Tonight– just stole a peek the other hour.
A minute ago, alright? You know
How I can’t keep my eyes off the one
I love? That hardness about the eyes,
When did that steal in? Like a robot
Just a bit. I’ve taken too many
Orders– partners– rejections– lovers.
Slut-eye. Inflames the pores of the soul.
I was napping, awhile ago. Dreaming
Of the seashore, at night, in the back
Of somebody’s car. Not your’s. Moonlight
Dim, sepulchral. The world had ended
Somehow. Yes, the apocalypse, dear.
And I wasn’t with you, didn’t think of you.
Tides rapping the sand like crinkling foil.
I woke, but god was I bleary-eyed.
Seven o’clock. I don’t need a nap.
Panic, almost; yet surrender urged:
You want this sleep so bad, embrace it
Like a fuck. I woke up. That blanket
Your wife handed off to me, ivory,
I had it pulled over my head. My red
Bra I wore the first time you took me
From behind– memories! How does that work
Anyway? You made me keep it on,
Manhandling like a baker’s apprentice.
Sorcerer’s apprentice, you. But the mess–
Well, the lamp was on, and the light filtered
Through, but the bra stained it all ruby-red.
I thought at first I’d ruined the blanket
In the wash, maybe trampled some dirt,
Even fungus, into the threadbare thing,
With my soiled kitchen-tramping feet.
Or drowned it on some wayward eve
With the bottle, instead of my sorrow.
But no. My eyes blinked back the drowsies,
I lifted my head, and the blanket’s pure.
It’s my heart that’s dyed. I’m wearing Chamela.
How long will she be out of town, this time?