Soft pooling eyes adoring cast,
Sweet empathy they seek.
So open up your aching heart,
Embrace emotion’s shriek.
Confess those ever gnawing shades
That flutter through your mind,
Unfetter all those dark desires,
Release them from their bind.
So they may soar on outstretched wings
Before your enrapt sight
And I may nurture trembling you;
Arise, ascend, take flight.
Liberate those shackled feet from
Earth’s crusted cloying clutch;
We’ll dance together in the wind,
Savour pure ardour’s touch.
My fingers clasping your soft cheeks,
Drawing you unto me;
Still wetted lips, full pouting forth;
My breathless devotee.
So I may drag your heated air
Within my mouth to taste,
That we may be conjoined, complete;
Two spirits interlaced.