Chapter 1
When I started my company, I had nothing. I literally built it from the ground up. During that time, I married and had 3 beautiful children. The more I built my company and my family, the harder I worked to ensure I would not lose either. I am now, 15 years later, a very wealthy and successful business man.
I am grateful for the success I have achieved but it came with a price. In order to achieve such success, you must sacrifice somewhere else in your life. For myself, that sacrifice was my marriage. As we had more children and I worked harder, it became almost impossible to invest time into the marriage for both my wife and me. Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife very much and I know she loves me but she works so hard at running the household and the family that she has no time for me when the day is done and I can totally relate. By the time I get home, I have just enough time to play with the kids, get some dinner and watch a little television. Somewhere in the middle of my evening routine, she slips into bed. Our time together on any given day is easily less than 2 hours.
After many years of this, I was frustrated in many ways, especially sexually. I knew I could not leave her or my children. I knew I loved her as she loved me. However, I needed help! I needed someone to take care of my needs that were no longer being taken care of by my wife. After much thought, I decided, I needed to hire a personal assistant.
It just so happened that my plan to hire a personal assistant could not have come at a better time. The economy in our state was very bad. The unemployment rate was higher than average and the need for work was overwhelming for many. As sad as it may have been for so many, it could not have been any better for me. I was not hurting in the way so many others were. As a matter of fact, I was flourishing and enjoying success to the fullest. My company was enjoying record profits. I had just moved my entire corporate office into a brand new building that I had built. My office was the entire tenth floor with all of the amenities I had always dreamed of. So for me, the circumstances and timing of my plan was perfect because I had what so many wanted and more importantly needed, Money!
Chapter 2
After 4 separate meetings with my longtime friend and lawyer, I had the necessary contracts ready in order to cover myself and my company during and after the hiring process. The time had come. I was ready to place the ad and I did. The ad read as follows:
Executive Personal Assistant Needed for busy Company Executive.
Must be neat and organized.
Must have computer experience.
Must be willing to travel.
Must have a great attitude and willingness to work hard.
Outstanding pay and benefits for the right person.
Now I know on the surface, that ad is very basic. Believe me, that is exactly what I was shooting for and it worked. I placed that ad on the internet and within 24 hours, I had over 100 resume’ s. I immediately weeded out those who were to qualified. Translation, those that had been personal Assistants before. That left me with 62 applicants with very different backgrounds. Some had experience as executive secretaries. Some were receptionists. Some were house wives. Some young girls. But they all had one thing in common. They were all unemployed. Perfect!
So I set it up so I would interview 15 a day. When they arrived, the receptionist on the first floor would have them fill out a questionnaire that I custom developed just for this position. In addition, they would be require to sign a written agreement that my lawyer had developed stating that all information discussed during the interview process was considered privileged and was not allowed to be discussed outside of this building. Of course the language was worded in such a way to really scare the hell out of somebody especially someone sitting in this elaborate building who had absolutely no money to fight a lawsuit. We were pretty confident that it would work.
After they completed the paperwork, the questionnaire would be faxed up to me and when I was ready, they would be sent up. This was the set up and I was ready to go. I was nervous but I had an advantage and I knew it. I had what these women needed, money.
Chapter 3
It was Monday morning and at 8:45 am my first interview arrived for her 9:00 am appointment. At 8: 57, my fax spit out her paperwork and I took a good look at it. I was excited. She had answered most of the questions the way I had hoped.
Question 8 asked her to describe her home life. She described her home life as stressful due to the economy and her husband being recently laid off from his job.
Now I know that normally, I would reject this candidate for that answer alone but for what I wanted, that answer was perfect!
I called down to the receptionist and told her to send the candidate up.
When the elevator door opened, I was there to greet her. I like my privacy so the tenth floor was mine. No one else worked there and anyone who needed to see me had to call up and announce there self. When she stepped out of the elevator I like what I saw. She was an attractive woman, 41 years old to be exact. She had the body of a woman who had children. She was easily 5’8 with a little extra weight but that weight was well proportioned and in the right places. Her hair was brown and a little longer than shoulder length. She smiled big and she should because her smile was bright and inviting. My only hope was that she would be smiling when we were done.
We exchanged greetings and shook hands. I liked her hands. They were small and delicate. I pointed to an open room with a large conference table and directed her to go there as I followed so I could get a good look at her from behind. She was dressed very conservative in a black skirt that fit her well and a blouse that covered most of her large breasts. When she arrived to the room I invited her to have a seat. I sat across from her.
As we got comfortable in our seats I noticed that she was a little nervous. I like that!
“So Deena, thank you for coming in today. As you know, I am in need of a personal assistant. I need this person to take a real interest in fulfilling my needs on a daily basis. This person must be available to help me and assist me as I see fit.”
She smile as I was talking but I could see a little confusion starting to creep in.
” This will be a very demanding position for the person that is hired. I can be a workaholic and I need someone to temper that obsession for me.”
She continued smiling and nodding.
” because of this, I will be paying this person a very generous salary as well as full health benefits and a great retirement plan.”
I paused for a reaction and I got one. She shifted in her chair sitting a little taller. her smile widened and her eyes brightened up.
” Any questions so far?”I asked .
Smiling she asked, If you don’t mind, what exactly would the starting pay be?”
I was loving this. All she was interested in was the money. My initial plan was to get to know these candidates over a multiple interview process and break them into the full requirements of the job over time but I have to admit, my excitement got the best of me and I went for it.
” Well, what would you like the starting pay to be? keep in mind, this is a very demanding job.”
She rolled her eyes upward as to find the right number in her brain and after a short pause said, “I don’t want seem greedy because I’m not but I have a family to support.”
” I understand.” I replied.
” I would need at least $30,000 a year!”
In my head there was a party going on. It took everything I had to contain myself.
” What would you say if I told you that the starting salary was $50,000 a year?”
Her mouth dropped. She was in shock. She would have really been in shock if she knew I was prepared to pay up $80,000 a year.
” I don’t know what to say! I cannot imagine what it would be like to make that kind of money. My husband worked for the same company for 20 years and never made that kind of money.”
She would of went on for an hour if I didn’t stop her and like I said earlier, my own excitement got the best of me and I had to go for the gold.
“Deena, please allow me to interrupt.” She immediately stopped talking. ” I know the salary is exciting to you but It is important for you to understand that as I said earlier, this is a demanding position and I am a demanding person to work for. We will be working many hours together and it is important that we click.”
She was listening to me but I knew she was still hung up on the money so I pushed ahead.
” You must also know that you the my very first interview for this position and I have 61 more to go.”
At that time she interrupted me. ” Mr. Bronson, I am willing to do what ever you need to me to do. I really need this job. My family really needs me to get this job!”
I was going crazy inside and my inner animal was about to escape. She was perfect! her situation was perfect! I couldn’t believe my luck. I was about to hit a home run with my first swing.
” Deena, I completely understand your needs for this job however, I must hire according to my needs, not yours.” I couldn’t believe I said that. I’m a nice guy but like I said, my animal was escaping.
Hearing those words, she immediately shut up. She looked to her right and I could tell it was because she had to hold back her tears. She looked defeated. I had to act quickly.
” I didn’t mean that to sound as if you were out of the running. To the contrary, I believe that you could be a great fit for me. I must say that for you to be considered seriously for this position, you are going to have to show me right here and right now that you are willing to go above and beyond to get that consideration.”
That immediately got her attention. ” How could I possibly do that at this point?”
No turning back now I said to myself. ” One of the most important jobs you will have will be to see to all my needs being met. Essentially, you will be my work wife.”
With a look of total confusion on her face, she responded. ” I don’t understand Mr. Bronson.”
“Deena, if I asked you right now to come give me a massage, would you do it?”
“yes I would.” she responded without hesitation.
” Come do it!”
She got up and slowly came around to me. She began immediately massaging my neck.
” Deena, that is good. You have good hands.” As she massaged me, I spun my chair around and my face was right in her chest. Her breasts were up against my nose.
She took a quick step back but I quickly grabbed her by the hips and she stopped.
“Deena, if I asked you to take your top off, would you?”
” I can’t! I’m married.”
“Deena, I don’t care what you are outside of this building after work hours but when your here, you must be mine. Now will you take your top off?”
I could see the debate going on inside her head. The job and the money or her guilt.
The money won out. She slowly pulled her blouse out of her skirt and raised it over her head. My cock was rock hard now. As she stood there, I could not believe my eyes. Her breasts were large and soft hanging as you would expect for a woman her age. I reached up and began feeling them. I put my fingers under the shoulder straps and slid my hands down and under the cups until I had her bare tits filling my hands completely. I took her large nipples in between my fingers and gently squeezed them. They were very hard. Using the back of my hands, I popped the bra up and off of her tits. They were now completely bare in my hands and right at my face. I moved my right hand to the side and took her left nipple into my mouth. She was making some sounds but I couldn’t tell if she was upset or turned on and to be honest, I didn’t care.
As I sucked on her tit, I took my other hand and moved it down body to the front of her skirt. I removed my other hand from her tit while I still sucked and using both hands pulled her skirt up around her waist. I started to put my right hand into her panties and than it happened. Guilt jumped back into the game.
She quickly pulled away. I could see that she was upset as she straightened herself out. She pulled her skirt down and struggled to get her big beautiful tits back into that bra.
“Mr. Bronson, I’m not going to be able to take this position. I know you haven’t offered it to me but I can’t take it. I love my husband too much.”
I walked over to her slowly as not to startle her.” Deena, that is alright. Take as much time as you need to gather yourself. When you leave, please remember the papers you signed before coming up here for your interview. Also, should you decide that you’ve changed your mind and want an second interview for this position, please feel free to contact me within the next week.”
“Thank you but I don’t think I will.”
With that, she left and I had learned a valuable lesson. If I wanted a quick fuck, I should go see a prostitute. If I wanted my plan to work out, I had to be patient.
To be continued.