Yin/Yang Yoga Classes were designed for the spiritual enrichment of boys and girls between the ages of 17 and 20. Therefore members were recruited from local High Schools and colleges. Parental permission slips were filled out and all legal precautions were taken to assure the only fuck-ups to happen were the ones desired. Yin/Yang Yoga was an obscure branch of Extreme Tantric Yoga which spiritually and physically released sexual forces ( especially in the young ) to help them attain near-Nirvana states of ecstasy ( without the use of ecstasy, a drug which was illegal, immoral and cost-prohibitive. )
The preferred posture in Yin/Yang Yoga ( 3Y, for short ) was a cross between a half-lotus and the Full Monty. It required the student be positioned with legs akimbo and arms akimbo with hands clasped firmly but gently behind the head. Because all those practicing 3Y were stark naked during exercise and meditation, the girls’ yonis yawned wide and boys’ phallic shafts stood tall in the saddle. The Sacred Circle of All Naked Tantric Yoga ( SCANTY, for short ) could accommodate up to 20 members: ten female holistic honey pots and ten magnificent male members. ( But to an outsider, the whole things was Chakra full of nuts.)
The Master of this particular Yin/Yang Yoga Circle was the Jewish-Hindi spiritual leader Yogi Bar Rah, whose flippant philosophy was much admired by transcendentalist sports fans who were dazzled by his mantras and zen koans. Yogi Bar Rah’s most famous teaching was on the nature of light, a sacred concept. He often lectured ( at three G’s a gig ) on the difference between various perceptions of light. He would explain how, depending on your state of mind, light could be either transparent or translucent, but not both at the same time. Fortunately for Yogi Bar Rah, the dupes who paid to hear his lectures couldn’t see through him. Fact is, Yogi Bar Rah wouldn’t know his Yin or Yang from his Ying-yang.
The Circle, as he formed it, must hold an even number of students within the Orb of Orgasm. Yogi Bar Rah himself was not within, but rather beyond the Circle. He alone remained clothed; his Italian-made stylish but simple one-piece attire was of the finest silk with gold thread embroidery. Clothes make the mantra! Bar Rah was allowed these privileges because he had attained the Ultimate Zensation, Peace of Mind ( and the occasional piece of tail from naive female initiates.)
The Circle was designed to balance exactly the powers of Yin and Yang. With a seating arrangement of Man/Woman/Man/Woman/Man/Woman/Man/Woman and so on ( sort of like a bar mitzvah dinner or a British Social Tea. ) They were arranged so that the auras of each male and female touched one the other. As well, this arrangement was well suited for acceptance of Yin to Yang and Yang to Yin in all senses of the inner and outer manifestation of personhood and spirit. (In other words, the girls got a good look at the erect penises across from the them and the boys could ogle their female counterparts’ open pussies.)
Yin, the dark element of female secrets, contrasted even as it coalesced with Yang, the bright masculine open flame. Opposed and yet conjoined, these two forces were reinforced in the minds and spirits of the male and female members of the Circle. ( The boys and girls saw each other naked and got horny. ) And that was the trick of tantric yoga, to appeal to the inner desires of each and draw them out in a communal celebration of the Life Force within. (We’re talking TOGA PARTY! Only without the togas.)
Meditation is akin to self-hypnosis. The deeper the meditation, the stronger and longer lasting the hypnotic trace. Bar Rah, whose former career was as a Carny Huckster, had picked up a few tricks from a hypno-erotic performer in the troupe. Madam Dominique taught Bar Rah how to use the dark arts of seduction to mesmerize and manipulate the weak willed to do ones bidding.
‘Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm’ chanted the circle of boys and girls as they half-closed their eyes and completely voided their minds which were now refilled with the sensations of their inner desires drawn out by the enchanting chanting of Yogi Bar Rah who was a master of logical fallacies who used double meanings and ambiguities of language to mislead or misrepresent the truth. He intoned his deceptive and conniving philosophy as he recalled the far greater wisdom of an earlier age.
“ Life presents many choices. Moving forward we need only choose “ the Master spoke again relying on the advice of Yogic Masters of the Ancient Days ( “ If you come to a fork in the road, take it! “ )
“ Abandon the romantic promises of past dreams and become alive today” (“The future ain’t what it used to be.”)
“ Your essence of being resides in both mind and body. They are equal partners but the mind/ spirit has the far greater responsibility and strength to attain perfect Satori. So, let your blank and open minds fly freely and transcend the physical which will then dutifully follow you along the paths of enlightenment.
(“ Life is 90% mental, the other half is physical )
“Always place your trust in a seeker of the Truth. Become that seeker for yourself and you will find the truth lying within. ( “ Half the lies they tell about me aren’t true. ”)
“But a guru guide is essential lest you become lost while wondering and wandering among infinite possibilities” (“ If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”)
“ But you must not question the Master Yogi beyond the grasp of your spiritual capacity. For I will only reply in terms appropriate to your meagre understanding, that is silence.” (“If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer.”)
“ Words are but wisps of clouds clothing the light of the sun. Experience is the heat of the day. Both form the weather of our lives, but only active experience brings forth growth. (“ In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.” )
“ The passive and receptive mind takes all in. Seeing the all everywhere and in everything is the power of the third eye.” (“You can observe a lot by just watching.”)
“ Let go and let free of your mind which may, unburdened, fly to heaven. Your bodies are earth bound and worldly and must accept its limits as part of the imperfect Circle of Yin & Yang ( “ If the world was perfect, it wouldn’t be. “ )
“ Finally, free yourself of the illusion time so you may live in an ever-present present which, like the Circle of Life and the Yin/Yang Yoga Circle, goes on forever in a double-helix spiral of constant self-replication. Be who you can be by being what you have always been, one with yourself! (“It’s like deja-vu, all over again.”)
As Yogi Bar Rah lulled the minds of his impressionable students, he walked the outer circle about them and wove dark thoughts and stirring emotions within the circles of their minds. Such is the way of erotic-hypnosis. Such is the way of Yin/Yang Yoga. Tao shalt obey! Where there isn’t a will, there’s a way!
Within half an hour ten teenage boys and ten teenage girls were deep into the totality of their being (to quote the lesser Yogi.) The naked circle of horny, hormonally-hyped harmony was ready to transcend one pair at a time.
Yogi Bar Rah tapped the forehead of one buxom babe and then walked round the circle to the buff boy opposite her and tapped his forehead too. The two titillated teens rose and walked straight to the centre of the Circle until they faced each other, their flesh barely touching. A spark was lit in the minds of each of the remaining, seated students as they shared in minor manner the conjoining feeling of the two teens at centre stage.
That first pair felt so much more light, heat and oneness. The words of Yogi Bar Rah, the subliminal ones, clear yet not voiced, rang true in their hearts, in their spirits, in their minds and, most of all, in their hot little horny bodies. They became as one in everyway imaginable, in ways they themselves never would have imagined. His Yang went into her Yin over and over. Her Yin captured and freed his Yang with the greatest of mutual transcendence. ( Like hot nights of old, they came a lot ) It was messy, it was smelly, it was juicy, it was dirty, it was fun!
The eighteen seated and aroused teens were caught within their minds and self-imposed frustration. But they knew it was only a matter of time and temporary denial of self-gratification which would lead to even greater oneness of spirit and body. The girls were making the mat where they sat moist; the boys balls were expanding even as they grew blue ( their balls, that is. )
One pair at a time, they took turns in the centre of the Circle and joined in the centre of their beings and sex centres of their bodies. Ten jubilant joint journeys, ten fantastic, fabulous fucks, one organized orgasm orgy. That was the Tantrastic promise of Yin/Yang Yoga Class. That’s why the students came in droves to sign up. This bliss and ecstasy was what these teenaged boys and girls bought into.
The price they did not know they would be paying was another matter. It was a secret cost which had less to do with their inner growth and more to do with the growing collection of live porn captured by hidden video cameras taking multi-angle shots of their hypnosis-induced, horny high jinx. Seymour Slutz would pay top dollar for the five hours of footage coming from this 3Y class session.
The guru-led gathering was finally over and the boys and girls were showering down together and laughing and giggling and feeling so refreshed and once and for all free. At last their minds would be at peace and their Yins and Yangs would be free. Yogi Bar Rah stuck his head in the shower area to remind them once again of the key to enlightenment.
He smiled as he told them “The end is elusive and will only become clear in the fullness of time.” But his unspoken thoughts were more to the point. In the words of the Greatest Yogi, “It ain’t over till it’s over!”
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/group-sex/yinyang-yoga