“I love you so much Steve. You are gonna be a father and I’m gonna be a mother now,” I said.
“You really are pregnant?” Steve asked as he got up.
“Yes, I wasn’t feeling too good, so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. We’re gonna be parents now. Are you happy?” I asked.
I think he thought it was a little too soon. But he was still happy to get his sister pregnant.
“Yes of course I’m happy Angela. How could I not be?” Steve asked.
“OK, just promise me you want this with me. If you are not ready, then tell me now. I don’t want you saying you want to keep it unless you are 100% certain you want it now. I can always get pregnant again in like a year. So are you sure?” I asked.
Then he just kissed me very passionately for over a minute.
“Does that mean you want to keep it?” I asked.
“Yes, I want you to have my baby now,” Steve replied.
Then we all had a group hug. I’m not sure I could have been happier at that moment honestly. It was great. I was pregnant with Steve’s baby. Maybe we couldn’t move out just yet, but this was bigger to both of us. Then we all sat back down and Steve and I held each others hands.
“So, you are gonna be staying here longer?” Ryan asked.
“Well yes, we can’t afford to do both right now. And this baby is more important to us than moving out honestly. So, you may get sick of us now. Especially when we got 3 generations of kids running around now. So I guess it will just continue to get louder in here,” I replied.
“Well it must have been that first time you two had sex. Since you did it unprotected,” Ryan said.
“You sound like you aren’t too happy daddy. Are you upset that I’m pregnant?” I asked.
“Well no, of course not. But you both are still just too young. I’m happy for you honestly angel, but I guess It would better it just have been better if you waited a year or two. I’m not trying to talk you into anything sweetie, I’m just saying. I’m happy to have an incest grandchild, don’t get me wrong,” Ryan replied.
Then I got up and hugged our dad and sat back down. Steve and I kissed once. We both shed a tear together and just cuddled as we all kept chatting about this brand new news.
“Well, you two are gonna need some stuff, like a crib and some baby clothes. You better go down to the doctors office to find out the sex of the baby,” Michelle said.
“We will mom. And I’m gonna be here every step of the way Angela, I love you,” Steve replied.
“Good. I’m gonna need you here with me. I can’t take care of this baby alone. This really was a huge surprise to me too. I really didn’t believe I could be until I really started feeling bad and took the test. As I waited for it, it just felt like hours. I didn’t wanna say anything until I knew if it was positive or negative. Are you surprised too Steve?” I asked.
“Of course I’m. I mean we only had unprotected sex once. But who cares how many times we did unprotected, it’s not gonna change the fact that you are pregnant now,” Steve replied.
Then Steve lifted up my shirt and felt my bare stomach. I looked directly into his eyes as he felt my stomach. He was truly happy about this. As our dad said, we both were young. But that really didn’t matter too much to us. We may not have known exactly what we were getting ourselves into, but either way, we were in it together. And that was that. As he felt it, I put my right hand on his face softly. We both started shedding a few more tears. We both looked at each other and kissed yet again. Then he just rested his head onto my stomach and kissed it a few times.
“Don’t worry Steve, he or she can’t stay in there forever. Then once they are out, you can kiss them and hug them all you want,” Michelle said.
“I know. Even though I just found out, it’s been too long. I want it now,” Steve replied.
“You are that happy about it?” I asked.
“Yes. This is really important to me Angela. I promise I’ll be here for you and support you and the baby in every way I can,” Steve replied.
“OK, just don’t race to the bridge. We just found out about it and I’m probably 7 or 8 weeks along now. So let’s just take this slowly. I know we’ve only been together for like 8 weeks now, but now we should take it slow. Let’s enjoy the time we have before I start getting big,” I said.
“OK Angela, just promise after the baby is born, we can still have sex,” Steve replied.
Then we all laughed for a minute. I gave Steve another big hug. Then as I was done I kissed him on the forehead as well and smiled at him.
“Our sex life will never die,” I said.
“Well, how about we celebrate?” Michelle asked.
“By doing what?” I asked.
“Well tomorrow both of us will start planning baby shower for you. We’ll have it here, just the 4 of us. It’ll be small, but you two know how much you love each other, so it won’t matter if it’s just us,” Michelle replied.
“Cool, we can’t wait,” Steve said.
“And something we’d like to know,” Michelle replied.
“Something we’ve been wondering for some time now too,” Ryan said.
“Well, what?” Steve asked.
“Are you two planning anything else?” Michelle asked.
“What do you mean?” Steve asked.
Then all of the sudden my mental light bulb went off. I knew exactly what they were getting at. And with absolutely no thinking at all, I just did it on impulse, I got down one knee in front of Steve and I took his hand as he was sitting down.
“Steve, about 8 weeks ago, I told you how I felt about you. You weren’t too happy about it at first. I’m to sure why honestly. But I know you love me like that now and you know how I feel about you as well. And now I’m pregnant with your baby. We’re incestuous and I don’t think I ever thought this would happen, but I know I’ll only ask this question once, not twice or any other number. So Steve, even though we don’t have rings, Steve Brown, will you marry me?” I asked.
Then he really shed a few tears as did everyone else in the room. I didn’t have a ring to put on my finger or his, but I didn’t care, we both knew how we felt and that I was pregnant so why not, even if it was just an impulse. Then he stood up and pulled me up with him by my hands. We both looked into each others eyes for a full minute before he said anything.
“This is the part when you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Steve,” Ryan said.
Then we all laughed again. Steve kissed me on the head, but that did seem weird kissing me there considering the question I just asked.
“Angela, I love you too, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. We really were starting to go down a very long road that day and I couldn’t be happier with where it’s gone so far and where it’s going too. Now even though you are my sister, yes I will marry, cause I love you,” Steve said.
Then we kissed very passionately for a minute as our both of our parents stood up and clapped.
“Well it looks like we got a small wedding to plan as well,” Michelle said.
“Yes we do. Even if we don’t have rings,” I replied.
Then I think they were a little pressured at that point, so they just kinda looked at each other for a few seconds and spit something out.
“Let us buy you rings as our wedding present to you,” Ryan said.
“Yes, let’s do that. Nothing too expensive, but something you two can wear to show how much you love each other,” Michelle replied.
“Are you sure? I mean the baby shower, the wedding and now some rings as well? That’s just a little much I think. We don’t want you to spend too much on us,” Steve said.
“Well, the rings will be our wedding present from them Steve. It’s not like we’re gonna have a huge wedding or anything like that. So don’t worry about it If they wanna do it for us, then I say let them. They can only make it better for us,” I replied.
“Well, in that case, you two can do some celebrating of your own too,” Ryan said.
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound weird dad. But thank you. We won’t be too long,” I replied as we both got up and started walking to my room.
“Well, I’m just happy you both got a healthy sex life too. I’m just saying,” Ryan said as we left the living room.
Then we both hurried to my bedroom. We got in front of the bed and I wrapped my arms around him as we made out for a minute. Then I broke the kiss and looked at him as I shed another tear.
“You promise you wanna marry me?” I asked.
“Yes of course Angela. I didn’t feel obligated. And it’s a good day, so why not get engaged too?” Steve asked.
“And it wasn’t corny that I proposed?” I asked.
“No, of course not. I would probably preferred that I proposed because that’s how it normally happens, but I’m still happy to marry my sister,” Steve replied.
Then I took off his shirt. I got him half naked and he picked me up so I was at his level.
“Now I can kiss you as much as I want without leaning up,” I said.
“That’s the idea,” Steve replied.
“Smart ass,” I said.
Then we started making out. I wrapped my arms around him. Then I just thought about my boobs getting bigger and bigger as the pregnancy got further and further. Then soon enough I had to break the kiss and ask him.
“I’m not too heavy now considering you are carrying both me and the baby?” I asked.
Then he chuckled a little.
“Even with the baby you are light. But right now, you still can’t tell you are pregnant. So, I think I’ll be OK picking you up for a little while yet,” Steve said.
“And I’m gonna say sorry in advance, when I’m really along and just not up to having sex,” I replied.
“Well all the more reason to have sex now,” Steve said.
“I will still be able to give you blow jobs. You love my blow jobs right?” I asked.
“Yes, I love them. I don’t mean this to sound bad, but you are a blow job queen in my book,” Steve replied.
“Why would that sound bad? You are the only one I’ve given a blow job to. But can I ask you something first?” I asked.
“No,” Steve replied.
“Please don’t worry about hurting my feelings all the time. I know what you meant. I also know a comment like that could be taken out of context too. So don’t worry about it. You are not gonna lose me over something like that,” I said.
“OK Angela, I hear you,” Steve replied.
Then he put me down and I got on my knees right in front of him. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. His flung a little as I pulled them down as well. It was already hard as a rock.
“That could be a reason why I love you so much. Damn, you got a big dick big brother,” I said.
Then I took his massive dick in my mouth. I started sucking on it slowly, he liked me to start slowly and pick up some speed. He put his hands on his hips for some reason. Then I stopped for a minute.
“Why did you put your hands on your hips?” I asked.
“Well, I put them on your hands sometimes, I just liked putting them on my hips as you gave me a wonderful blow job,” Steve replied.
“Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but to me anyway, it just looks weird. Most women put their hands on their hips,” I said.
“Are you saying I look feminine with my hands on my hips?” Steve asked.
“Maybe,” I replied.
Then he put his hands onto my head and had me get back to giving him a great blow job. Then I started sucking on his cock relentlessly. He really started breathing in and out heavily. As if it was just a matter of seconds before he was gonna shoot his load at any second. But I didn’t care if he was, I just wanted to suck on his dick as if it was breakfast, lunch and dinner. He kept his hands on my head and made me take even more of his huge dick. I went so far back, I almost started putting it down my throat. And that made me a little uncomfortable, so I had to stop and take a short break.
“What, did I push you too far back?” Steve asked.
“A little, but I’m OK. You got a really big dick, and my mouth is a little small. Remember you are bigger than me,” I replied.
“I know, sometimes I forget. But you are sure that you are OK?” Steve asked.
“Steve, I wouldn’t lie to you. I just can’t go that far back on your dick, that’s all,” I replied.
“Can I have a kiss first?” Steve asked.
“You don’t mind kissing me right after I sucked on your dick?” I asked.
“It’s OK. I’ve kissed you after I licked your pussy,” Steve replied.
Then I stood up and kissed him for about 5 seconds. He really didn’t seem to mind kissing me. Then I got back down on my knees and started blowing him yet again. I went down as far as I could. He still really liked it. He let out some moans as well as I started going back and fourth rather quickly.
“Oh shit, keep going back and fourth just like that Angela. Now you let your brother know how much you love him,” Steve said.
I did show him. I sucked on his cock very passionately for like 10 minutes straight. I didn’t plan on just having oral sex, especially when we were celebrating me getting pregnant. But neither one of us really seemed to mind, just loved having sex together. As I began making the slurping sounds as I sucked on his dick, he really started moaning.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck sis, I’m gonna cum,” Steve said.
Then I backed off a little and stuck my tongue out. And he shot his load all over my face and not just my tongue.
“Wow Steve, that dick is like a cum fountain,” I said as I stood up.
“I know sorry I didn’t know I’d cum that much,” Steve replied.
“Sorry for what. You came on your fiancĂ©, not someone else. So it’s OK to cum on your wife. So don’t be sorry,” I said.
“Well, let me go down on you, maybe you’ll get an orgasm, that sound good?” Steve asked.
“I thought you’d never ask,” I replied just before I kissed him with his cum on my face.
Via: https://www.lushstories.com/stories/incest-fantasy/please-dont-walk-away-5