It was the beginning of summer, me and my cousin decided to spend our first week out of school at out grandmas. Every year we would spend our summer staying at different family member’s house. This was great for us because we got to spend time with distant family members. If we weren’t feeling the vibe of one place we would pack up and go to the next family member’s house.
It was just us. We saved up enough money throughout the year to be able to get to where we wanted to go. Isaac and I looked exactly alike. People always mistook us for brothers. To me he practically was my brother, he knew everything about me and we never kept secrets. I was 18 and he was 16.
So when we got to out grandma’s house we unpacked our things and begin marking our territories. My grandma has a four bed room house but we always chose to sleep in one room. Plus my other cousin Marry was coming into town, she committed a crime here and moved away to get her life in order. Unfortunately she had to come back because her trial was set down here.
She arrived shortly after we were settled in. She rung the door bell and I opened it, when she saw me she dropped her bags and jumped on me so fast I didn’t have time to catch her and she fell on the floor.
“Ouch! Why didn’t you catch me?”
“I’m sorry, are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine, help me up. Are you the only one here?”
“No, Isaac is in the room playing Madden. Let me help you with your bags.”
Before I can even grab her bags she was running down the hall way to go meet Isaac. She burst into the room and jumped on Isaac, getting her feet tangled in the controller cords and making the video game hit the floor.
“Oh shit! I’m sorry, did I break it?”
“ Naw it’s all good, this thing is raggedy anyway”, I said.
“No it’s not! You’re going to buy us a new one.” Isaac said with a smile on his face.
“Oh my god, Isaac! You’ve grown up so fast. Both of you have, who knew my little cousins would grow up to be so fine.”
Uhh umm! There was our grandmother at the doorway clearing her throat trying to get our attention.
“I see you’ve made it here safely; you don’t know how to come say hi to nobody?”
“Oh I’m sorry I just got so caught up looking at these giants, they grew up so fast. I could remember just yesterday they were begging me to fix them some juice. It’s been too long.”
“Come with me Marry, I have some thing’s I have to ask you.”
We already knew that our grandma was going to give her a scolding for messing up her life and having to leave. We over heard our grandma telling her if this goes away she better not get in any more trouble. She was giving her a good thrashing and it seemed unfair. I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink and I found my cousin crying. I was amazed to see a 25 year old crying due to words from a 60 year old lady.
I gave her a hug and walked her to her room, she asked me to come in and close the door. I sat down next to her and she began to utter a few words.
“I can’t believe she still treats me like a child, after all these years and things are still the same.”
“Well you know our grandma has always been that way and I don’t think she will ever stop.”
“She can at least show me some respect, I’m sick of being her chew toy. She’s always criticizing me no matter how hard I try to do the right thing.”
“Listen, as long as you know that you’re trying to do better thats all the approval you need.”
“I can’t believe I’m the big cousin and here I am taking advice from my little cousin. You always know the right things to say to make me feel better.”
She gave me a hug and kissed me right on the lips. I know this is my cousin and all but I couldn’t believe how soft her lips were. I never wanted to stop kissing her but she pulled away and smiled at me.
“Thanks again, I think I’m going to get some rest. I’m so tired from the long trip..”
It took me a while to fully understand what she was saying because I was still stunned from the way she kissed me.
“Uhh… okay? See you later.”
As I was walking back to the room I must have replayed that 2 second memory in my head a million times. I opened the door and sat on the bed with this dazed look in my eyes. My cousin Isaac suspected something and began questioning me
“What happen to you? Grandma gave you a beating too?”
“No, Marry just kissed me on the lips.”
“What!? You serious? What? How? Why?”
“I don’t know, we were just sitting there talking and she jus kissed me right on the lips.”
“Holy Shit, Your one lucky ass dude.”
“I don’t think it was sexual for her… She had this nonchalant reaction like she does that to everybody.”
“Well damn, I need to go see if I can get me some action.”
“No wait, she’s sleeping. She said she was tired from the long trip and would see us later..”
It was about 7:30 pm when Marry woke up. She came in our room still looking tired and a bit cranky. She played a couple of games with us and then went to go take a shower. She came back and asked if anybody else was going to be staying here.
“ No, not that I know of. Why?”
“I can’t be the only girl here for 2 weeks. No offence but I can’t sit around all day and play a game. Do you guys have April’s number?”
“No but grandma might, I have not seen her since grandpa’s funeral 4 years ago.”
April was another cousin of ours. She was the same age as me and we use to be tight when we were little. We lived in the same city but we hardly ever spent any time together. The last I remember she was this skinny little girl who packed a mean punch. I also started remembering all the time’s we spent in the basement. I think she was the first girl I ever had a sexual crave for. She was the only female in my life besides my mother and all my emotions got drawn towards her.
The next day I was in the kitchen cooking a simple meal when April arrived. I heard her voice as she greeted my grandma and everyone else. I could not wait to see her; it’s been so long since we last saw each other.
“Frank! Oh my god! Look at you. I missed you so much.”
“Yeah I missed you to, where you been hiding?”
“No, where have you been hiding? I tried going to your house a few month back and no one was home.”
“I was probably at football practice, why didn’t you leave your number or anything.”
“Errr…. I don’t know. I wasn’t even sure that you guys even still lived there.”
“Yeah well it’s great to see you, how long will you be staying?”
“Until Marry leaves, she said she didn’t want to be in house full of balls.”
She took her bags into the room where Marry was staying. When dinner was ready everyone sat at the table and talked about everything that has happened over the missing year.
After dinner we played “Iny Meny Miny Moe” to decide who was going to wash the dishes tonight. We all felt like kids again playing this silly game. Of course I was the last one to get out so I as stuck washing the dishes. April offered to help me, I washed and she dried. In the middle of washing dishes she leaned over and whispered something in my ear.
“Do you remember when we were little and we would always play together?”
“Uhh… yeah. How could I ever forget?”
“Did you ever tell anyone about the basement game?”
“No, I never once spoke of it to anyone.”
Of course I was lying, I told Isaac all about it and he always brought it up when we were alone. He always called me his good luck charm because I was the luckiest thing he ever met.
April began to talk more about those days and my dick started to get hard. I had on some baggy jeans so it was covered pretty well. I had to reach around her to grab another dish cloth and I accidently rubbed my hard dick across her ass. She was not afraid to acknowledge my now raging hard on. She pushed back onto me and asked me “what is that?”
“What is what?” I tried to play it off.
“That?” she pushed back again.
“You know what that is. All this talk is starting to have an effect on me.”
“Oh yeah? You miss this pussy don’t you?”
I couldn’t believe the way she was talking to me. It was like the whole cousin thing flew out the window. She pushed me back into the stove and began rubbing her pussy on my dick. We both had on clothes so she was basically dry humping me.
“You want some of this pussy?” she whispered into my ear
“Hell yeah, you got my dick so hard April.” I began to finger her pussy and grab her ass.
“MMMM you got this pussy soaked and wet but we have to wait until everyone goes to bed. Put your number in my phone and ill text you when Marry goes to sleep and you let me know if Isaac is sleep.”
She went in the room and I was still standing in the kitchen in total disbelief. My dick started throbbing and I had to piss real bad. The bathroom is parallel to the room Marry and April were sleeping in, when I walked by I heard the both of the laughing. I remember thinking to myself that this whole thing was a big joke and I was being made a fool of. I went back to the room with the same look on my face I had earlier.
“What happened now? Marry kissed you again?”
“No, I think April wants to fuck me.”
“PSSSHHHH, HAHAH! Why in the hell would you think that?”
I told him the event of which had just took place and he couldn’t believe it. I told him to smell my finger and that’s all it took to convince him. I also told him about how I overheard them laughing and this all might just be a sick prank.
“Damn man, how the hell do you do it?”
“I don’t know. I wish I did, I’d write a book!”
“I swear you are so lucky. Do you think she is going to text you?”
“I don’t know I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
3 hours went by and I finally got the text. “Marry is sleeping, is Isaac asleep?” I showed him the text and replied “Yes”. April Sent back another text saying come to the kitchen. I told him to pretend that he is asleep just in case she wanted to check.
I went to the kitchen and there she was. She had on a skin tight tank top and her breast were begging to be freed. She had on no pants, only those female boxers that comes a little below the bottom ass cheek. She pulled me in closer and started kissing me. Her lips weren’t as soft as Marry but who am I to complain. I started to grab her ass and push my hard dick into her pussy mound. She started to moan and I told her lets go to the back pantry.
When we got back there she sat on top of the freezer and spread her legs open.
“Well let’s see it.”, she said
I pulled out my dick and her eyes got big. I’m no porn star but I do have a nice dick, it’s about 8 inches on good day.
“So I see you’ve grown in other places also.”
I walked up to her and started removing her panties. When they peeled away from her steaming hot pussy a scent hit my nose. It was so strong and alluring, I couldn’t resist it. I lifter her legs onto my shoulders and started licking her pussy. I licked her clit furiously while she tugged on my ears; I sucked and nibbled on her clit giving her a little pain with pleasure.
After she came on my face several times, I put her legs around my waist and lined my dick up with the entrance of her pussy. I pushed forward and because her pussy was so wet I slipped in with ease. I began thrusting my hips and working her for all I was worth. She grabbed a hold on to my neck and I could feel the warmth of her breath hit my ear as she moaned in ecstasy. I was fucking her so hard it felt like the ground was coming up from underneath me. I felt my cum build up and told her I was coming. She screamed at me to pull out and just as I did a long stream of cum flew into the air and landed in her hair. I pumped my dick a few more times and another 5 or 6 streams landed on the floor.
She told me that was the best dick she had in a long time and that this was going to be the best few weeks of her life.