Thinking about you
and the next time
I will gather you in my arms
And hold you close.
Cradling your sweet face in my hands
My eyes drink
from your eyes,
the depth,
and beauty found there.
Can your eyes see
the desire in mine?
I was thinking about you today.
Speaking in whispers
words that need not be said.
The whispers themselves
express our love.
Parting the curtain of your garments
the dazzling world of your body
reveals itself to me.
Lips caressing your flesh
your neck, your throat,
I inhale the perfume of your skin.
I was thinking about you today.
About your nipples
which are now before me.
They seem to know my thoughts
and extend themselves toward my tongue.
Alive and eager
I taste them now
And they taste as they tasted in my dream.
I was thinking about them today.
And you have made me as hard
as I have made your nipples.
As hard as I was
I was thinking about you today.
We caress each others pleasure
And we both surrender some moisture.
Soft smile as you hold
and stroke me in your hand.
I tease your tenderest flesh
and you open to me.
A gentle finger, then two
enter you.
Reclining and arching
you offer yourself.
With two fingers inside
my thumb circles your clitoris,
round-and-round, round-and-round
just as I imagined
I was thinking about you today.
Two other fingers tug
your happy nipples.
My tongue dances
round-and-round, round-and-round
your navel
and dips and licks inside.
Your passion rises
Your hand on my cock
Urges me to follow.
We spiral upward together
to our ecstasy
and our release.
We rest
in each others arms.
Hand clasping hand,
Fingers laced.
Each assuring the other,
that it will never let go.
I was thinking about you today.