Chapter Two
Each day when I got home from work we would mount up and go for a ride, starting with ten miles and then twenty. By the time each Saturday rolled around we peddled 75 miles to be in shape for the much more challenging ride ahead of us. All too often I would ride a few feet behind her, watching her ass as she pumped the pedals as hard as she pumped me. I couldn’t help myself, I was putty in her hands and a lover to her body and heart. We would then find ourselves at home each night, eating a light meal and preparing for bed.
That first night we had laid together for a while enjoying the feelings of raw passion we had found together. Eventually my cock slipped from the lush warmth of her core and I sighed feeling as if I would never again be whole. My thoughts confused as to not only why but what I had done. I knew that Bunny would never say anything so long as we continued to share the loving bond found that day, but discovery of lies and hidden things is inevitable. We made love each night, she came to know the feel of my desire to bring her to fulfilling climax more than once each time we had sex. Sex is such a limited word in my thoughts, we had so much more than the raw physical command of completion, we shared our bodies and our love.
The tour was only two days away, my vacation had started and I stayed at home to load the SUV for the trip to the starting point, my niece was going to then drive it to the ending point when the journey was done. She was 19, only three years older than Bunny. Sky was not the dark mysterious lady of passion that Bunny was, but she was definitely a pretty girl. Blond, blue eyes and huge tits to match Bunny’s or more. It was Thursday and we would leave the next morning, she had planned to stay the night for the early morning drive into the mountains. Bunny was in school, she too knew how to take tests and got excellent grades but was at 16 a Senior and couldn’t skip an unnecessary day. Sky showed up at lunch time a few hours earlier than I had thought she would.
She knocked on the front door as I was stuffing my riding gear into the duffel bag that the transport vehicle would go from town to town bearing all of the rider’s belongings. I answered the door and smiled at the pert young lady I hadn’t seen in a year or so. “Damn,” I thought as I took in the crop top holding in her braless D cup tits and revealing her tight abdominal muscles. Her hips were wider than Bunny’s but so freaking sweet I could hardly contain myself. The short shorts that rode precariously up into her groin were tight enough I could see the slit of her pussy as well as the trim of her tight curls and swiped my tongue over my lips unconsciously as I heard her giggle. “Oh,” I said as my mind came back into real time, “Come on in, sorry about that. Must have had a senior moment.”
She giggled again as she swayed her way into the loft apartment I had lived in since Mariana and I found it so many years before. “It’s okay Uncle G,” she cooed softly, “I can see what kind of senior moment you were having,” and glanced down at my growing cock beneath the thin cotton shorts I wore without anything beneath them. Her smile was down right devious, certainly not fitting for a young lady. I closed the door and found myself in a very dire problem, there was no way I could find my niece attractive, we were related even if it weren’t by blood and I sure couldn’t tell her I was banging my daughter so it’d be okay. I walked behind her as she went to the living room. Damn she was one hot little piece of work, I looked at my watch and figured I had about three hours before I had any hope of relief. Bunny was due home at 3:30.
She flopped down on the couch, the very same one I had played with Bunny on on her birthday. Her legs fell open and I could see all the way to heaven but stared straight into he eyes. “Okay, what’s up with you Sky?” I knew she had been sexually active for a while now, even having heard her and somebody getting wild when I had visited my brother in law’s home a little over a year earlier. Sky didn’t seem the type to do the same things Bunny and I had been doing for the last few weeks, but I had to think about it. My mind worked over the problem systematically very quickly. Sky had only one sister and one older brother, but even when I had visited he was already gone from home and in the military. That left only some stranger who had snuck in secretly, her mother, father or sister, since I knew it wasn’t me. Two of those seemed far fetched so I thought more seriously about her banging her daddy just like Bunny was hers. I imagined Earl ramming his six inches into the heavenly slit I could see so plainly and shuddered.
I guess my blank gaze gave my thoughts away and she giggled as she stared straight down at my now swollen manhood. She said with real quiet tones, “You know, it’s a shame,” and paused long enough that I had to ask.
“What’s that? What is a shame, that is?” I asked when my thoughts again came into reality.
She smiled and patted the couch with a gesture that said she wanted me to sit down. I was a bit reluctant, tried really hard to act as if I didn’t know what she wanted, and sat down carefully to not reveal my partial erection at the end of the couch. Her head turned towards me as she turned in the seat, one knee propped up onto it, the other still hanging over the edge. The pose opened her legs like a panoramic view of the valley of the Kings and I gulped down the instant lump in my throat.
“It’s a shame that you never found another woman after Aunt Mariana passed away,” she said matter of factly. “I mean Bonnie is 16 now and you’ve remained celibate ever since she was born.” She giggled again and moved a little closer, her eyes bright with the look of desire.
I held up a hand and said, “I know that is what everybody in the family says, but in truth I do have somebody. I just don’t blab it all around.” I was satisfied that maybe she would back off and quit trying to temp me. She leaned closer and whispered, “You know we’re not related by blood don’t you?” and laid her hand at the top of my thigh. I nodded weakly, she took that as a positive response and moved even closer. Her hand moved up and slid over the meaty prong that was once again growing, rubbing over it as my body shuddered with nervous anxiety.
“Sky, stop, please,” I pleaded. I was already good and hard and she apparently took physical response as permission to proceed.
Her smile was sultry as she whispered, “I’ll bet you don’t know how much I love to suck cock,” and lowered her face as she pulled my dick from the hem of my shorts. She began stroking it softly as she breathed warm air over the head. I groaned and whimpered for her to stop, but she was past that and licked over the broad mushroom crown sending waves of hot blood to complete the filling of my erection.
“Mmmm,” she moaned as her lips closed over my head. She lifted her head and looked at me as she said, “I can never tell which I like more, a big cock like yours, smaller like daddy’s or nice sweet pussy,” and took half of my dick down her throat with a jab that would choke most women. She rose up quickly and kissed my thigh as she cooed, “For now I want your cock,” and sucked me in again. Her head bobbed up and down until she had me panting for air, my fingers tangled in her long blond locks and helped guide her to suck me just the way I like it best.
My mind went somewhere far out into space as her lips slid over my cock, her hand stroking what her mouth didn’t take in. I was pushing her face down over my dick when it struck me. She likes eating pussy? Damn, I may just have something she’d like to do tonight. So far Bunny had only felt my mouth, fingers and cock. Maybe she’d like to find the pleasure another woman could provide. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts Sky couldn’t seem to get me to cum. After a long time of sucking and stroking me she rose up and was rather upset.
“Okay, I know you weren’t prepared for me coming in here and doing this, but Uncle G, why haven’t you unloaded that nice full sack for me? I know daddy cums faster and harder than any of the other men I’ve sucked, I kind of figured it was something about his age.”
I chuckled and replied, “I’m not your daddy, Sky. And when I make love with a lady she has to get hers before I can get mine. Call it a personal quirk.” I leaned back against the backrest and laid my arm over it. She slid closer still and rested her cheek against my shoulder with a sigh. “It’s okay,” I whispered, “Maybe tonight we can both find some fun.” My hint of doing her later that night seemed to appease her for the moment and then she thought about it.
“Are you telling me that Bonnie wouldn’t object to us sleeping together? She’s only 16 and probably wouldn’t understand you fucking your niece even if we aren’t related by blood.”
I reached over and cupped her chin in my hand and whispered, “I think she’s a lot more mature than you think she is.” I silently recalled a conversation Bunny and I had had a week or so before when she saw a web site with two women pleasuring each other. She had said it looked as though they really had fun, I had agreed and told her that I found watching two women very enjoyable. It was shortly after that that she mounted me cowgirl style and fucked me all but blind. I sighed as the memories flooded me with warmth.
“I may be able to talk her into being with you Sky. You said you like to eat pussy, and I know she likes that . . . a lot.” Sky’s expression lit up like a neon sign, apparently she really preferred a woman’s touch after all. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head and then whispered, “I heard what you said about being with your father, and trust me I won’t judge you or say a word to anyone. Did you discover you like women at home as well?”
She turned her face up to look at me and grinned as she spoke, “You know, you don’t miss a thing Uncle G. Yeah, Callie and I have played around for quite a while, though she doesn’t like to be fucked by a man, she just loves it when I put on my strap on and sink it to the hilt.” She rose one brow and asked a strange question, well not so strange considering the topic we were discussing.
“Have you ever fucked Bonnie?” she asked bluntly. “Don’t worry if you have, I won’t judge either, sex is just so damned much fun with a loving family around.”
I stared at her as if I couldn’t believe she had just asked me that. I tried very hard to keep a straight face as I answered her, “If Bunny and I have ever been together it is just between us. I’ll not dignify the question without her here to give you the answer. I have to admit, she is one very lovely young lady. She is much more aware than what you’ll remember since the last time we visited.
She grinned and kissed my cheek and said, “The last time you two visited you darned near caught us in the big middle of a climax Uncle G.” I wasn’t sure if she reffered to her sister or Bunny, but my jaw dropped open, I hadn’t even considered it was my daughter that was moaning while Sky was whooping it up like a whore in heat. I laughed and rose from the couch. My dick had gone soft and the shorts fell over it to cover my manly tool as I offered her my hand.
“I have to finish packing all this stuff. You can either help or just sit around and do whatever you do when alone,” chuckling at the thought of her masturbating herself to climax. I could tell she was still very horny the way she brushed up against me at every chance. Her tits especially. I walked away and back to the duffel bag to finish up, Bunny would be home in less than an hour.
As she helped me roll the clothing and such she talked constantly. Mostly about sex, but then that was all she apparently thought about, rather like her uncle. She asked if she could give me a nick name, that she found it less than attractive to keep calling me Uncle G as she had all of her life. I nodded and said so long as it wasn’t too naughty and if it were to keep it just in this part of the family. She fell silent for the longest time and as I packed the tents into each duffel bag she smiled broadly.
“How about I call you ‘Tent’,” and giggled as she purposely looked down at my shorts. I laughed and told her to run the name by my daughter before it caught on too well in her mind. She laughed just as the front door opened, Bunny was home.
She had obviously heard the laughter and walked quickly into the dining room, now the staging area for the journey. When she saw Sky her eyes lit up like the sun had risen. She wrapped her arms around her cousin as if they hadn’t seen each other in forever. I chuckled at the sight and hoped I could talk her in to repeating the hug when they were both naked. If she had spoken the truth it shouldn’t be too hard to do. They whispered to each other’s ear and I had a feeling that I was the main topic of discussion, each one took a turn at looking over at me on the far side of the dining table with a wide smile. I stuffed the last item into the bag other than our toothbrushes and stood up to stretch out my sore back from so much bending over the table. It was then that Bunny walked around the table and hugged me. She whispered into my ear and said that I should go take a hot bath, I surely needed it after all my labor. I looked at her as my eyes went from one of the naughty girls to the other and back again. All they would do is smile. I finally agreed and said, “There’s a pot roast in the oven that should be done. How about you two get together and set up some plates for us while I soak for a bit.” They agreed with a nod.
I left them as I went to the master bedroom and shed my shorts and tee shirt, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on, but knew I’d find out sooner or later. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to fill the tub, stood before the sink and the mirror above it. I couldn’t help it, I looked at my reflection and took note of how trim my waist had become in just three weeks of serious riding. My abs weren’t those of a twenty year old, but damned close. I knew how nicely my currently flaccid cock fit into Bunny, she had learned to take it all and grip it with her inner muscles like she’d been fucking for years. I wondered if I managed to get the two girls together if I could do more than watch. A soft chuckle streamed from my lips as I turned to climb in the tub. Turning off the water I slowly sank lower to where only my face was above the waterline, the heat felt so good settling around my body and I was about to fall asleep. My thoughts were dreamy as I visualized Bunny and how she had taken me from behind the night before, the feel of her cheeks as my hips slapped against them, her oration of glee as she came for the third time in the evening.
We both knew that our sharing would be limited in the small tent nestled amongst several hundred others, usually in a high school football stadium. We’d talked about it only yesterday of how whatever we did we had to be quiet and not arouse suspicions. Incest is illegal and immoral, we’d agreed we would have to be very careful if we fooled around at all. A prize we shared was also agreed just before I had mounted her from behind and drove her to orgasm and then filled her ever willing cunt with my seed. She was on the pill now and we made sure she took it every day. I laid in the tub soaking up the warmth and calming feeling of my bath, my eyes closed as I dreamed and recalled so many wonderful things recently done or discovered. I think I actually did fall asleep, it seemed so much like a dream I could feel a hand gently rubbing my member softly up and back. I groaned and felt my hips rise to meet the wonderful dream, the fingers closed around the growing hard on and my hips rose higher, wanting it to be real but afraid to open my eyes and know it was only a fantasy. As my erection filled I felt a new even greater wonder, lips closed over the head of my cock and I moaned at the sensual caress. There was nothing overt about it, simply sensual erotica at its finest until I finally opened my eyes.
It was my baby girl, stroking and then sucking me as I napped in the tub. I smiled as she realized I was awake and then looked around. Thankfully we were alone with the door closed. She was still dressed in her school clothes and relinquished her mouthed grip of my member to turn her face and smile silently. “Daddy, I needed some alone time with you. I hope you don’t mind,” she whispered as her hand continued to stroke gently up and back along my stiff member.
I groaned in reply and she knew I didn’t mind at all. As my mind focused on the here and now I grinned and said quietly, “Where’s Sky?”
“She stayed in the kitchen fixing our dinner. The roast wasn’t quite done and I had come up to tell you to take your time,” she blushed and whispered, “and then I saw that beautiful thick cock and just had to touch.” She giggled softly as I sat up and cupped my hand around her nape pulling her mouth to mine.
She flinched at how wet my hand was but quickly found our kiss passionate and relaxed as her mouth opened for me to taste of her tongue with my own. She groaned softly as she wiggled to get a better position than kneeling beside the tub. Our lips parted and I whispered to her, “Take your clothes off baby, I want to share the tub with you.”
She grinned and stood up to strip. There was no fanfare, she simply removed one piece at a time until she only had on her panties and bra. I grimaced at how long she was taking and reached out of the tub and pulled her panties down. Her dark petals swollen already with arousal, her clit exposed from the guarding hood to entice me further than I already was. She unhooked her bra and set it on the counter atop of her other clothes and stepped out of the puddle that had been her panties to climb into the tub in front of her daddy. I slipped my wet hands around her waist as she settled between my thighs and whispered, “Daddy is going to wash his baby girl.” My hands cupped her full orbs and twisted her nipples between a thumb and finger to get her going. She moaned at the sensation and leaned back against me. I picked up the gel and lathered up my hands before returning to wash her tummy and tits, she mewed like a kitten and I found my dick getting harder and harder with each breath she drew in.
“Turn around Bunny,” I cooed. She rose from her seat and turned to face me, glancing down she saw why I wanted her this way and smiled naughtily. Her knees bent and she lowered her hips towards her seat on my massive swollen cock. I forced her to pause as my tongue swiped through her flower causing her to take a gasp of air and stop right where she was to allow me my time of feast. I held her legs apart and her up at the same time as I lapped her pussy until it was filled with her juices. When I felt the slick nectar I thrust my tongue deep and heard her cry out in pleasure. Pulling my face back I pulled her hips down and guided her to my shaft. She squealed with delight as I pulled her to take all she could squatted down over my hips in the tub. Within seconds her body was moving up and down rhythmically over it as she panted and came ever closer to climax.
I closed my eyes and was lost in the heavenly bliss of being ridden. I couldn’t help her as I sat, so only reveled in the glory of my little girl’s talents. Soon her pants became gasps and she sped up to force herself to cum, I strained not to and gritted my teeth against the inevitable. I opened my eyes to watch her complete her journey up the ladder of arousal and teeter on the edge before flying from it to orgasm. I was shocked when I saw the door open and Sky standing there watching her cousin riding her daddy’s cock. It was then I noticed she too was getting her share, her fingers plunging into her slightly exposed pussy where her shorts were pulled aside. She had a sweet looking little puss, I would have to take a taste of it after dinner I thought silently. The silence burst into screams as Bunny erupted in climax. The heat of her creamy nectar searing hot as she flooded her cunt with it and coated my cock as well. I pushed her off of me and ate her cum as it dribbled from her freshly fucked hole without shame. Sky grunted a couple of times and cried out as she too found the precipice of climax. I was the only one who hadn’t gotten off, but it was okay, I had that special feeling of being on the edge and knew I’d still be good to go after dinner.
Bunny’s legs were a bit wobbly, but Sky helped her from the tub and gave her a nice tight hug in doing so. I smiled up at them and she cocked her head to the side and kissed my little girl passionately as if they were lovers. I guess what she had said was true after all, Bunny not only accepted the kiss but returned it. I climbed out of the tub and grabbed a towel and dried Bunny’s back for her soothingly as they continued kissing, hugging and caressing each other. I quickly dried myself and wrapped my arms around them standing behind my daughter, Bunny in between her cousin and myself. I chuckled at the thought of a ‘Bunny’ sandwich and kissed her neck as my hands felt for Sky’s butt. She managed to convey with her moves that she liked it, but soon it was time to dress and eat dinner. I was starved. I shooed them out of the bathroom since it was a bit cramped and they walked side by side lost in the moment of passions shared.
I went into my room and pulled on a clean pair of shorts and a t -shirt. I looked over at them as they kissed again, this time Sky’s arms wrapped around my little girl and grasping tightly at her ass. I had to smile and made my way past them headed for the kitchen. Just about there I heard the scurry of feet and felt the air move past me as they bolted into the kitchen. They each stood beside my chair, the roast carved on the platter before my seat. Smiling contentedly at their accomplishment Bunny pulled my chair out and gestured for me to have a seat, I did and smiled towards her warmly. They each took a chair, Bunny on my right and Sky on my left, now it was I who was about to become a sandwich meat, or so I figured. To this day I haven’t figured out how she got dressed in the short time it took me to walk to the kitchen door.
I was almost disappointed when they each dug in to the roast and vegetables gobbling them down quickly. I was a bit slower and watched as they got up after only five minutes and started clearing the table without a word. I was beginning to wonder what was cooking, but watched as each of them looked at me hungrily. It was going to be me, I just felt it. After I had finished my meal I leaned back in my chair and within a moment my plate was gone, I watched as the dishes were loaded into the dish washer and could only imagine what would happen when we were finished in the kitchen. I didn’t have to wait long as Bunny walked up behind me and whispered in my ear, “Daddy, I just know you’re going to love seeing your desert,” and giggled. As I turned back to see what Sky was up to she closed the refrigerator door and stood naked before it with a can of whipping cream in her hand, a smile painting her face. I was in so much awe, or perhaps shock that I failed to notice that my baby had stripped while standing behind me as Sky moved slowly closer to the table. She was gorgeous to say the least and smiled so intently I was mesmerized.
Bunny stepped past my right shoulder and slid butt first onto the table, laid down and turned her head to face me with a very naughty smile. She turned herself to where her feet were one on each side of my torso, I watched in awe as her flower bloomed before me. It was then I saw Sky at the far side of the table, her hips near Bunny’s head, her hands filled with whipping cream. I couldn’t seem to move or say anything, I stared in disbelief. Sky reached down and cupped one hand over Bunny’s pussy, the cream squished out around her hand as she smeared it over and into the wet folds of flesh. My mouth stood agape as I watched her climb onto the table and kneel straddled my daughters face as she whispered, “Tent, its time to eat your desert,” and laughed with such a sultry sound I rose to press my lips to the whipping cream coated gash. With my eyes on Sky I began to lap up the sweet cream, the nectars flavored it to perfection. She cupped her own pussy with the other handful and lowered her cunt to Bunny’s waiting mouth. I watched as her tongue licked over the willing petals and clit before becoming lost in what I lay before me.
I couldn’t believe they had dreamed this up so quickly, but who was I to argue? I ate and sucked, licked and lapped up all of the sweet cream and then delved in for the more fruitful flavored juices as Bunny moaned into the haven of Sky’s pussy. Her hips rose and fell slowly at first, building to the edge of heat and then thrusting her mound to meet my advance. I thrust two fingers deep into her well and she screamed into the cavity that had her mouth covered as she came over my face. Sky watched and soon ground down hard onto her mouth as she too exploded with climax and gasped aloud. I leaned back in my chair and watched as each settled into the bliss of post climactic peace, my cock rock hard with want but I wouldn’t say a word.
Sky climbed off of the table and walked around beside me as Bunny sat up, still spread before me like a smorgasbord. I finally spoke, “You girls are so naughty, I ought to spank you both for doing this,” and couldn’t help it, I laughed aloud. Bunny turned and slid off of the table to stand beside me and leaned down, kissing me deeply and letting me taste Sky’s cum as she did. Different, but worthy to my impression. The girls weren’t done apparently as each one took hold of the straight backed chair and tipped me back to where the chair held my knees aloft and my back lay near the floor. I looked up at them, both naked, both still in the throes of some form of greedy passion. They grabbed my shorts and tore them from me bodily, I didn’t say a word, but heard my hard cock slap against my belly. They ripped the chair from beneath me and laid me out prone on my back, tugged my tee shirt off so I too was naked.
My eyes glared as if to say that they didn’t need to force me, but they knew I was loving their efforts too much to say anything negative about being all but raped. Sky dropped down over my face and her pussy opened up over my chin and mouth. I could have smothered if she continued, but she rocked forth and back until my face was coated completely with her cum. I was able to take a breath about every third rocking move and thrust my tongue deep and felt her squirm at my experienced oral technique. I gasped as I felt it, bunny’s tight cunt, wet with her own juices slipped down over my cock and settled with it deep inside. I cried out my pleasures, muffled by the hot wet pussy covering my mouth. Sky leaned forward, I could feel it more than see, but I knew they were making out as they fucked me and fed my lustful lips and tongue. They each came within minutes and rose from me in perfect sync, changed places and resumed. Now Sky knew of my massive cock and Bunny got a refresher course on my other talents. I couldn’t hold out any longer and screamed as my cock erupted deep inside of my niece. She came immediately as did Bunny.
They rolled off of me and collapsed in the kitchen floor with me between them, all three of us exhausted, covered with cum, whipping cream or juicy honey sweet nectar. We laid there without a word spoken for a long spell, looking at each other, perhaps a bit afraid to break the spell of erotica we had shared. We finally rose and went to take a shower, it was cramped in the small tub, but we managed to caress and clean each other well enough to go to bed. Yes, we slept as we had made love, together. We decided just before we fell into peaceful slumber that Sky wouldn’t simply bring the car to the finishing line, she would drive ahead each day and get us a motel room. My gift to Bunny had just become even a greater boon, she so loved what we all shared during the journey through the Rocky Mountains, but that will be the next chapter. As you can easily see, Dreams Do Come True.