“You will get 12 strokes with this riding crop. You will count the strokes out loud. After each one, you will thank me and ask for the next. If you lose count, we will start again. If you keep count, and sound appropriately grateful right to the end, you will get a reward. Do you understand?”
My brain raced – twelve, and I had to be grateful and ask for each one. What else could he possible ask of me to make this more demeaning?
Still, strapped down straddling this stool, with my already red ass high in the air in the perfect position for punishing, I was hardly in a position to negotiate. Besides, the earlier ministrations over his knee, followed by the paddling and corner time, had banished any last thoughts I may have had that I was anything but under his total control. I had wanted… no, needed… to be taken in hand and punished and he had certainly delivered on his promise. It was time to submit to what I hoped would be this final humiliation. And beside, who knew what the reward would be if I could receive these final strokes well? He’d already exposed my body’s subconscious arousal to the pain and degradation so far, perhaps he’d take pity on me and finally use his big cock to bring me crashing into orgasm and relief.
“Yes, I understand.” I stammered.
“Very well, we’ll begin.”
I felt the cold slick leather swat return to my left buttock. In some ways, the rubbing back and forth eased the throbbing of my earlier paddling. He tapped a few times, finding the perfect spot with which to begin.
“Thwaaaack”. My head jerked up as the swat landed square on the sit spot on my left cheek. God, he’d put some strength behind that.
“Aaaaahh!” I caught my breath. “One… thank you, sir.” I gasped. “Please… may I…. have another?” I managed to force out, despite the fact that, on one level, I wanted anything but.
“You may”, he sniggered. “Since you ask so nicely.”
The swat returned to my right cheek. Again, he tapped several times, building the suspense before bringing it cracking down to give me a matching stripe on the other buttock.
“Aaaaaahhhhhhh!” I shrieked. It took me a longer moment to catch my breath between sobs this time, the tears already running freely down my cheeks. My bottom felt like it was on fire, each buttock where he’d whipped me was already searing beyond anything I could have possibly imagined.
“T-two”, I gulped. “Th-thank you…sir… … please… may I have another?” I managed to get out in a rush, finally.
And so he continued, five more strokes to each buttock. He landed each exactly on my sit spot, leaving me purple at the bottom curve of each check, a nice contrast to the glowing red that he had already achieved with the earlier spankings. It would be a long time before I even thought about sitting down.
“Twelve, thank you sir” I sobbed with relief as he delivered the last stroke.
“Congratulations” he purred in my ear, as I caught in breath. “You took that well. You have earned your reward.”
Despite the pain I was in, hearing these words brought a small smile to my lips. I had pleased my master. I had taken my punishment well, and I had learned my lesson.
I was still cuffed to the stool, but I heard him place the riding crop back on the desk. Then his rough hands circled across my hot ass cheeks, smoothing away some of the sting and pain, but reminding me at the same time that my ass was now his.
“Aaaaahhhhh” I sighed, as I felt his thick fingers move between my thighs, quickly finding my nub of desire. As he stroked my clitoris, he also reached around and brushed my nipples with his other hand. I was already aroused from my experience so far, so I knew it wouldn’t take much to tip me over the edge into the heavenly release of orgasm.
His hand left my breasts and I heard him unbuckle his belt, followed by the zip on his trousers. I could see them drop between my legs, followed by his underwear. I felt the bump of his thick cock against my leg. I shivered with anticipation.
I felt him gather up my long hair and wrap it tight around his hand. He pulled firmly backwards so that my neck was arched.
“I can see how aroused you have been by your punishment,” He whispered in my ear. He plunged several fingers deep into me, bringing a further groan from deep inside me.
“And I promised you a reward.” He rubbed his cock back and forth across my slick lips. I began to push backwards, rocking my hips as much as I was able, yearning for him to thrust deep inside me.
“Your reward…” he whispered in my ear “will be to give me my final pleasure as a thank you for providing you with this much-needed discipline tonight. In this way you will truly show me you accept your submissive role in this relationship.”
Before I could really think through his words, I felt his hand roughly pull apart my butt cheeks and his cock, slippery with my juices, press against my exposed asshole. As he pulled back on my hair, and thrust hard against my puckered anus, I knew I had been well and truly mastered.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/spanking/being-mastered-the-finale