I fumbled about looking for the TV remote and after searching the entire room, found it beneath the cushion I had originally been sitting on. When will I ever learn to look there first? Turning the TV off I noticed the bin was full and grabbed it to take outside. I had to check all the doors anyway and might as well save myself an extra trip. The sky was clear and the moon was almost full, there was no sign of the rain clouds that had blessed me earlier that day. As I scurried over to the bin I noticed there was one light on in the Williams’ house. Knowing it was Kaylee’s room I felt my heart miss a beat, she was still up!
I don’t know what possessed me then, but I checked up and down the road and seeing nobody about I moved quickly across the street to hop over the low wall of the garden adjacent to the Williams’ house. Leaning over the fence between the Williams’ house and their neighbour was a single thick bough attached to an old pear tree. I had often climbed this tree and scrumped pears from it as a child although these days it was looking rather gnarled and produced little fruit. I was fairly sure if I climbed along that branch I would be able to knock on Kaylee’s window. I felt a kind of awful fear at the possibility of being caught, yet something pulled me forward with irresistible force. I reached up and leapt to grasp the lowest part of the branch, then slowly pulled myself up to sit on it. I was thankful once again for my strong arms and the manual job that gave them to me.
Swinging my left leg over the branch I began to inch forward, trying to avoid making too much noise. It seemed a lot harder than it had when I was 12 years old. It’s odd how an adult brain develops the imagination to see why falling 8 feet might not be a good thing. As I moved along it the branch began slowly dipping forward, my weight forcing it closer to the window sill that was my goal. It was then that I realised the curtains were not quite fully closed. Inside the room I could see the flickering of a TV, or perhaps a computer monitor. As I moved ever closer, I heard rhythmic moaning noises coming from the slightly open window. It sounded like two women enjoying themselves inside.
To say I was intrigued would be an understatement, agog would be nearer. All kinds of scenarios flashed before my mind, Shauna and Kaylee together in all of them. The reality was far more mundane, yet no less exciting. I could see the monitor (for such it was) and upon it there writhed two naked women enjoying each other as only two women can. I honestly don’t remember much about the women though, because on the floor beneath it I could see a naked foot.
Now I can honestly say I have no foot fetish, I love to suck on a set of beautifully pedicured toes as much as the next man, but it’s not really any different to any other erogenous zone for me. However, the thought that this foot was attached to Kaylee, and that Kaylee was watching porn, girl on girl porn at that, excited me terribly. Mesmerised for a moment I sat still, my jeans feeling uncomfortably tight as I watched her foot writhing as if she were moving about in her chair. All thoughts of knocking on the window were banished from my mind. As if controlled by someone else I began to sneak forward again, attempting to see more of this erotic scene.
A few more inches and I could see a second foot, occasionally it would rub against the first. It reminded me of the way Kaylee’s fingers had entwined earlier that day, when she asked to come running with me. Her feet were trying to entwine, to increase the stimulation her body was receiving for by now it was obvious that she must be masturbating as she watched the lesbians perform in front of her. I could almost see one of her knees, and knowing how tantalizingly close I was to seeing her most private place I shifted again, then leaned forward still further. I was willing my eyes to grow stalks. Beneath me the branch creaked ominously, it’s ragged tip strained against the window sill. For a moment I almost felt sanity return as the danger of the situation tried to impinge upon my thoughts, but I looked back at that enticing leg and knew I had to keep going, just a little further!
I sensed that Kaylee must be nearing her orgasm now, her feet appeared to be straining, reaching forward, and I could now make out a tiny butterfly tattoo just below the knee. I reached forward too, determined to see her fingers and her sparsely haired bush once more as she came. Just then the ominous creaking sound became a tremendous cracking sound and the branch gave way beneath me. Horrified, I attempted to grasp the window ledge in order to check my fall, but my fingers found no purchase on the narrow strip of PVC there and I felt myself tumbling downward.
I know, in my head, that falling 8 feet does not take long, but it felt like I was falling forever. I could see the moon shining down through the foliage of the tree above me. I had time to think about the fact that the branch I had been sitting on was obviously not as badly damaged as it had sounded. I had time to wonder why I had not noticed the butterfly tattoo below Kaylee’s knee earlier that day. Then I felt the ground impacting with me. Almost one bone at a time my body juddered to a halt, the back of my head was last to hit. I blacked out.
I don’t think I was out for long, a few seconds at most. When I came to I felt a sense of panic overwhelm me as I realised I could not breathe. For what felt like an eternity I lay there, desperately willing myself to gasp, to move, to run the hell away! I was still struggling to get air back in my lungs when I saw the window above me swing open and a shadowy head look out. Unfortunately my traitorous body chose that precise moment to remember the mechanism for breathing. I sucked in a gasp of air then shut my mouth, desperately trying to remain still. It was bizarrely difficult now, all my body wanted to do was curl up in a ball.
“Who’s out there!?” Kaylee’s voice sounded familiar, but wrong somehow. “You better leave or I’m calling the cops!”
I didn’t think she had actually seen me. She seemed to be looking up and down the street, not down at the lawn where I lay. I stayed stock still, forcing my tortured body to take only slow, shallow breaths. Eventually the head disappeared and the window was closed. I lay there for a moment, then scuttled sideways along the front of the house, attempting to get out of line of sight in case she stuck her head back out of the window. I slipped through a gap in the hedge and then used it as cover to move closer to the street. After checking that the window and curtain of Kaylee’s room were closed, I moved quickly across the street and back in through my front door. I stood with my back to the door for several minutes, trembling with pain and remembered fear before finally locking it. Then I moved slowly up the stairs, wincing every time my tender muscles had to work at a step.
In the bathroom I checked myself over in the mirrored shower after taking some pain killers. Several red patches gave notice of the sore spots beneath that would develop into bruises in due course. On the whole though I had got off remarkably lightly. I didn’t fancy taking a shower so I simply dragged my naked body down the passage and dropped into my bed. It’s against all the rules, I understand, to let yourself sleep if you might have a concussion. I was simply too exhausted to care however and fell into a pain filled sleep.
My battered body woke me up several times during the night and I was still in bed when Laura, my mother, stuck her head through the door.
“Are you getting up today Mister Slugabed? Have you forgotten we are going to see Nan and Gramps?” She smiled at me, then creased up her forehead in a frown of worry. “Are you all right sweetheart? You look a bit pale.”
She came inside the room and made as if to pull back the covers, but I clung tight not wanting her to see my bruises.
“Mum!” I protested. “I’ve got nothing on, can’t I get some privacy?”
Laura looked a bit surprised.
“Since when has that ever bothered you?” She stepped backward a little uncertainly. “You must be coming down with something, can I get you anything?”
“No thanks Mum, I think I will just try and sleep it off.” I slumped back against the pillow, acting up a little. “I don’t want to miss work tomorrow if I can help it.”
“Well, OK then.” She hovered in the door, clearly still not sure about leaving me. “They will be disappointed not to see you, but you’re probably right. A good day’s sleep will soon sort you out.”
She finally left me there and I heard her talking with my dad downstairs. I heard him take the stairs three at a time and waited for the inevitable inquisition.
“You alright son?” My fathers work calloused hand gripped the door as he poked his head around it. “Mum says you’re coming down with something.”
“I’m alright!” I looked exasperatedly at him. “I can’t believe she’s got you clucking after me too.”
“Well, you do look a bit off colour,” he grinned. “But there’s obviously not that much wrong with you, we’ll see you first thing tomorrow then.”
“You staying there overnight?” I was a little surprised. Nan and Gramps only lived 90 minutes away.
“No way!” Martin gave me a lecherous grin. “Your mum and I are gonna take in a show and make a dirty night of it since you ain’t coming.”
“TMI dad.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Too much information!”
He laughed and left, his big feet clumping down the stairs. Shortly after that they called goodbye and I heard someone lock the door. I moved gingerly from the bed and crossed the room to my window to watch them leave, then headed straight for the bathroom. ‘Painkillers and a shower, in that order’ I thought to myself, then proceeded to clean my teeth instead.
I felt much better for getting a shower and after dressing in a shirt and jeans, actually made it down the stairs without feeling any real pain. As I was about to enter the kitchen the doorbell rang. Curious, I stepped to the door and unlocked it. As I started to open it however, it was pushed forcibly from the other side. Startled I stepped back, allowing Shauna to storm inside. She was wearing a long black leather duster, not unlike the one worn by Trinity in The Matrix films. Unlike Trinity however, her hair was mid-length and pale blonde with just a trace of darker hair showing at the roots. Shauna had never really liked the outdoors and her skin was pale, almost the colour of white china.
“Mark Candless!” She slammed the door behind her and deposited a black leather bag on the floor. “You filthy pervert!”
“What?” My mind raced over the possible things she might know, did she know what Kaylee and I had done yesterday? Or had Kaylee spotted me outside her window and told her sister?
“I know it was you outside my room last night.” Her bright blue eyes bored into me. “How dare you spy on me like that?!”
“Your room?!” I was confused and not thinking terribly fast. “I thought it was Kaylee’s room.”
“So you were trying to spy on Kaylee?” If possible she looked even more irate. “That’s meant to be better is it?!”
I was completely without a comeback at this point. Caught bang to rights I decided the best form of defence was attack.
“Well, what were you doing watching girl on girl porn?” I sounded more lecherous than righteous, but I pressed on, “Does your family know you’re some kind of lesbo?”
*Crack!* Her hand made stinging contact with my left cheek and I reeled back, eyes suddenly watering from the pain.
“That’s right perv!” She poked a stiff finger into my chest. “You better start crying. If I want to I can call the police right now and they are not gonna be worrying about me when I tell them about the freak living across the street.”
She was right of course, lesbianism is not illegal. Peeping toms on the other hand are treated as only a few steps removed from rapists and child molesters by the police. I would be in a huge amount of trouble if she called them and she knew it. I decided to stop talking and find out what she wanted. To tell the truth I was a little scared of her, this was a side to Shauna I had never dreamt about, far less seen.
“I am going to teach you a lesson Mark.” Shauna’s fingers deftly began opening buttons on her coat. “Starting with the first lesson now…..”
*Crack!* Her hand snapped out and delivered another stinging slap, this time to my right cheek.
“You never look at me without my permission!”
Her voice was was whiplike and I recoiled from it, stung by her tone and air of authority as much as I had been by the slap. I turned my face away as she continued to unbutton her shiny black outer layer. However, I didn’t quite miss the look of triumph that filled her eyes as she saw me obey. My cheeks were still stinging and I desperately wanted to watch her slow and tantalising progress, but something stopped me. Something deep inside told me I had to obey her, this girl who had commanded my obedience since primary school now commanded me in a whole new way. I heard a zipper and she removed something from the bag she had dropped on the floor
“OK slut!” Her use of this feminine word both shocked and somehow thrilled me. “You can look now.”
I turned my face back to look at her and was shocked to see my neighbour dressed in a sexy black and red outfit. A tight fitting red corset accentuated her already huge breasts, pushing them up and out enticingly. My eyes were drawn inexorably to look for the nipples that must have been so close to visibility. As I looked down from her face however, she brought up her right hand which had been hanging down out of my sight. Pain exploded across my chest as she used a riding crop on it.
“Not down there slut.” Again her voice subdued me. “You look into my eyes until I tell you otherwise!”
“If you are a good boy I may let you look at them later. Although I doubt a filthy pervert like you can ever be good enough to see me.”
Shauna pointed at the bag by her feet.
“Now pick up my bag in your mouth and crawl up the stairs you worm!” She gestured toward the stairs with the crop. “On your hands and knees. Down!”
I wanted to protest, to strike back and take control of the situation, but still something inside stopped me. Instead I did as I was told and went down on my hands and knees, aching muscles protesting as I bent forward. Taking the bag in my teeth I turned and proceeded up the stairs, my cheeks burning with shame. Shauna is a tall girl, very elegant and graceful and she was completely silent as she ascended the stairs behind me. I was acutely aware of the weapon she still held in her hand, and of my vulnerable position as I crawled ahead of her. Pain from my bruises assailed me as I proceeded upward, the unaccustomed movement causing more muscles to stretch and strain. I inadvertently stood on my feet for a moment at the top of the stairs and felt a light slap on one of my buttocks. It was not painful, my jeans absorbing most of the impact, nonetheless I dropped quickly back to the floor.
“Stay on your knees lazy slut!” She slapped the other buttock, harder this time. “Now go to your room!”
I complied, struggling to keep my head high to stop the bag from catching under my hands as I crawled. I paused at the door, unsure what she wanted me to do.
“Open it then idiot!” Her voice dripped with scorn. “Do I have to tell you everything?”
I reached up to pull down on the door handle but once more she used the crop, this time on my fingers.
“Drop the bag and use your mouth,” she pressed her leg against my thigh. “You don’t get to use your hands unless I say so.”
Once more I obeyed, I struggled a little with the door handle which slipped between my lips but eventually managed to press down on it with my chin. Picking the bag up in my teeth again I continued into my room, then stopped near the foot of my bed waiting to see what would happen next.
Shauna closed the door behind us and moved into the room to stand before me. Black fishnet stockings covered her shapely calves and I could just make out the shape of a butterfly below her right knee. As I waited, a heady mix of perfume and her arousal reached my nostrils. For the first time since she had arrived I felt a stirring in my gut, knowing that she was aroused was having a similar effect on me. She brought the riding crop up to stroke my cheek, a reminder that she held the power here.
“Drop the bag little doggy,” The slender black whip caressed my lips. “Then stand up and take off your shirt.”
I did as I was told, slipping my white shirt over my head after undoing the top 2 buttons. I was careful not to look too obviously at her breasts but did manage to steal a glance as the shirt came off. I could make out the slightly darker skin of her areola just peeking out of the leather that supported her milky white breasts. I was close enough to make out a tracery of blue veins that accentuated her pale, almost gothic appearance. A silver necklace decorated with a double venus symbol lay in the valley created by her soft flesh, it’s black thong contrasting sharply with her paleness.
“What’s this?” Shauna pressed the shaft of her whip against a livid red bruise on my ribs. “Did we hurt ourselves falling out of the tree?”
My battered ribs flared in pain as she touched me and I winced and shied away from her. I flinched as she drew back her arm, believing she was about to slash me in that sore spot. Instead she laughed at my discomfort, then turned and lay down on my bed. Blue eyes flashed up at me, challenging me to say something, but my tongue was tied. I stood there awaiting further instructions, very aware that my jeans were doing little to hide my growing erection.
I was still in shock at the speed with which all this had happened but my brain was starting to work properly now. It was obvious Shauna had no intention of calling the police and that knowledge was filling me with an increasing sense of power. Even though Shauna believed she was in control, I realised that she needed my compliance to maintain that control. I decided that I would continue to see where things would lead.
“Since you have already seen me naked I think it’s only fair that I should see you too.” She gestured toward my legs. “Remove your jeans and anything else you have on, but do it slowly. I want to see you squirm.”
I hesitated for a moment, but then, feeling increasingly confident I did as Shauna said. Reaching down to my waist I slowly unclasped my jeans then drew down the zipper. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my jeans and began teasingly inching them down over my slim hips and butt. I began to sway my hips slightly, using my muscular torso to taunt her as she lay there, her eyes smouldering. She shifted slightly on the bed, apparently getting a little hot under the collar, so to speak.
“That’s enough!” Her eyes reverted back to the hard look they had worn earlier. “I can’t be bothered watching you any more, just get the rest of it off. It’s time for your lesson.”
I continued slowly removing the jeans, my eyes challenging her to do something about it.
Without warning Shauna leapt up from the bed and stepped in close. The riding crop slashed across my now naked thigh and I felt burning pain shoot through my body. She hit me several times more, anger suffusing her face and causing her cheeks to turn bright crimson.
I stumbled backward shocked by the ferocity of her assault. My feet were encumbered by the jeans that were now below my knees and I fell over backwards landing in an undignified heap on the floor. My heart sank as she stood over me, her long legs straddling me as she looked down.
“Don’t ever try something like that again slut!” She hit me again then stepped away from me. “Now get up and do as I told you. Remember you are my little bitch, you will do as I say or suffer the consequences!”
I struggled back to my feet and did as she commanded, my cheeks once more burning with shame as I removed my Y-fronts. Having lost all confidence my cock was now shrunken and I stood there feeling small as she looked me up and down scornfully.
“I thought you would be a real man Mark Candless.” She pointed to my flaccid member with the crop. “But apparently the only thing that gets you hard is watching. Well I think it’s time to give you what you wanted last night, but this time you are not to touch yourself at all. If you do then you will sorely regret it, now sit down over there.”
I moved to my computer chair as she had indicated and sat down. Obviously Shauna was unaware that I had seen very little the night before. I was both apprehensive and excited at the same time by the thought of what she might be about to do. I had never seen Shauna naked, she had been the subject of so many fantasies over the years, but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought up a scenario like this one.
Shauna began to slowly dance in the centre of my room, running her hands over her body she swayed her hips and teased me with her eyes. She slowly began to unlace her corset and her huge breasts, no longer supported by the material dropped down and swung out slightly.
I remembered the way Kaylee’s breasts had defied gravity and my cock stirred into life.
Her nipples came into view and her fingers pinched and caressed them to stir them into life. She then brought them one at a time up to her lips sucking wantonly on them as she looked into my eyes. Shauna continued the slow process of unlacing her corset, slowly revealing the soft curves of her belly.
I recalled the flatness of Kaylee’s torso and the way her muscles had been defined and accentuated by the play of light on her wet skin. My penis slowly began to harden and I shifted slightly allowing it room to grow.
Shauna smiled in triumph as she saw the effect ‘she’ was having on me. She continued to remove the corset revealing neatly trimmed pubic hair above her puffy red pussy lips.
I thought about the way Kaylee’s hair had been so neat and tidy without needing the touch of a razor. My cock now became fully erect and the purple glans became shiny and engorged with blood.
Removing the corset, Shauna moved to my bed, all the while looking at me to gauge my reaction. She dropped onto all fours and slunk cat-like across the sheets, her pendulous breasts swaying as she did so. She continued to look at me through sultry eyes that betrayed her desire to control and humiliate me.
I thought about the way Kaylee had looked at me as she brought me to orgasm that first time. About the pleasure she had clearly derived from giving me pleasure and now my head began to pound as my blood pressure started to rise.
Shauna settled back against my pillows, making herself comfortable. She was facing me, her legs apart and drawn slightly upwards exposing her fanny to my gaze. She began stroking her breasts again, then slowly moved her hands across her belly and down to her sex. As she parted her labia to reveal the moist flesh beneath, I thought about the way my tongue had slid down Kaylee’s slit and I let out an involuntary moan. Shauna stroked up and down her slit, spreading the moisture upward to her swollen clit. Her eyes were glued to my now throbbing cock and her fingers began to rapidly move in small circles, stirring the flesh of her cunt around.
“How do you like this then pervert?” Shauna’s voice had developed a small tremor, clearly she was already close to orgasm. “Do you want me to let you touch yourself?”
I did not respond. I really did want to wrap my hand around my cock now and bring myself to orgasm, but the face I was seeing on my bed belonged to someone other than Shauna. Someone smaller and more precious by far had taken Shauna’s place in my fantasies and part of me was glad that I would never get to fulfil my lifelong dream of fucking Shauna. My eyes were locked onto Shaunas, her eyes were the only part of her that truly reminded me of her sister and I used them to keep my mind faithful to Kaylee, even as I knew my body was about to betray her. I could feel the pressure building up in me now, despite having no stimulation on my cock.
Shauna began to gasp and writhe on my bed, her eyes still locked on my turgid cock she was frigging herself furiously now with her right hand whilst the left was pulling at her nipples one after the other. She arched her back and came loudly, pouring out her lust into the room. Still she watched me to see my reaction, the triumph in her eyes complete as she believed herself to have tormented me so cruelly. She lay there for a minute or so, panting, then slid off the bed toward me picking up the crop as she did so.
“You wanted me didn’t you?” She began stroking the whip along the length of my penis. “I think you always wanted me, even when I was a little girl, just growing up. You filthy pervert!”
For a moment I thought she might hit my engorged cock and I was ready to stop her, but she merely continued to stroke me with the soft leather tip of her weapon. My breathing became ragged, I had been close to coming even without anything touching my cock. Now this slow stroking sensation threatened to bring me to orgasm. I felt my head begin to pound and the pressure in my balls increased. the head of my penis was painfully tight, the dry skin felt like it might split, so engorged was the glans.
“You can never have me Mark.” Shauna’s voice was tender now, almost regretful. “I can’t stand the thought of filthy men touching me, their cocks discharging into me. When I leave this room you and I will never speak again. If I ever catch you spying on me again, I will call the police right away.”
She continued stroking me all the while as she spoke, holding the whip at arms length as if afraid to get too close to me. I felt the cum boiling up from inside me, and I braced my hands against the arms of my chair as it spewed forth shooting several feet across the room. The orgasm ripped through me and my thoughts became painful, jagged shards of light. Images of Kaylee flashed through my mind and the orgasm mixed with the pain in my head to turn it into a monstrous wave of pleasure that dominated every part of me. I felt my cock pulse a 3rd time but then darkness engulfed me and for the second time in 24 hours I passed out.
I hope you enjoyed part two, look out for the third and final installment coming soon.