It was now Spring once again in the small town of Ridgemont, and Ridgemont High was having its annual and much anticipated high school play. This time it would be Shakesphere’s Romeo and Juliet. There had been a considerable amount of discussion and disagreement among the members of the committee in charge of play about the choice of the actors. Jill Hickson had originally been choosen to play the part of Juliet and Miles Johnson for her Romeo, but as fate would have it Jill contracted a virus and Miles was caught cheating on an exam which resulted in his suspension and his disqualification to play the part. All this took place just two days before the play, leaving the committee in a quantary. It was then that someone suggested that Miss. Thomas the beautiful young math teacher would be perfect for the the part of Juliet. Everyone seemed to agree and went along with this idea, and after a vote, she was choosen unanimously for the part. All that was needed was for her to except it, which she did.
The choice for Romeo was more difficult. Everyone agreed that he would have to be tall and handsome and a straight A student, and there were not that many males at Ridgemont high who fit that bill. Several names were considered but rejected. Mark Davis was an excellent actor, but he was too much shorter then Miss. Thomas. Ricky Smith had been in a number of plays and was a really good actor, but he was blonde, and they needed someone who looked more Italian. The discussion continued until the day before the play was to begin, and anxiety was beginning to turn into desparation. In all this heated abate over Romeo, no one ever mentioned what everyone was thinking. Everyone knew that Roger Matin would make the best Romeo. He was tall dark and good looking, but since he had never been in a play, no one was really sure of his acting ability, but he was the high school heart throb and just about every girl swooned at just the thought of going out on a date with him, but he was also a rebel who flaunted the dress code, flirted with all the young teachers, and he had even been suspended once for starting a fight on the school grounds. Whats more everyone knew he had his eyes on Miss. Thomas, the hot little brunette math teacher. One time he whistled at her as she walked down the hall in a short skirt with her ass swaying. Everyone said she just turned around and gave him a sweet smile. Everyone also knew that she was tutoring him at his home, and that there was talk that she was teaching him more than just math.
This was all just talk and rumor, and because of the latness of the hour, the committee went ahead and did what under normal circumstances, it would never have done. It choose, by a narrow vote, to give Roger Martin the part of Romeo. There were also many details that needed to be figured out with so little time left to do it. Costumes had to be distributed, stage equipment setup, and to direct the play the the Engish teacher Mike Jones was choosen. He had directed a number of plays for the school and he could be trusted to get things done quickly. It was his decision, that because of the late hour, that the morning would be spent in rehearsal, and that there would be one more rehearsal just before the play started so that all the actors would remember their lines. He then came up with another innovative idea that was not to well recieved by the committee. Why not he thought, just tell the actors that it was a rehearsal, when it would be the real thing. He felt that this would make everyone much more relaxed then if they knew the real play had started. Even though the committee had a lot of questions and doubts, they went along with the idea. That day the tickets were sold and the play was set to begin at 7:00 Pm. The actors would be told that there would be two rehearsals. One would be at 5:00 PM and the other would be at 7:00 PM. Once the actors had started reciting their lines and were getting into the feel of it, the curtians would be raised, and they would then find themselves in front of a live audience, in which case they would either have to sink or drowned, but Mr. Jones had a philosophy that people do better when they are under pressure and are forced to act spontaneously, but some were saying that this idea was just plain crazy.
On the morning of the play the reshearal went so well he could not beleave it. Miss. Thomas and Roger Martin turned out to be perfect for the part. Mr. Jones was smiling and thinking that after the play he would have an i told you so for all the ones who scoffed at his idea.
The play would procede as follows: The curtains would rise at 7:15 PM. Romeo and Juliet would be the only ones on stage. Juliet would be on her balcony and Romeo on his knees, and the play would open with Juliet’s familiar lines, Romeo Romeo where for art thou Romeo, and then the other actors would come in from the back stage with dancing and music, and the play would start at the time when the star crossed lovers first met and concluding with the final tragic scene. Everything went well with the 5:00 PM rehearsal. At 6:30 PM Miss. thomas and Roger Martin came on stage dressed in their medieval costumes. Miss. Thomas made a lovely Juliet, her black hair pinned up from behind and flowing down in ringlets over her shoulders, and framing her beautiful face, with big brown eyes, a straight nose, and voluptuous lips that kept curving into a coy smile that she was directing at her leading guy. As Mr. Jones gave them final directions, he was also noticing how they were looking at each other, with Roger’s eyes staring right at Miss. Thomas’s large breasts that protruded prominently from the top of her tight fitting costume. “Alright here are your lines,” he said, as he gave them the script. “Now remember that when you recite your lines, you kiss.” “and then you do it all over again, your lines and then you kiss.” “You have about twenty five minutes before the actors come in.”
“Now lets do it right,” he said.
Mr. Jones then disappeared back stage to instruct the other actors leaving Miss. Thomas and Roger Martin alone on stage. “Alright lets do it,” said Roger, with a smile. “Yes lets do it,” Miss. Thomas replied with a smile. Miss. Thomas was so exicted about the prospect of kissing Roger that she could barely contain herself. Even though she would never admit it, she really did have a big crush on this tall handsome nineteen year old, and she was even wondering if she would be able to keep her self control when their lips met. Roger was just as exicted, as he had had the hots for her since the 10th grade, and now he was actually going to kiss her. Now they were looking at each other with fire in their eyes. Miss. Thomas was the first to speak. “Alright lets do it Roger.” He could see that her beathing was heavy and that her lips were trembling. She felt herself getting weak in the knees. They begin to recite their lines. When they had finished, Miss Thomas moved up close to Roger. He took her into his arms and pressed his mouth to hers. Having her voluptuous lips touching his made his blood boil. She melted into his embrace, dropping all her scripts on the floor, as she put her arms around him. She felt a bolt run through her as his tongue invaded her mouth. Roger dropped all his scripts on the floor as they deepened the kiss. Miss. Thomas opened her lips wider to give his tongue more access. His tongue explored all around in her mouth and she responded by thrusting her own tongue into his mouth. Their tongues tangled and reached into the deepest recesses of each other’s mouths. She moaned deeply into the kiss. One of his hands reached down and gripped her ass firmly while the other loosened her top strap until it fell exposing her mellon like orbs. The kiss continued. They took turns thrusting their
down each other’s throats. She reached down between them, unzipped his pants, and pulled his cock out. When she saw how enormous it was, she went wild. “Oh God,” she moan, “honey its so big.”
“Please fuck me baby.”
“Please fuck me while we have time baby.”
He then helped her out of her cumbersome attire, which she tossed on the floor, and then her panties and bra were removed in short order so that she was completely naked. He placed her on a prop table, entered her, and fucked her until she had an orgasm. She was holding on to the edge of the table with her hands, bracing her herself against his powerful thrust. She was trying to keep her moans and her yells of pleasure down so that she would not be heard, as she came in another intense orgasm. Roger then slipped out of his costume. Miss. Thomas went down to the floor and spread her legs apart. Roger then got on top of her and started fucking her missionary style. He then looked up at the clock and saw that they had 15 minutes before the actors came in. Could they pull it off he was thinking.
Mean while backstage Mr. Jones was instucting the group of actors. He was so delighted and confident about the way the reheasal had gone that he decided to start the play as the audience would now be waiting. “Raise the curtains he yelled out,” to the back stage worker. Even as he said this he could hear Miss. Thomas’s moans and yells. There was a look of amazement on the actor’s faces as the piercing screams of Miss. Thomas echoed back stage. “What in the name of heaven is going on in there,” he shouted, as he started toward the front. As he opened the back stage door, his eyes widered and his mouth flew opened in astonishment, as the first thing that he saw was the moons of Roger’s ass going up and down, as he rammed his cock into Miss. Thomas, who lay writhing beneath him with her legs straight up in the air. As the curtains rose a hush fell over the audience. They had come to see a play, but instead saw Miss. Thomas get fucked magnificently by the high school stud Rodger Martin, Her cries and yells resounding throughout the auditorium. “Oh fuck me.” “Fuck me harder baby.” “Uh,uh,uh,uhhhhhhhh……”