A co-worker said to me, “Everybody’s got a broken heart story!” I imagine that they do. I had a lot of trouble getting over mine. You’ll never know how many times I wrote this story, reliving the moments described here. This is a true story. In the interest of my good mental health it’s far past time for me to post this story and delete all copies I have of it and be done with it. Don’t ask me for additional copies, real names or real places. Any mail I receive regarding this story will be ignored and forgotten.
April Fool’s Day of 2003 – “Playing the Fool”
I used to work nights at the hospital. I liked how quiet the hospital was on night shift. With only a few duties to perform, I often read all night long. At the end of night shift would come a beautifully still morning, where I could go downtown and take care of daily business before most people were awake.
The only problem with night shift is not being able to sleep with my girlfriend, Jane. Because her schedule was opposite of mine, she had stayed home all night and would go to work later in the day. The only time I had a chance to be with her was early mornings. I treasured these mornings we had together. My future plans at the time included not only mornings together, but living our lives together.
I walked softly down the hall in the early morning light, trying not to wake my neighbors in the adjacent apartments. I opened the door and threw my coat on a nearby chair. I tiptoed to the bedroom door hoping I could slide quietly into bed with my lover, Jane. As I neared the door, I noticed it was shut. As I stood just outside the door I heard a low sounding noise.
I will never forget what I saw next as I walked into the room. That moment will replay in my head for many years to come. Laying flat on his back was Joe, my best friend, reaching for the sheets to cover his nude body and not doing a very good job of it. Jane was laying next to him with her arm and head resting on his large and hairy chest. Still gripping his cock in her hand, she continued to stroke his length under the thin covering. Both were naked under desert print designer waterbed sheets.
I stood there stunned, like a deer in front of headlights. A thousand emotions ran threw me in just a few heartbeats. Time stopped. The feelings of jealousy, rage, shame, betrayal, love and hate and even sexual interest quickly overwhelmed me. I felt like a flashlight that had just been jumpstarted with an arc-welder. My breakers tripped. My fuses blew.
Thought turned OFF. Then a feeling of numbness. I just stood there. Joe didn’t take his eyes off the ceiling. He just layed there. Jane regarded me calmly across Joe’s chest. I couldn’t see any emotion reflected in her brown eyes.
Slowly, her knee moved under the sheet and slid across his waist as she climbed over him. The sheet dropped slid abruptly down as she sat up astride his lap, looking down at him for a few moments. Then bending forward, she lay on his chest as she kissed him. She moved her small breasts across the roughness of his chest. Her kisses became more passionate and urgent.
I saw her hand move between them, reaching down under her. Although I couldn’t see her hand, I knew she was guiding the tip of his erection toward the opening of her sex. Raising her body slightly, she supported herself on both arms. Jane arched her buttocks slightly and with a dreamy smile pushed herself downward onto him, taking as much of his cock inside her as she could.
I couldn’t believe it! They didn’t care who was watching. There were no apologies offered, no angry words exchanged. They simply IGNORED me and continued to fuck each other as I stood there.
Placing her hands flat on his chest she sat upright, rocking her hips backward and forward to work his swollen member deeper inside her. Leaning back, she flipped her hair backwards out of her face revealing the angelic expression on her face as she made love to my best friend. Her enjoyment was obvious as she sat on his lap totally impaled by him.
Her hands carressed his face and ears, fingers trailing through his beard and down his neck towards his chest. Joe was already holding her small breasts in his hands, rubbing her nipples until her areolas had darkened. His large hands curled about her pale neck pulling her body down closer to him, bringing the stiffened tips of her tits towards his lips and tongue, kissing and sucking them. Reaching around her shoulders he pinned her body on top of his own.
In a rhythmic and fluid motion only capable on waterbeds, he arched his hips upward while he held her tightly, increasing his pace. Jane was unable to move her body, except for her hips. She rolled her pelvis downward to meet each of his upward thrusts.
Jane’s breath escaped her in small puffs as she bore her weight down on top of him, filling her womb with his mammoth cock. The waterbed made gradually louder slopping sounds under her movements. The room filled with the sweet musk of sex. With her eyes half closed, she bucked and writhed against him in pleasure as his enormous cock filled her pussy again and again and again.
Suddenly, Jane’s lips parted slightly, releasing a moan. His back muscles strained with the effort to drive his cock upward into her. Her buttocks slapped hard against his hairy legs while her petite breasts bounced up and down. The muscles of her stomach and inner thigh quaked uncontrollably as her hips jerked downward, harder and faster, as she ground her body into his.
“Yes..yes..make-me-come,” Jane tried to whisper as she attempted to regain control of her voice. Her face contorted in the immense effort of achieving a colossal orgasm.
Unexpectedly he reached up to grab her by the waist and flipped her from over him to underneath him. Jane cried out when the entire length of his glistening wet cock was violently withdrawn from inside her. She opened her legs into a wide, flat vee, wanting him to finish her. The wetness of her pussy was visible as the folds of her vagina parted and were opened.
“Oh please”, she begged. “I want you inside me! Fuck me! Put it back!”
Joe turned to me and grinned evilly. “See! The bitch LIKES it!” Positioning himself directly above her, he suddenly shoved the length of his long wide cock into her with a loud grunt. Her eyes opened wide as she cried out at the intensity of being filled again. Her hips jerked upward against his as she wrapped her raised legs around him locking her heels across his buttocks, and tightening.
“Oh..oh..oh-oh-oh-more-faster-FASTER!”, she cried with increasing volume. “I want you to come inside me!”
He grunted with each downstroke as he slammed his swollen length into her pussy. The lips of her pussy were visibly swollen from the rush of blood to her sexual organs.
“OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!”, she howled as her hips gyrated under his at the pinnacle of her orgasm. Her toes clenched above his buttocks as her body contracted under under him. “Come inside me, quickly!”, she shouted into his ear, and his grunts became louder and his movements quickened. Soon, his back arched in ecstasy, pumping his sperm deep into her womb, his hips moved as if on puppet strings. Finally he collapsed on top of her, obscuring her upper body from my view. But I could see the sex soaked lips of my lover’s pussy wrapped around the damp softening shaft of another man.
When he rolled off from atop her, they both gasped at the sensation their sensitized glands made as he withdrew his semi-erect penis from her. Neither one of them even looked at me. She laid still on the bed with her eyes closed, breathing fast and hard as if she had just finished a foot race. Jane’s legs, still open in a wide vee, started to relax and her knees fell to lay flat on the bed. The combined juices of their lovemaking were slathered over the inside of her legs and made an ever increasing wet spot on the bedlinens. She basked in the afterglow of their intense lovemaking while Joe lit a cigarette.
Embarassed and hurt, I left the room. Now that they were finished, I hoped she would come out of MY bedroom to tell me it was over between us. I went to the bathroom to splash water in my face, hoping it would calm me enough to make some new plans in my life.
SLAM! The bedroom door had been violently shut sending me a message that I was no longer welcome here. The click of the lock completed the finality of the statement. As I stood in the bathroom staring into the mirror, I heard the headboard start to rhythmically bump the wall adjacent to the bathroom.
Jane’s moans, muffled through the wall, signalled that she was well on her way to another climax. I didn’t have to see her to know that. I knew intimately well how she made love to a man. I can still see her in my mind’s eye. I picked up my coat and keys and left.