I was so excited to see my Mom, Step Dad and younger sister, Jenny. It had been a long five years since I left and I had missed them so very much. Other then phone calls, pictures and recently online social networking, I had not had any contact with Jenny in all that time.
Jenny and I had been very close before the divorce. In fact I spent many nights comforting and consoling her while Mom and Dad waged their epic battles in their bedroom. At 13, she was nothing more then just a little kid and even though I was only three years her senior, she looked to me for protection and comfort. It really hurt both of us the day I moved away.
Jerry, Mom’s new husband, picked me up at the bus depot and was very welcoming. He seemed very happy to meet me. He couldn’t say enough about how pleased Mom and Jenny were that I was finally coming home, if even for a short while. He also mentioned that I would have my old room back. It was pretty much unchanged since I had left. I really felt comfortable with him the moment I shook his hand.
The second we pulled into the drive way, Jenny and Mom came running out the front door towards the car. I couldn’t help but notice Jenny. She was only 13 years old when I had left and now she was a vivacious, stunning 18 year old. Jenny had always been a bit on the plump side, but now running towards me, I was transfixed by her pendulous breasts swinging wildly under her loose fitting, low cut top. I felt an instant of shame when my cock inadvertently twiched at the sexy sight.
‘Hey, cool it, that’s your sister man’, I silently scolded myself.
Jenny threw her arms around me and kiss me fully on the lips. I stagered back against the car door trying to keep my balance. She pressed into me, grinding her pubic bone directly into my some what ridged cock. I was certain that I felt the tip of her tongue graze agaisnt my closed lips as she kissed me.
At the urging of Mom, Jenny finally broke our embrace. Mom’s turn next. I was smothered by her hugs and kisses till Jerry laughingly announced that he was not a very good bell hop and needed help with my luggage. We all joined in the laughter at his fake oriental accent and dragged my bags into the house. While doing so, Jenny was right at my side holding on to me and incessantly mashing her huge right tit into my arm.
To say the least, I was very confused and shocked at the strange attention my sister was giving me. I was a young, healthy, horny male that had not had sex (other then my right hand.) for a long time. I knew that I would not be able to control my thoughts and feelings if she kept this behaviour up.
Once inside, I imediatly took my things upstairs to my old room to unpack. Jenny was not far behind.
“See, we kept your old room exactly how you left it. I knew you would be home for me again. I just knew it,” Jenny chirpped and she again began hugging and kissing me.
I gently pushed away my (what used to be) little sister and said, “Hey, let me get this stuff unpacked ok?”
“Let me help,” offered Jenny.
We unzipped my suitcase and she began hanging up my shirts. Jenny made a real production of bending over allowing me ample view down the neck line of her loose top. I could see all of her round upper breasts encased in a half cup lacy bra.
“I have missed you so much since you have been gone,” began Jenny. “Don’t get me wrong, Jerry is a really nice guy, but I couldn’t tell him everything like I used to tell you. You are my hero and always have been.,” she said, full of emotion.
Jenny bent down to take up another load but this time, she had her ample womanly ass pointed directly at me. Her skin tight shorts now stretched across her round ass getting the full attention of my hardening cock. She bent even lower now enough that I could clearly see the outline of her puffy labia straining against the stretchy fabric.
“Damn, this girl isn’t wearing any panties,” I thought silently.
Just then, Jenny spread her legs wider and leaned forward even more. The movement caused the seam of her shorts to ride up into her crotch seperating her lower lips. I could actually make out a slight hint of moisture that had actually seaped out of her sex.
My cock now raged and was making a tent in my shorts.
As Jenny stood, she stumbled backwards. I couldn’t tell if it was intentional or an accidental, but it caused her to knock me off balance pushing me flat on my back across the bed. Jenny also fell but on top of me planting her sweet fuckable ass directly onto my hard cock.
“Oh Donny, I am sorry, I just lost my balance but see, you saved me again,” she giggled.
It took all my strenght and resolve not to grab her by her hips and dry hump her till I squirt. I wanted to fuck this girl so bad it hurt.
‘It’s okay,” I mumbled as I struggled to get her off me before I actually came in my pants.
Slowly Jenny began to lift herself up, wiggling her large ass provocatively as if to caress my cock good bye. Once she was up, she helped me unpack the rest of my clothes rubbing up against me every chance she got keeping my cock in a constant state of arousal.
“Ok, thats about it,” I said as we finished the chore. “Thanks for your help. I will meet you downstaris.”
(I wanted her to get the hell out of my room so I could jack off to ease the sweet, sexual pain in my pants.)
“OK Bro, any thing you say,” said Jenny in a real slutty tone that caused my knees to quiver.
“Oh, and just remember, I am right across the hall from you, if you need any thing. And I do mean anything,” she said, giving me a wink before she spun on her heels and headed out the door.
‘Gawd, was that my little sister coming on to me?’ I thought to myself.
The second that my door closed, I yanked down my shorts and began to furiously jack my cock. In seconds I splattered a sticky string of cum across my dresser. I marveled at the amount of chizz that globbed onto the dark, wooden finish. No sooner had I tucked away my cock and pulled up my pants, my bed room door flew wide open and Jenny stepped in.
“Mom said to tell you that lunch is ready,” she said, eyes scanning my room.
“Tell her I will be right down,” I replied, moving over to block her view of the semen-coated dresser.
That had been a mistake; all I did was attracted her attention to the gobs of white cum highlighted by the dark stain of the dresser top. A smile broke across Jenny’s face. Her eyes dropped to my cock still straining in my shorts. Her stare seemed to take forever bofore she licked her lips, looked up at me and smiled again.
“Like I said before Donny. Any time I can be of assistance, I am right here for you.” She then turned and went back down stairs.
It must have been obvious what the goop was on my dresser.
‘She had to know it was cum’, I thought to myself.
I looked up in the mirror and my heart dropped in my chest.
‘That is why Jenny was staring at my cock and licking her lips,’ I thought to myself.
Here my still seeping cock had caused a big dark cum stain in my shorts right at the end of my cock.
“Gawd, for sure she knows what she saw,” I whispered.
I quickly cleaned up the cum then changed shorts and went down stairs.
The rest of the day was a busy blur of visiting, helping out in the yard and trying my damndest to avoid being alone with Jenny. It had gotten to the point that when ever she was near me, she would constantly rub upagainst me or shove her soft, supple ass into me.
Finally night came and after dinner the four of us sat down to watch some TV. Jenny had gone up to shower. She said that she was all hot and sweaty after all the yard work we had done today. I was thankful that she left for a bit, I was almost uncomfortable the way she kept staring at my crotch. The damnedest part about it, is because I knew she was staring at me, my cock was as hard as a rock. I didn’t know how much more of all this sexual tension I could take. Well, if I had a difficult time controlling myself with what went on today, then what happened next would be the ultimate test.
Jenny had been gone for about 20 minutes enough time for my cock softened and my heart beat to finally returned to normal. Then in a rush of wind scented with her musky smelling perfume, my sexy, voluptous sister flowed into the room. She had on a knee lenght robe and had her long brown hair wrapped up in a towel. She returned to the love seat that was directly across from me. Mom and Jerry were seated to my right on the sofa and at the insistence of Jerry, I was kicked back in his leather recliner.
Not long after, Jenny sat down and prepaired to paint her toe nails. She was now positioned so I could clearly see up her gown and between her slighlty spread legs. After placing the polish bottle in the palm of her hand, Jenny stared right into my eyes and began to vigorously shake the bottle. A smile spread across her face.
‘Gawd, it is like she is showing my how she would jerk me off’ I thought as she changed her grip as well as the speed in which she was shaking the bottle.
After what seem would be the amount of time I would have need to be stroked, Jenny glanced over at Mom to make sure they wern’t paying attention, then she smiled at me then quickly licked the top of the bottle still gripped in her soft hand.
‘Was she telling me that she would lick the cum off the end of my cock after I came?’ I wondered.
I thought my heart could never beat harder at the sexual display that my innocent sister was putting on for my benifit, but I was wrong. Just when I thought I couldn’t take much more, Jenny propped one foot up on the foot stool causing her legs to spread open allowing me to look at the way up her gown to her completly shaved pink pussy.
I gasped at the sight.
“Are you OK? Are you in pain?” Mom asked hearing my quick intake of breath.”You look very flushed. Here, let me see.” Mom said as she got up and put her hand on my forehead. “Well, you are a bit warm.” she said with concern.
“Naaa, I’m alright,” I replied. “I am just a bit tired with all the excitement today.”
That damned Jenny almost burst out with laughter after my comment.
‘That little teasing bitch’, I thought to myself’, ‘She knows exactly what she is doing to me’.
I vowed to get her back good for being such a little slut.
Earlier in the day Mom had announced that Grandma Ruth wanted to come see me and that because she was afraid of flying, Jerry and Mom would have to go pick her up. They wanted Jenny and myself to go along, but I declined saying that I wanted to catch up with some old friends. No sooner had the words escaped my lips, Jenny cut in explaining why she couldn’t go either. Some thing about wanting to wait by the phone in case she got a call from one of the summer jobs she had applied for.
“OK, well, we have a long drive tomorrow so we better get to bed. You know that we will spend the night, then return the next day right?” Mom asked.
“I hate that long boring drive. Don’t worry, Mom, we will be okay. I promise, I will look after Donny,” said Jenny looking into my eyes and giving me her slutty little smile again.
I sat in silence after Jerry and Mom went to bed. I was so nervous that I honestly couldn’t speak. Jenny seemed completly relaxed as she contimued to paint her toe nails. By this time, she had switched feet so her left thigh was blocking my view between her plump thighs.
“Hey, why don’t you go get us a couple of beers. It would be a nice way to relax,” said Jenny finally breaking the silence.
I went into the kitchen and did as I was asked. When I returned, I came up behind Jenny to give her the beer. Just as aproached her, she bent forward to reach her foot. As she did, her robe gapped open giving me an unobstructed view of her left breast. I gasped at the sight of her huge tawny-colored nipple.
Jenny heard my glasp and quickly turned to look at me. My eyes remained glued to her suckable tit. Jenny reached back and took the beer out of my hand. The motion caused her other breast to spring free. With a giggle she made a half effort to cover herself up.
I returned to my chair and sat back down.
“So tell me bro. How many girl friends do you have? I mean there must be all kinds of hard little bodies chasing after a hunk like you,” prodded Jenny
“I have a few friends, but not really a girlfriend as per say,” I replied
“Well as long as they don’t leave you with a set of blue balls,” Jenny joked.
“It has happened a couple of times,” I admitted to her.
“Well, if it happens around here with any one, I am sure I could find a way to help you out,” she said as she got up and walked over to me.
Jenny bent over, gave me a kiss directly on the lips. As she hugged me she said,”I am so glad you are home hunny. We are going to have such fun together. I really am going to do every thing to make you completely satisfied”.
Jenny stood up and went to her room. I was stunned. All of these sexual inuendos, all of the teasing, all of the flashing. Now she almost came right out and told me that she was going to fuck me. All the doubts, all the guilt of what I was feeling and thinking were totaly messing me up completly. I couldn’t sleep, not after what this crazy day had brought to me. I downed three more beers then went up to my room. I had shut off all the lights and navigated my way from the memory of all those nights sneaking into the house well after my curfew.
Just as I got to my door, I notice Jenny’s door was wide open and her bed side lamp was on. I could hear what sounded like muffled sobs coming from inside.
‘Was Jenny crying?’ I thought to myself.
I quietly poked my head in to the room to see if she was OK. It wasn’t sobs I had heard, but rather grunts of passion. My eyes were filled with the sexy and slutty sight of my naked sister shamlessly ramming an big black dildo in and out of her shaved pink cunt. Her left hand was feverously pinching and twisting her nipple between her fingers. Jenny’s head was rolling side to side and I could clearly hear her pleas.
“Fuck me Donny, please fuck me.”
The vision over took and I totaly lost control. I stepped into the room and yanked down my pants. I took my rock hard cock into my hand and began fisting it. My precum coated knob slipped back and forth over the sensitive skin. I reached between my legs with my free hand and began cupping my hairy balls. Partly to add stimulation and partly to keep them from making that slapping noise against my thighs. I felt my knees begin to buckle because of the sheer excitment of our mutual masturbation.
I looked down to see how hard I was when Jenny spoke again.
“Oh yes, thats it Donny, come for me. Jerk that hard cock till you come for me.”
I looked upwards straight into Jenny’s eyes. She lowered her gaze to my cock and licked her lips.
“Come closer Donny, come closer so you can see me better,” Jenny demanded
” Do like like looking at my cunt? I know you do, I saw you earlier looking up my robe as I painted my nails you dirty boy. Would you like me to spread it apart so you can see it better?” she said in a sexy low voice.
“Yes. I want to see every thing,” I replied as I mover closer between her wide spread thighs.
“Your close aren’t you?” asked Jenny.
“Here, I want you to come on my tits,” she ordered as she twisted her ample chest towards me.
That’s all it took, the sight of her glistening cunt and her offer to allow me to cum on her fat tits caused the first spurt of my come to shoot out of the end of my cock like a volcanic eruption. The surge of my orgasm made me almost buckle in two. As I leaned forwad, Jenny pulled me down on top of her heaving chest. She quickly encircled my spurting cock with her huge tits and allowed my to spill the rest of my seed in her warm, inviting clevage.
After I was done creaming her chest with my sperm, her hands dropped back between her legs and with in a few quick strokes, Jenny brought on her own orgasm.
I lifted myself up off her still vibrating body. Jenny looked up at me.
“I was hoping that you would come watch me. I am so turned on by you and I want you to fuck me so bad, but we better wait till Mom and Jerry are gone. Then I am going to fuck your brains out,” she said in an insistent voice.
To Be Continued
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/a-sisters-suprise