know…YOU GOT TO BE JOKING… hun I’m not…..AND HE KNOW THIS…yes I know you upset cause you spend a lot of time there and he never said anything that because he doesn’t want his wife to know, YOU LYING!!!. ..Sweetie claim down….NO MOM I NOT GOINGTO CAIME DOWN!!!! I know you are upset but he was a married man and I didn’t want to mess up his marriage like I did mine…ALL THIS TIME HE KNOW AND HAD ME fffuc..never mind…had u what hun….Nothing mom…I need to go for a walk…oh ok hun you sure you’re going to be ok…..hmmm ya just need to go think…..ya think about how I just fucked my half brother and father last night and liked it not just liked it loved it…I walked back to my friend’s house when I walked up my friends dad and brother were both there…HOW COULD YOU I YELLED…keep your voice down and what are you talking about…MY MOTHER TOLD ME EVERY THING…what are you talking about…..SHE TOLD ME HOW YOU ARE MY FATHER…quit come here….how could you fuck me knowing I was your kid…fuck that bitch told me she was never going to tell you…well she did….fucking bitch I know she open her mouth…..your mad at her……you know what you were doing last night…ya and….why….because I could who wouldn’t not like you had a problem with it last night did you what make a difference ya so what your my kid and so are the other two in the house…but you didn’t fuck them ya well they live in the house…dad what’s going on…son her mother told her…WHAT FUCKING BITCH…wait you know…YA BITCH I KNOW MY DAD TELLS ME EVERY THING….so you knew and still did what you did too..ya and not like people haven’t done it before, beside it was hot fuck my half-sister. You can’t say you didn’t like it…WHILE YA BUT…but what…THAT WAS BEFORE KNOWING WHAT I KNOW NOW….and you need to look at it like this, it’s not like you know I was your brother and he was your dad right…RIGHT…so let it go…we can now be one happy family the family you always wanted, right…RIGHT….just can’t let my mom know and sister…ok….but you now have us….hmmm I guess your right…..and anytime you want the good shit you know where to get it right….YA!!!!RIGHT…so it works out for all of us….hmmmm oh ok I guess so…NOBODY HAD TO KNOW…….ya no body ……………………………………………………………………………to be continued.