Toys, big boys and fingers full of joy
Parade in naked dance to delight
A girl’s fancy in dark, hot night
When body aches to some sex enjoy.
Prone to calm waves’ wet motion
Amid many moans which betide
Mounting pleasure-pressure inside,
A woman treasures sincere emotion.
Thoughtless men have their way.
But women’s paths lie on a cloud
Of thought which is never allowed
To the mind, body or heart betray.
So innocent, we submit to nature’s law
Which dictates all rules corporeal
And judges things fancied or real.
Fingered as guilty, we rub ourselves raw.
But whether condemned or absolved
Of crimes against inhumanity,
Our natural needs restore sanity
When lust and love become involved.
Courting pleasure and oft times peril,
Lovemaking for women can be a trial,
An ordeal of sex-hunger and self-denial.
But tame beasts pale against ones feral.
Working wonders with wanton wands,
Women strike well deep and divine
In ploughed furrows life-waters sublime.
Gushing giver of love-life, she commands!
Stroke, breathe, push, relax to refresh
Once more the growing well inside
The Garden of Delight lying beside
A wanton world of sin and sex flesh.
Birth of notion comes to new life
From dormant dreams delayed.
It’s cause for celebration played
Out by clandestine lover or wife.
Tears, our feminine waterworks,
Wash, bathe, renew and heal
What seems wrong as we feel
Heat from our own sex fireworks.
Spent, but pleased to be whole,
We calmly lie once more
Basking naked on a far shore
Where waves of love forever roll.