Emma really couldn’t understand how she ended up in this embarrassing position. Here she was a full grown women standing in her bosses office with her nose pressed against the wall, her hands on her head and her well spanked bottom on full view for anyone who entered the office to witness. Standing at just shy over 5’ 2’’ she was perfectly proportioned. She had a nice firm backside, tanned slender legs and pert breasts. Her shoulder length brunette hair and her stylish dress sense gave her a look of a woman who was in control.
She was just approaching her 30 th birthday and was finally getting ahead in her career as a marketing executive. But things where just going wrong for Emma at all the wrong time, she was due to head a major launch for a multinational company and was busying herself getting ready for the press launch. She had assumed that her MD was going to leave her in complete control, but she couldn’t be more wrong. The press launch was a huge success and at the party afterwards she had expected her boss to congratulate her, but instead he was there taking all the glory and treating Emma as no more than a mere dog’s body. Emma was seething with rage inside and tried very hard to contain her anger, but with the potent cocktail of too much drink and a resentment that had been fuelled all evening, Emma could take no more. What happened next was a complete blur to Emma, but eye witnesses gave her a full account of what happened. Emma had stood up in front of the potential new client and her boss and screamed a torrent of foul mouth abuse at the MD who was stealing Emma’s thunder then poured a glass of Shiraz over him and to add insult to injury, slapped him right across the face. In hindsight, it was maybe not the best career move, but Emma felt good at the time.
The following day in work however was a complete contrast to the elation Emma felt by putting that smug bastard of an MD in his place. She knew she would be axed, and rather than wait for any inquiry or disciplinary meeting, she promptly began to empty her desk and collect her belongings, before her boss could have her escorted off the premises. In between packing and listening to the horror story that was the night before, she was hugging a few close friends and wishing them all the best. But wouldn’t you just know it, she heard him before she saw him, but that booming voice called out “EMMA, MY OFFICE, RIGHT NOW!!”  She gave out a sigh, not of resignation, she had already decided she was leaving but of the embarrassment of having to face him after all that had happened. Now, as she walked nervously towards her boss’s office, she just wished she could turn back the clock. As she entered the plush office she looked out of the window behind her boss’s desk and marvelled at the view of the city. The office was a corner one and stood about 25 meters square and had full length windows, one across the back wall and the other to her right hand side. She always loved the view and would sometimes day dream while attending meetings. Behind the huge oak desk sat her boss who still looked like he was ready to boil. Just as Emma was about to stutter some sort of apology she was interrupted “Silence, I do not want to hear a word from you. You said quite enough last night. Now you will listen to me!” Emma was slightly taken aback by this, but she thought the best thing was to listen to him rant and rave and tell her she would never work in marketing again blah, blah, blah…. But what came next surprised her and caught her completely off guard and she listened with interest and excitement by what her MD had to say. In a more measured tone he continued “Last night your behaviour was appalling, there is absolutely no excuse for the way you acted last night. You could have potentially jeopardised the long term future of this company. This account would have secured this companies position as THE number one marketing and PR agency in the UK. But because you were not given your Blue Peter badge and your ego was not massaged by everyone telling you what a great job you had done, you decided to act like a spoilt, petulant little brat. When you rudely interrupted me by throwing that glass of wine over me, I was in the process of telling everyone how well you had worked on the project and it was all down to you” Emma felt herself going red, she could not even look her boss in the eye, instead looked solemnly down at the floor hoping, wishing and praying that it would open up and swallow her up. The MD continued “I was very impressed with the way you handled the press launch and was looking forward to coming in here today to tell you how impressed I was and how well you had done, sadly that is not to be the case. I should sack you, right here and now, but I’ve had time to calm down. I can’t let you get away with acting like a spoilt little diva, but I’m sure if you wish to continue with this company and wish to take the post of marketing director, then you do need some sort of punishment” Once Emma had heard the words “marketing director” she had not realised the word “punishment” at the end of the sentence until it was too late. Even when the word had sunk in, she was still unsure what he meant by punishment, but by close of play, she would be only too well aware of what the word punishment meant. “If you have any wish to continue with this company and want to be even considered for the promotion, you will be here this evening to receive your punishment, is that understood?” Emma just stood rooted to the spot and gave a feeble nod “Answer me, do you understand?” Emma agreed and answered “Yes” “When you address me from now on, you address me as Sir” Emma was squirming inside but reluctantly answered “Yes Sir” The MD smiled to himself and then dismissed Emma by saying “Now go home and return here this evening at 6pm, were upon I will administer a sound spanking to your backside, if you’re not here I’ll assume you changed your mind and send you your P45 by 1 st class post, now get out of my sight” She couldn’t believe what she had just agreed to, but the chance of promotion was too good an opportunity to turn down. The journey home and the rest of the day where a whirl of emotions for Emma, what would happen? Would it hurt? Would he really smack her bottom? Would she be able to go through with it? She wanted that job and she wanted the title “Director” so yes, she would go through with it.  Just on 6pm Emma was waiting outside the office of her boss, she was wearing her smartest business suit and had also decided on wearing her satin red knickers and bra, very sexy she thought. Maybe she thought that she could charm her way out of her predicament, how wrong she would be. The door to the office opened and her boss looked at her and held her gaze for a moment then commanded “In here now!” as she walked in he had made his way back behind his desk and she had stood in front of him waiting nervously for her fate to be met. MD enjoyed himself a bit more than he should have been doing, but he was determined to put this petulant little brat firmly in her place. “You will follow all my commands without hesitation, any time you wish to leave, you are free to go, but you will never work in marketing again, that my dear, I can assure you of. Do you have anything to say before we start?” “No Sir, except that I will take whatever you decided, to prove to you how sorry I am” Did she just say that? The words came out of her mouth but she had no control over what she had said. Was she really going to allow this, would her boss really carry out his threat? Well the answer to both questions is a positive YES! “Remove your skirt and place it over the back of that chair, then stand against that wall, make sure your nose is pushed right up against it, then put your hands on your head. I have a few papers to finish with, so while I finish here, you spend your time thinking about why your here and what happens to you when you misbehave” Emma had done as she was commanded and was standing there feeling slightly guilty about actually enjoying herself, the power release was a huge turn on for her. To allow herself to be in this man’s hands and place her trust in this man to deal with her in a way that she knew she deserved. She wanted this now more than anything she wanted to place herself at the mercy of her boss. To allow him to deal with her errant ways was what she was now eager for. Her time was upon her as she was broke from her revere by the command “Bend over my knee now, young lady” she turned around and had not realised that he had positioned a chair in the middle of the room and was sitting on it, waiting! She slowly walked over to him and before she knew what was happening she had been pulled right over his lap and was having her scarlet knickers lowered down to the tops of her thighs. She thought about fighting and making a struggle, but had decided that she was really looking forward to this and allowed it to happen. Her submissive ways did not last too long though as the first blows landed on her delicate rear end, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK , SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK.  “Oooooooowwwwwwwwwwww, oooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww, oooooooowwwwwwwwww please, that hurts, oooowwww” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK “of course” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK “it hurts” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, “You’re being punished” SMAC, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK “it’s meant to hurt” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. “Oooooooooowwwwwwwwwww, I’m sorry, please!!” The smacks stopped for a moment then Emma flinched as his hand came down across her burning bottom, but this time he was rubbing it soothingly “I want you to stand up and go back to the wall, I have not finished yet, but you will spend your time again considering what fate awaits you, now move” and with that, he planted another huge smack across her already stinging bottom. She moved gingerly to the wall and placed her hands back upon her head, she felt a tear trickle down the side of her cheek and she realised that she was now truly repentant but at the same time enjoying the thrill and the endorphin rush. After what seemed like an age, but more like 10 minutes she was summoned back over his knee, this time for a slipper. No words were spoken during this exchange, just a very severe spanking with a size 9 slipper. SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,SMACK eventually the smacks stopped and Emma was now a complete wreck and sobbing hysterically. Her boss stroked her bottom and she tensed with every gentle stroke, he held her in position until she had calmed down. Then he stood her up and marched her back into the corner while he left the room and left her standing there while she was running things back through her head. She couldn’t understand how she was in this position but she knew it would get her the promotion she craved. Meanwhile in the other room, the MD had switched off the camcorder and played a short clip back “Perfect” he thought and picked up the telephone in the room and dialled a number “Yeah, it’s done” he spoke down the phone to another man who asked back “And what about the girl?” the MD smiled an evil grin and replied “She’s still sacked” and with that he put down the telephone and back into the room where Emma stood, chastised and humiliated, but she was about to feel a whole lot worse, The BASTARD! THE END
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/spanking/a-bad-day-at-the-office