My name is Kelly. I decided that my parents were not going to get a divorce like they thought they were. I wanted my Dad to be my first lover and he was. The sex the last few weeks was wonderful. One night a week or so ago, I decided to see if there was something I could do to get my parents back together, because I really don’t think they want this divorce. But for the fact that my mother doesn’t give my dad any sex, they get along fine.
I mail ordered a vibrator which arrived yesterday. Naturally, I took it for a “test run” as soon as I got up to my bedroom. I took my clothes off so that I was completely nude, then I turned that little so-and-so on and started playing with myself. I rubbed the tip of the vibrator gently over my nipples, first one, then the other. I had it on low speed, and although it felt nice, it didn’t really turn me on the way my dad’s lips and hands do when he plays with my nipples. So I cranked the speed up a notch, and then I started to get some feeling. I could feel the tingling sensation I get in my pussy when I start getting excited. I promptly took my other hand and started rubbing my fingers over the lips of my pussy, and as I felt my pussy getting wet, I slid a couple of fingers between my lips, and into my cunt. As I got more excited, I brought the vibrator down to my clit and OMG, did that get me started! It was an entirely different sensation than when my dad eats me. I began to thrust my fingers deep into my cunt, curling them up to hit my G-spot. I was gasping for breath and moaning and as I felt myself begin to come, I drove the vibrator deep into my cunt, along with my fingers, and cried out with the pleasure I felt. As I slowly relaxed, I started thinking about how I could get my parents back together. Obviously, I had to get my mother to abandon all her previous notions about sex, and realize that sex is actually fun. That her Catholic upbringing had arranged to deprive her of a lot of wonderful times, and that it wasn’t too late.
That evening, while I waited for my mother to come home, I laid on my bed nude. I had purposely left my bedroom door open a little, and I began to rub my clit gently with the vibrator. When I heard the garage door opener, I began to thrust the vibrator deep into my cunt, and moving my hips up to meet each thrust of my hand. In thirty seconds, I was turned on and concentrating on my pleasures, and I almost forgot about my mother. I was coming hard and crying out in orgasmic bliss, when my mother pushed my door open the rest of the way, and stood there in shock.
“Kelly! What are you doing? Oh, my God, I don’t believe this. What on earth is going on?”
I couldn’t have stopped even had I wanted to. I finished thrusting the vibrator deep in my cunt for a couple of more strokes, and then slowly relaxed on my bed, and pulled the vibrator out. My mother was still standing there with her mouth open.
“What? Mom, haven’t you ever seen a woman use a vibrator just to pleasure herself?”
“No, and I certainly never expected to see my daughter use one. That’s just perverted!”
“Perverted? om, where have you been living the last 20 years? Jeez. You were born after the sexual revolution of the sixties and seventies. Didn’t you ever have sex just for fun?”
“Kelly, sex is, is … I don’t know how to say what it is, but it wasn’t meant just to ‘have fun’ as you put it.”
“Mom, that’s Grandma talking and you know it. Didn’t you and Dad have sex for fun?”
“Kelly! That’s not a conversation I’m going to have with you. Your father’s and my situation is none of your business!”
“Oh, really, Mom. You don’t think that this divorce is affecting me too. You don’t think that might maybe make it partly my business? Based on what you’re telling me, it sure doesn’t sound like Dad’s been getting much sex from you. Is that why he’s divorcing you? Has Dad decided that he should just go looking for sex somewhere else? Because you know he’s a ‘catch’ in any other woman’s book. Look at Grandma. Grandpa left her when she was about your age now. She’s never remarried, I don’t think she’s ever even had any boyfriends, at least for as long as I can remember. Is that what you want for yourself? I know that you and Dad must have really loved each other, otherwise, why would you have stayed together for so long. And don’t give me the BS about staying together because of me. Mom, we’ve never really talked together about girl things. I’ve always been a tomboy, and I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors fishing and hunting with Dad. But I think it’s time that you and I had a talk. Come sit over here by me.”
As my mother slowly moved over to my bed, she looked like she was in some sort of a daze. Whether from my words, or what she had just seen me doing, I don’t know. As she sat on my bed, she looked over at me and said, “Yes, I guess we do need to have a talk. We do appear to be worlds apart in our attitudes, maybe for a lot of things. Do you want to go first?”
At this point, I lied to my mother, but I think it was a necessary lie.
“Mom, I’m sorry you caught me masturbating, but this isn’t something new. I’ve been doing this for some time now, and I do it to make myself feel good, especially when I don’t have a guy around. I haven’t had a boyfriend since Dan and I split up, but I really enjoy the feeling when I come. I have to admit, the vibrator is a recent addition, but my fingers and hand work really well also.”
“Kelly, are you telling me you’re not a virgin?”
“Mom. This is the 21st century. I realize that you’re Catholic, and you brought me up that way, but I’m grown up now, and my attitudes have changed some as I’ve gotten older. I don’t know very many girls my age who are virgins.”
“Kelly, I don’t know what to say. No, I’m not happy about this divorce, and I do still love your dad, but I’m not going to force him to stay where he’s not happy.”
“Mom, has it ever occured to you that Dad still loves you? When he and I go out, he talks about you. If the only thing that separates you is sex, why don’t you at least give in a little? Isn’t that what you and Dad have always tried to teach me, to try to accommodate people? Why don’t you try going fishing with Dad and me. That would be a first step. Have you ever even considered that fucking can be fun? I’ll bet that all your life with Dad, you’ve just put up with sex because you felt you had to, didn’t you?” It’s not too late to learn, Mom.”
“Kelly, I can’t believe this conversation. Your dad has left me and he’s not likely to come back. In a way, I realize that maybe, I should have given in to him more often, but it got to be a habit, a rut that I got stuck in. Besides, how would you propose that I learn. Your father’s not here. Should I go snatch some man off the street? I don’t think so!”
“Baby steps, Mom, baby steps. Have you ever masturbated?”
“I’m ashamed to admit it, but once in a while I used to. I have a few more times since your Dad left.”
“Did it feel good? It didn’t hurt you in any way did it?”
No, you’re right. It didn’t hurt.”
“Did you ever use a vibrator?”
At that, my mother actually chuckled. “Kelly, the one you’re holding is the first vibrator I’ve seen other than in pictures or movies.”
“Movies, Mom. They only show vibrators in porn movies. When did you ever watch a porn movie?
“A couple of times over the years, your dad brought some home, and tried to get me to watch them with him. I actually couldn’t believe some of the things I saw those women doing in those movies.”
“Really, Mom. Like what?” I figured if I could get my mother to start discussing sex, maybe I could get her into trying it again, with a more open mind.
“Well, they were using fake penises on themselves, sort of like you were just doing with your vibrator. They had women making love to each other. Then of course, they had the men making love to the women in all kinds of different positions. They even had some engaging in anal sex. Can you imagine that?”
“Yeah, Mom. Actually, I can.”
“You haven’t?!”
“Mom, you are woefully behinds the times. I think there are a few positions I haven’t tried, and I know there are a lot of different places to fuck, I haven’t tried. But I intend to get around to them eventually.” What the heck, another minor lie.
“Kelly, is sex really that pleasurable to you? Is it that much fun?”
“Yes, Mom, it is. Can I make a suggestion? You want to borrow my vibrator? I’ll be glad to show you how to use it.” I decided to push my luck. “Take your blouse and bra off.”
As I said that, I reached for the buttons on my mother’s blouse and started to undo them. I think it was a sign of the shock she was still in, or maybe she was just admitting to herself that she should try, but she didn’t even tell me to stop. Once I had her bra off, I turned on the vibrator, and started rubbing around her nipples. I had never really gotten a close up look at my mother’s tits, just seen them in the locker room at the country club. I thought they looked very nice, they didn’t appear to sag at all. I guess all the swimming and tennis helped.
“Lie back, Mom.” I gently placed my free hand on her other tit, and pushed her back onto my bed. I rubbed the vibrator all around her nipples, first one, then the other. I switched the vibrator on medium speed, and continued rubbing her nipples. I watched as the nipples stiffened and the areolae puckered up. I noticed that my mother’s breathing had changed and she was breathing faster and more shallowly. As I rubbed one nipple with the vibrator I leaned over and began to kiss my mother’s other nipple. She moaned and tried to push my head away from her tit. “Lie still. Let me teach you, Mom.” She was starting to move her head back and forth. I think my mother was beginning to physically enjoy it.
I slowly ran my hand down to her waist and undid the snap and zipper on her skirt. As I began to slide her skirt and panties down, she tried to hold them up, but then I felt her slump down and let go of them.
“Lift up your ass, Mom, help me a little.” As she did, I slid them down to her ankles, and then pushed them completely off with my foot. I kept sucking her nipples, but I slid the vibrator down to her clit, and began to rub all around her pussy, paying special attention to her clit. She really began breathing heavily then, and I slowly parted the lips of her cunt and gently slid the vibrator into her. At this point, I moved around on the bed and kneeled between her legs. I leaned over and began to lick and suck on her clit, all the while continuing to masturbate her with the vibrator.
“Kelly…what are you doing to me? We shouldn’t be doing this…it’s wrong. How did I let this happen?”
“Mom, you didn’t let this happen. We were talking and I said I would teach you about sex. I’m not hurting you am I? This feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Yes. Oh, God, it does feel good.”
“Mom, didn’t it feel this good when you and Dad had sex, or were you just thinking you wanted to get it over with? Come on, Mom, tell me the truth.”
“Yes, it did feel good, and damn it, yes I wanted it to be over because I didn’t think it should feel that good, this good!”
I could see my mother’s hips starting to move in time with the thrust of the vibrator.
“Come on, Mom. Pump your cunt against this vibrator. Fuck it! Pretend it’s some guy you just snatched off the street if you have to, but move your cunt.! Tell me what you feel!” I began sucking her clit again, and began really thrusting the vibrator deep in her cunt. Her cunt was all wet and slick with her juices, and I could feel her pubic hairs parted at the opening of her cunt, as I licked and sucked and thrust all at the same time. I could hear my Mom really starting to moan loudly and feel her bucking up against my mouth and my hand.
Suddenly she screamed out loud, “Oh fuck, I think I’m coming. Oh fuck, oh fuck. Lick me, Kelly, lick me. Fuck me with that vibrator.”
As she came, I could feel her pussy juices running down the insides of her thighs. Her hips were actually still vibrating and twitching as she came down.
“How was that, Mom? Did it feel good, like I told you?”
“Yes, it did. But I still don’t know how I let you get me into this. We shouldn’t have done this. It’s wrong in so many ways.”
“Maybe so Mom, but it’s also right. I don’t think God would have made our bodies capable of feeling so many great sensations, and not have understood that we would do what we just did, in order to feel that sensation. Part of that great feeling is doing it with someone you love. I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, Kelly. I’m just going to have to think about this for a while.”
“What, Kelly?”
“I got sort of turned on while doing you. You’re not going to leave me hanging like this, are you?”
“What? You want me to do this to you? I wouldn’t know how to begin.”
“It’s very simple. You start by hugging me.” Saying this, I laid down next to her and put my arms around my mother. She responded by putting her arms around me, somewhat awkwardly. There we were, breast to breast, pussy to pussy. I had never really realized how similar our bodies were to each other until this moment. I looked my mother in the eyes, and told her again. “I love you.” Slowly, I began to run my hands over her back and hips. After a while, I felt her hands start to move over my back and down to my hips. I rolled over on my back and spread my legs slightly to open up my pussy and to sort of hint that it was okay for her to go there.
As her hand touched the lips of my pussy, she suddenly asked, “Why do you shave there?”
“Because it feels so much better when you have sex. Smooth and silky, slick with your juices and the guy’s juices.”
I felt her fingers part the lips of my cunt. I could feel my juices beginning to flow, and I could feel my clit starting to swell. I put my hand on top of my mother’s and slowly curled my fingers, forcing her fingers into my cunt. As they went in, I gasped a little and began to pump my cunt upwards. I could feel the heat rushing to the lips of my cunt as they swelled up with desire. I pushed my Mom’s head down towards my pussy, causing her body to turn around and bringing her pussy near my head.
“Eat me, Mom. Lick and nibble my clit, like I was doing to you.”
Tentatively, I felt her tongue gently caress my clit. It felt like an electric spark had touched it. I jerked and gasped with desire, pushing her head down more between my legs and spreading my legs further. She began to lick harder and nibble on my clit, and I started pumping my cunt up against her mouth. I reached out and grabbed her ass and pulled it over on top of me, spreading her legs on either side of my head. I began to lick her cunt in time with her licking mine.
“Kelly, what are you doing? We have to stop this,” but she didn’t sound very convincing when she said it. I spread my legs high and wrapped them around my mother’s shoulders, pulling her deep into my cunt. I had my arms wrapped around her hips and kept her pulled tight against my mouth. I was thrusting my tongue as deep as I could between her lips and into her cunt. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to coming, and I could hear little squeals and moans coming from my mother as I felt her cunt get hot and very wet. I pumped my cunt up against my mother’s mouth and then felt her begin to pump hers against mine. As I felt her wonderful juices flowing into my mouth, I felt an earthquake convulse my cunt, and I blasted a hot stream of come into my mother’s mouth, catching her by surprise. I held her head against my cunt as I cried “Swallow it, Mom, drink my come! God, that feels fantastic!”
After I had calmed down, my mother rolled off my body, turned around so that we were facing the same way, then propped her head on her hand and looked at me. She stared at me for a minute, and then said, “Now what do we do?”
“Mom, I love you. I really enjoyed what just happened. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I can tell you that your body really got turned on, and physically at least, you enjoyed this too. Can you really, honestly, tell me right now, that you did not enjoy this. That you didn’t like the feelings that went through your body. Because if you do, I’m going to have to call you a liar.”
“I don’t know what I felt, or what I’m feeling now. I can’t help but feel that what we just did is wrong. But, I have to admit the truth, I think it did feel good. Now, I think I’m going to go take a bath and go to bed.”
For several days, my mother and I avoided what had happened between us. One evening, a couple of days afterwards, I took my shower and then looked for my vibrator in my drawer, and it wasn’t there. I hadn’t used it since the first day with my mother. I went to my mother’s room and knocked on her door. She didn’t answer so I opened the door and heard her shower running. I went in and closed her door. I stripped out of my nightgown and got into her bed. I heard the shower stopped and after a few minutes, I heard her hair dryer. A few minutes after the hair dryer stopped, she opened the door and came into the room nude. She stopped when she saw me in her bed. “Kelly! What are you doing here?”
I laughed. “Gee, Mom. I looked for my vibrator, and guess what? It’s missing. It must have wandered over here somehow.” As I said that, I saw my mother blush. I also noticed that she had shaved her pussy completely.
“I see that you’ve also done a little personal grooming.” Now she turned bright red. “Come on , Mom. Come to bed.”
As she got into bed, I asked her when she had shaved her pussy and if she had used the vibrator yet. She admitted that she had shaved the night before, and that she had not used the vibrator. But, she did admit that she had played with her pussy with her hand and fingers.
“Did it feel good, Mom? Were you able to make yourself come?”
“Yes, it felt good. No, I didn’t make myself come. I thought I was going to come, and I chickened out and stopped.”
“Mom, you shouldn’t have stopped. How are you going to get over these feelings, if you don’t move ahead. Come here.” I raised my arms and took her into my arms. Once again, I felt my mother’s wonderful tits against mine. This time, I didn’t hesitate. I began to run my hands over her back and down to her ass. I squeezed the cheeks of her ass gently. “Where’s the vibrator,” I asked her.
“Under my pillow.” She pulled it out and started to give it to me.
“No, you keep it.” I rolled her over on her back. “Turn it on and rub it on your pussy. Move it up and down until your cunt starts getting wet, then you can slide it in between the lips of your cunt.”
She began to rub it up and down, and almost immediately, I could hear her cunt getting wet. As it did, she began to thrust it into her cunt, and move it faster and faster. Her cunt had really gotten wet, because I could hear the slurping noises it made as the vibrator move in and out.
“Play with your nipples. Reach down and rub your clit while you have the vibe in you.”
As she rubbed her clit and fucked herself with the vibrator, I leaned over and kissed my mother right on the mouth. As her lips parted, I slid my tongue into her mouth and began to twirl it around, playing with her tongue. I reached over and began to tweak her nipples and fondle her tits. Soon my mother was moaning and grunting with the effort she was putting into fucking herself with my vibrator. Suddenly, her whole body stiffened and began to twitch. She held the vibrator as deep in her cunt as she could and made little mewling sounds, like a kitten. I felt something wet spray my hip, and I looked and I could see jets of come, spraying from her cunt and spattering against the hand holding the vibrator!
As my mother slowly began to relax, I realized how excited I had become and reached down between my legs and began to play with my clit. My pussy was already wet and the lips had opened up like flower petals. I was hot! Suddenly, my mother pulled the vibrator out of her cunt, and gently placed it against the lips of mine. I parted my legs and she slid it smoothly into my waiting cunt.
I heard myself moan as it went in. “Fuck me, Mom. Fuck my hot cunt. It feels so good, I need to come.” I pumped my cunt against the vibe, trying to get it deeper into me.” Suddenly my mother rolled over on top of me and planted her cunt on my mouth. It caught me by surprise, but I eagerly started licking and sucking on her clit. Then I started feeling her eating my pussy and nipping at my clit. As she did this, she pulled the vibe out of my grasping cunt, and put it down. “MOM” I wailed, “Put it back in!” Instead, I felt my mother’s fingers slide into my cunt and start to pump. As she did that, I reached down and felt around for the vibrator. When I found it, I brought it up to my mother’s cunt and thrust it in. She gave a jump, then thrust back down against it. As we both neared our climaxes, we were crying and moaning in pleasure. I pulled the vibe out of her cunt and placed against her puckered little asshole and gently held it there. I could see her asshole clench tight, but then it relaxed. As it relaxed, I slowly pushed the tip of the vibe into her ass. That was it, it sent her over the edge, and her pussy started gushing pussy juice into my mouth. That, in turn, sent me into one of the hardest climaxes I have yet had.
Later, as my mother and I held each other, I asked her if she had enjoyed it. I also told her how much I enjoyed her shaved pussy. As we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms, I told her, a good first step would be to go out fishing on the boat, with Dad and me.