Day in Edinburgh
 Tom, my hubby and soul mate, surprised me by offering to take me on a shopping spree to Edinburgh. Now if there is something I love more than shopping, it’s shopping in Edinburgh. The day had been lovely and warm and Tom was laden with my purchases. As we entered Princess Street from our fortieth shop, a sudden cold breeze hit us. The crowded street was quickly becoming deserted, as the crowds of shoppers scuttled onto the numerous buses that would take them home.  Tom and I turned into a side street that was sheltered from the cold biting wind.  Thirty yards on, I saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna.  “Bet it’s nice and warm in there” I blurted out to Tom.  Tom nodded his head in agreement, “don’t suppose you want to go for a sauna?” said Tom. “Mmm, yes I would,” I replied.  Tom almost dropped my shopping and gaped at me in astonishment. “Would you really?” he said. “Yes why not, it’s bloody freezing out here and I could do with a bit of warming up.”  (Have you ever said something in jest and strange things happen?)  Well we entered the sauna and were welcomed by a friendly, skimpily dressed blonde who was showing off her well endowed assets. “Is it ok for my wife and I to come in and have a sauna?” asked Tom. The girl gave Tom a strange look, then broke into a large smile and said, “course it is love,” “its eight pounds entrance fee.” Tom paid the entrance fee, and then the blonde said, “This way,” and led us through a beaded curtain into a room full of lockers.  “Put twenty pence in the lock and remove the key after you have put your clothes and valuables inside,” chirped the blonde, “and you will find bath towels next to the showers.” The blonde gave us a quick tour of the facilities, sauna, Jacuzzi, steam room, showers and private rooms. “Where do I get undressed?” I asked Tom. Tom looked at me, then burst out laughing.  “Here of course, silly, it’s mostly all men that frequent the saunas, you’re probably the first female that’s not employed here to venture into this place.” “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all,” I said. “Don’t be silly,” said Tom, “you’re with me, nothing bad is going to happen to you.” “Go and get me a towel,” I said to Tom. Tom returned with two large bath towels and we undressed, putting our clothes and valuables in the lockers.  Tom had to use a third locker for all my shopping. “Standing naked next to Tom, I said, “What do we do with the locker keys?” “Clip them on the towels,” said Tom, “where else can we put them?” I gave Tom one of my sheepish grins and said, “Let’s get a hot shower.”  There were six showers, three on one wall and three on the opposite wall.  They were quite large with ample space for the largest of bodies but there were no doors, only a curtain to give you privacy. Tom switched on my shower then went into the next cubicle.  “Bloody things not working,” said Tom and moved into the next one up.  “This one’s okay,” said Tom, “how is yours?” “Lovely and warm,” I shouted back.  The showers were powerful and the jets of warm water were having an erotic effect on my body. My nipples were hard and my pussy was twitching like a mad thing. I was dying to frig myself with the shower head, but it was fixed into the wall so I found myself using my own fingers to prise my fanny lips open to allow the jets of water to caress them.  An orgasm exploded in my throbbing pussy as I frigged myself, making me squeal with delight. I began to soap my front, caressing my beasts and rolling my fingers round my erect nipples. I soaped between my legs, lingering on my pussy lips. The throbbing continued, and I was hoping that Tom would hurry up and come and join me. A cool breath of air stroked my back as the shower curtain was pulled slightly open. Without turning round I passed back the bar of soap and said, “Be a darling and wash my back.” My back was being expertly washed and I thought to myself, Tom lad, you’re getting better in your old age.  Slowly and with gentle strokes, Tom’s hands soaped my back going lower and lower until his hands were caressing  my buttocks and down my legs. Working his hands up my inner thigh he gently brushed against my pussy, making me whimper with the pleasure he was giving me. A finger pushed against my pussy lips and I opened my legs.  The finger pushed into my soaking hole and began to finger fuck me. “Oh Tom, I want your cock in me.”I moaned, “Please fuck me.” I reached behind me and grasped his rigid shaft.  You know the times when you just know that something isn’t as it should be? Well this was one of those times, either Toms cock had grown overnight, or this wasn’t Tom.  Turning around, ever so slowly, I came face to face with the most handsome guy that I had ever laid eyes upon.  He was tanned and around forty years of age. “The names Mark,” said this stranger, “and you have a gorgeous body.” “Eve,” I replied. Before I could say another word, I could hear Toms voice calling on me. “Everything okay in there?” said Tom. I poked my head out of the side of the shower curtain while holding it as closed shut as was possible. “Yes I’m okay,” I replied.  “You sound out of breath, are you sure you’re okay?” asked Tom. Mark was still finger fucking me as if it was the most natural thing to do. “It’s just the heat, I’ll be with you in a little while,” I replied, thrusting my pussy hard into Marks fingers. “Okay, if you’re sure your okay, I’ll see you down in the Jacuzzi” said Tom. “Not be long,” I said giving Tom a kiss. What was I doing?  Kissing my husband while a stranger had his fingers stuck up my pussy! I gave out a loud gasp, as Mark thrust another two fingers into my pussy. “Sure you’re okay?” asked Tom, turning around. “Yes, the shower just turned a bit cold,” I lied.  “Be with you in a tick.”  Mark asked me to bend forward.  I leant forward with my legs wide apart, supporting myself with my arms folded against the shower wall with my head on my arms. Mark withdrew his finger and began caressing my 36dd tits.  Each time he tweaked my nipples, it was like an electric shock going through my body and another orgasm swept over me. I could feel Marks erect penis pressing against my bum as I whispered to him to shag me. Marks fingered my pussy again then guided his erect cock until it was pushing against my pussy lips. I could feel his knob end starting to enter me.  God he was big, thank goodness I was soaking inside from my earlier orgasm. Slowly but surely, Marks cock began to push up inside of me.  I orgasmed again with his whole length fully embedded in my pussy.  Mark squeezed my tits, making me squeal with pleasure, then began to fuck me. Slowly at first, then gripping my buttocks Mark began to speed up, each thrust pushing his cock harder and further into my pussy.  My tits were bouncing in time to his thrusts when I suddenly felt Mark tense.  I pushed my fanny hard into his groin and then I felt his hot cum, splashing up into my throbbing pussy. Mark withdrew from me and I turned sinking to my knees to take his lovely cock into my mouth. I gasped for a moment at the sight in front of me, Mark was circumcised and completely shaven, which made his cock seem even larger. I took his knob end into my mouth and could taste his and my own cum. I sucked him hard, trying not to lose a drop of his juices. To my surprise, Mark became hard again; Tom took hours to become aroused again after we had had sex. Mark wanted to fuck me again, and I wanted him too, but I said, “Tom will be wondering what’s wrong and will come looking for me, I’ll see you in the Jacuzzi.” “Ok, no problem,” said Mark, “See you in a bit.”  Tom was lying back, almost asleep, as I approached the Jacuzzi. I slid into the bubbling hot water next to Tom.  “I was just about to come and look for you,” said Tom, “sure you’re all right?” “Yes, I’m fine,” I said as I leaned over giving Tom a big soppy kiss at the same time reaching down and grabbing his penis. Toms cock was soft to the touch and it took a while for him to become aroused. “What the hell’s got into you Eve?”Asked Tom.  I replied by French kissing him and told him that a guy had walked into the shower area, just as I had emerged from the shower, naked, and dripping wet.   “He saw everything Tom,” I said, “and instead of being horrified as I would normally have been, I actually found myself getting excited standing naked in front of a complete stranger.  I spent ages, patting my hair dry, without covering my naked body, letting the guy ogle me.  I could see his hard on as he watched me.  I watched as he got into the shower. He didn’t shut the curtain, and began to wank himself in front of me.  I bent over to dry my legs and at the same, opened them to give him a view of my shaved pussy. I spent ages drying them, then straightened up and turned around, showing my naked breasts and my shaven pussy.  I patted them dry and then ran the towel erotically between my legs.  I wrapped the towel around me, and as I went to leave, the towel opened and slid down my body onto the floor. I bent down to pick it up, then opened my legs and began to frig my pussy, opening my pussy lips and giving the guy the most erotic show. I stayed like that for a couple of minutes.  The guy was wanking hard and I thought I’d better leave before he got other ideas.” Toms cock stiffened even more and he returned my French kiss with more passion than I’ve felt from him in a long time.  Tom began to squeeze my breasts and tweak my erect nipples. “Gee Eve, you are excited, your nipples are like organ stops,” said Tom. “Did he say anything or do anything?” asked Tom. “No,” I lied, “just as I told you, oh he did say, nice body.” Tom was now fully erect as I slowly wanked him. Tom pushed a finger into my pussy and I whispered to him that I wanted him to fuck me, right here in the Jacuzzi.  Before Tom could mount me, a short, quiet cough, made us turn around.  It was Mark. “Mind if I join you?” asked Mark.   “No,” said Tom, “come on in.” Mark slid into the bubbling water, placing himself next to myself, but keeping a reasonable distance between our naked bodies. I was still holding onto Tom’s cock, when Tom broke the silence by introducing himself. “Hi, I’m Tom and this is my wife, Eve.” Mark rose slightly, while at the same time leaning over me to shake Tom by the hand. “I’m Mark, pleased to meet you both.” I had to release my grip on Toms cock in order to shake Marks outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you,” I said.  Mark sat down again, but this time had moved his body closer to mine so that I could feel his thighs bushing against mine.  This initial introduction was followed by a bit of general chit chat about the weather and what line of work we were in and where we came from.  Marks hand began to caress my thigh, inching his way further and further up and across on to my pubic area.  Tom said, “You’ll have to excuse me, I’m needing the toilet.” Tom wrapped his towel around him and headed for the toilets, which were located on the next floor up from the Jacuzzi. Mark put his arm around me, pulling me close into him and began to French kiss me at the same time squeezing my tits which were bouncing about on the surface of the bubbling water. I reach down and gripped marks erect cock and began to wank him. Mark began to finger fuck me and I orgasmed over his fingers. “I want to fuck you again,” said Mark. “I want you too,” I replied.  Just then a flip-flop sound, warned us that Tom was on his way back. Mark sat upright as if nothing had happened and Tom slid into the Jacuzzi next to me. “That’s better,” said Tom, “I was bursting for a pee.” “I believe you like Eves body,” said Tom to Mark.  “Eve was telling me that you had a hard on watching her in the showers.” to be continued.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/group-sex/a-day-in-edinburgh